No kids under 30 and no bras: interesting facts about French women
When we hear the word “Frenchwoman,” we immediately face the image of an elegant lady in a black little dress and with her hair pulled back - she smells of perfume and she knows all about good manners. However, modern French women destroy all stereotypes.

In France, it is indecent to ask women questions about why they are still not married and when they plan to have children. Many may be surprised, but in France it is the norm for women to get married after 40-50 years.
Lack of cosmetics
In everyday life, French women do not use cosmetics, preferring skin care products. You are unlikely to find a girl in France painting her lips on public transport; rather, she will apply cream on her face.
French women never show wealth - this is a sign of bad taste. Even if a woman has a huge fortune, it is unlikely that she will dress only in boutiques of famous brands, however, on her wrist, she can flaunt a small bracelet worth millions.
No children under 30
In Russia, people are used to having children “the sooner the better,” in France everything is different. The average age of a child's birth here is 30 years. In this country, it is believed that before this age people are too young to raise children. In addition, if someone here has children at the age of 20, it will shock everyone.
Bra for work only
French women are not used to wearing bras, and this is considered the norm. Especially girls with small breasts do without it. However, at work, it is customary to wear this element of the wardrobe so as not to embarrass employees.