The expert told how to avoid drying out of the skin in the fall
In autumn, the skin often suffers from dehydration due to dry air, the use of hot water and due to the operation of heating devices. Dry skin looks dull and uncomfortable due to tightness.
Diane Akkers specializes in skin care, and told how to solve the problem of dry skin quickly, and most importantly, effectively.

Lots of liquids and fats
In the autumn-winter period, dry skin is a real problem for many women, but if you make it a rule to drink a lot of water (we are talking about water, not any liquid. Each person has his own water norm per day, depending on his weight) and regularly eat proteins and fats, the problem will be solved.
"Symptoms confirming that you are faced with a problem of dry skin: tightness, flaking, itching, gray complexion and fine lines of wrinkles," - says the expert.
If a woman has all these points, she should adjust her lifestyle: take a shower less often (about 10 minutes a day, the water should be warm), cleanse her face with a mild product before bedtime and regularly moisturize the skin.
Ideal composition: tonic + serum + cream. The expert believes that if you run the problem, eczema can occur.