Not blonde anymore! Christina Aguilera radically changed her image for a new album
Fans of Christina Aguilera are already accustomed to her image of a bright blonde with red lipstick, but the other day the singer surprised even the most loyal fans: in the video "Pa 'Mis Muchachas" she appeared in a leather suit and with fiery red hair.
It is noteworthy that the artist's new album, the first single of which is the song, was recorded entirely in Spanish - thus, Aguilera wanted to pay tribute to her Latin roots (note that this is the singer's second album in Spanish: in 2000, the then still very young Christina released "Mi Reflejo").

Aguilera is no stranger to reincarnation: during her very long career, she tried on a lot of images and hair colors, being blonde, brunette, red ... and even pink and lavender! The audience liked the next change of image: the artist was bombarded with compliments on social networks.
It is not known if Christina is going to remain red, but judging by the fact that the videos for the singer's new album tell the same story, fans will have to see her in a new way more than once!