Better than people: for the first time in the world, a virtual fashion show was held in Paris
While the world's best designers are thinking about what the fashion of the future will be, it became obvious what the models of the future will be... Instead of living female models, whose services are expensive for fashion houses, virtual models will appear on the catwalks.
The world's first virtual fashion show took place yesterday in Paris. It was presented by the creative duo Trashy Muse. Crypto models walked the catwalk in latex bodysuits at Spring / Summer 2020 Fashion Week, and are now set to be released in more suits and dresses at fashion shows in other cities.

Actually, crypto models do not need a podium either - they pace the screen.
The first three crypto-beauties have their own names - Shudu, virtual superman Dagny, influencer Branded Boi. More than 100 people worked on the creation of their images.
The first viewers noted that crypto models look spectacular - when walking, their breasts even sway, which gives them a completely natural and realistic look.
The web has long gathered a whole army of fans. virtual model Lil Miquela... The drawn girl is incredibly popular on Instagram. She even has her own biography - she was born and lives in Los Angeles, loves parties, travels a lot, actively defends the rights of transgender people and blacks, and even writes music herself.

Virtual models were already used by Moschino designers in 2017, but they were not as perfect as modern crypto-beauties.
Now virtual beauties in clothes, which were created by designers especially for them, will have a tour of major world cities.
If the experiment is recognized as successful, then the leading brands in all seriousness may consider replacing some of the live girls-models with virtual ones - it is cheaper, crypto-models do not get sick, do not be capricious, do not quarrel, do not make demands, do not skip rehearsals and fittings, and also do not fall in love, don't go on maternity leave and the most important thing is that they don't age.