Don't get illusions: 5 myths about life in 40
All ages have pluses and their nuances, but among some women, delusions hold tight, from which it is time to get rid of! What are these delusions? Let's find out further.

"10 years younger"
Usually this illusion accompanies women under 40, but it can occur earlier. We are all used to listening to our friends, but it is clear that they will not say bad things! “You really look like a girl,” - that sounded from the lips of a friend does not mean at all that this is so.
If you are asked for a passport when you buy alcohol, do not flatter yourself. It's not that you look younger; salespeople ask everyone whose age is difficult to determine.
"Extra pounds don't spoil me"
It should be understood that appearance is a bonus, a pleasant addition to the soul, and not vice versa. It does not affect your qualities in any way. You can be a very valuable and attractive woman when you are older and overweight. But we must admit that being overweight does not adorn anyone. It worsens health and adds age.
"Men don't notice anything"
For some reason, women believe that men do not notice anything in their appearance. Perhaps, if you have been living with your spouse for more than 20 years, he really will not notice much the difference in changes in appearance, but a stranger will notice everything: your excess weight, and your age and manner of dressing tasteless.
It is worth understanding that you can be loved for who you are - there is no need to chase the latest trends and try to rejuvenate.
"This will suit me"
When a woman is trying to rejuvenate, provocative outfits are used, she focuses on her sexuality. But look at how Hollywood actresses under 40 walk in ordinary life - they wear loose clothes: a sweatshirt, sneakers, and an unpainted face with wrinkles peeps out from under the cap. The main thing is convenience.
Covering your body with clothes is vulgar and a sign of bad taste at the age of 40.