They are also shy about something: what are famous and rich women afraid of?
We routinely look at famous persons as standards. They seem so beautiful, stylish, self-confident that I just want to take an equal with them.
At the same time the stars themselves suffer from fears, complexes no less than any of us, which is periodically reported to the world, but few people hear them. Well, who would believe a slender actress that her main complex is belly or buttocks fat! Indeed, on the scale of most fans, her fat is not fat at all, but sheer nonsense. Nevertheless, everyone has fears, and this is generally normal if you know how to properly overcome them.
If you have complexes, take a look at the fears of famous women. Maybe this will suggest a way to deal with your own.

Scarlett Johansson
By nature, the American actress has an outstanding appearance. She is slim, pretty, has memorable features. But for all the external harmony, Scarlett is still worried that her forms do not fit Hollywood standards.
Once she was told this by agents of Hollywood, who refused to film the girl. Glory came, but the complex is firmly "stuck" in the head. Scarlett counts her legs crooked, and therefore rarely, of his own free will, in an off-screen life, he flaunts them.

Nicole Kidman
The blonde Australian-American actress, admired by millions of fans around the world, does not love herself at all.
She hates her thinness, considering it painful and pathological, does not like pallor of your skin, freckles, naturally red hair and even the shape of the nose. Claims that all this makes her special, noticeable and outstanding, Nicole does not reassure. She continues to dye her hair off-screen and use toner liberally to hide her pallor.

Angelina Jolie
This actress has two bright accents in her appearance - prominent cheekbones and naturally plump lips... Such people dream of having almost everything, and therefore many are ready to pay off a fortune so that plastic surgeons can create the same thing for them, "like Jolie's." But Jolie herself hates her lips and cheekbones.
Earlier, young Jolie was more than once caught on the fact that she deliberately purses her lips and puffs out her cheeks in the photo to make them seem different. Now the standards of beauty are on the side of the actress, but from time to time she still habitually bites his lips to make them seem smaller.

Cameron Diaz
The blonde beauty with a chiseled figure and slender features is a role model for many. But Diaz herself suffered for many years due to the fact that she considered her breasts to be too small.
The complex has survived today. And together with him, from adolescence, he migrated into adulthood, and another one - problem skin... Diaz has said more than once that she is very worried that pimples and traces of them will be visible in the photo.

Lindsey Lohan
Linxi's greatest fear and complex is her unique freckles and red hair... As a child, the girl was often teased because of them.
Today we can safely say that freckles and red hair are Lohan's business cards, but this does not convince her at all. In real life, outside of filming, she does her best to hide them. Cosmetologist Lindsay once admitted to reporters that Lohan spends large sums every month on products that whiten the skin and reduce the intensity of the color of freckles. She believes that one day she will come across such cosmetics, which once and for all will be able to get rid of her freckles.