Clothes will send a warning about the danger - a constructor for smart clothes has been created in Russia
We will be receiving alerts on your mobile phone soon from your own clothes... She will warn if we start to sweat, inform that the air contains excessive radiation or contains harmful and dangerous substances. It is possible that clothes will also remind us of washing and ironing. This is not a fantasy film script, or an idea for a future bestselling book, but the most real reality.
At the Science Fest, held in St. Petersburg, Fashion Quant demonstrated a new set of technologies created by it in the field of fashion, light industry and the creation of fashiontech startups.

The Russian-created designer for smart clothes, which will communicate with us through notifications, is designed to create 7-10 wardrobe items with built-in electronics. How it works?
If you embed a posture sensor in a blouse or dress, then the clothes will begin to tirelessly monitor whether you are slouching. If you have forgotten and stooped, she will immediately notify you through the application on your mobile phone about this outrageous fact.

A gas detector in jeans or a suit will evaluate air pollution around you... If it shows signs of excess hazardous substances, jeans or a suit will immediately notify the owner of this by a message. With such a sensor, clothes become unusually smart - they are able to recognize combustion products, heavy metals, several poisonous gases.

There is a radiation sensor, and also temperature sensors... If you sweat and overheat, your clothes will certainly require a message so that you reduce the load and rest, ventilate and cool down in the truest sense of the word.

Next year, the second designer will be released, scientists plan to include new sensors, flexible and invisible, that can be easily sewn into clothes.It is also planned to release smart fabrics that themselves will collect, analyze and transfer all the necessary data to the owner.
The question of creating a fabric that can be disposed of and get a new one at the exit is being considered. And just imagine what opportunities will it give to women of fashion!