60-year-old billionaire's young wife shows cellulite in support of those suffering from crusting
Lena Perminova, 34, is one of the most famous Russian models. She posted on Instagram a photo with which she surprised her subscribers. According to her, this was done in order to support girls who are worried about cellulite.
Perminova is a real beauty: slim and young. She is also a mother of three. The girl regularly monitors her health and works with a private stretching trainer - in a word, she follows the principle "there is no limit to perfection."

Hated crust
Looking at Elena, it is difficult to imagine that somewhere she may have a "flaw" in her appearance, however, she is, and the model clearly demonstrated it. She took a photo by the pool, where it is clearly visible that she has that hateful crust on her thighs.
“I dedicate this post to everyone who has orange peel complexes. Whatever the angle and light, let there be less complexes and more self-love, girls, ”the model addressed to the subscribers.
In the comments, a heated discussion began: some accused the model that before that she had always used Photoshop, while others began to intercede for her, explaining that cellulite manifests itself if you squeeze it a little, which Elena did in the picture.

The comments were different: "Lena, fire!" "Strongly!" "Now prove that cellulite is real", "You are incredible." Lena also said that every woman has cellulite, and this is not a reason to become overgrown with complexes and stop loving yourself.