From cinema to fashion - one step: what films taught women to wear pants and T-shirts
It just so happens that on the set of a film, the image of movie characters is not always thought out to the smallest detail by professional stylists. Sometimes a random thing, bought for a penny at the nearest thrift store, does the incredible - forms an image, and then fashion begins to change.
Often, new wardrobe items enter our lives only after they have been shown in some sensational box-office movie.
Clothing designers very quickly borrow the idea from the screen, and now a new collection is ready, in which, if you look closely, you can find something painfully familiar.
Experts from the Moscow School of Cinema decided to ask what films had a radical impact on fashion and what things have appeared in our wardrobe after the premieres.
Wide-shouldered jacket
The fact that such a jacket went to the masses, we all owe the picture Letty Lintonfilmed in the United States in 1932. At that time, costume designers did not “bother” too much, they paid attention only to female images. The actors themselves had to worry about the men.
Joan Crawford, who played the main role in this picture, shocked the designers - she had a strange figure, her shoulders were wider than her hips. The artists thought and made dresses especially for her with a wide shoulder line - this is how the V-silhouette appeared, which quickly became a cult, and still has not lost its relevance.

Hat with trench coat
We all owe this duo to the film. "Casablanca"filmed in the United States in 1942. In those days, such raincoats were mainly worn only by police officers and special agents. The appearance of Humphrey Bogart in such an outfit combined with a hat made a splash. Then the image was copied more than once - on the streets and on screens.
Smoktunovsky "Watch out for the car"Harrison Ford Indiana Jones"- these are the echoes of that very fashion.

T-shirt and bad guys
We owe the popular T-shirt to the film "Savage"filmed in the United States in 1953. Marlon Brando appeared in a leather jacket, a cap, glasses and rode a motorcycle, firmly creating in the minds of generations the very image of bad guys and bad girls. The fashion was quickly adopted not only by convinced bikers.
Previously, it was customary to wear a T-shirt exclusively under a shirt, and Brando appeared shirtless and shocked everyone, because a T-shirt was considered underwear in those days.

Peignoirs with feathers
This thing came to our wardrobe after the movie. "Last year in Marienbad", filmed in France in 1961. In this picture, the fashion industry spared no effort, many of the ideas of movie characters later became the basis of clothing collections. The costume designer for the film was Coco Chanel herself. She, like a bird in a cage, in a peignoir with feathers rushes between her husband and lover.

Turban and cast-offs
The fashion for the combination of the incompatible went to the people after the premiere of the documentary "Gray Gardens"filmed in the United States in 1975. The main characters are a mother and daughter, who were previously wealthy, but then became beggars. Women come up with incredible clothes from scarves, rags, cover the bald spot on their heads with turbans, chipped with a brooch.
Layers and combinations of small details are echoes of the movie that made a splash in the fashion world.

Women's trousers with arrows
We owe these clothes to the painting Annie Hallfilmed in the USA in 1977. The heroine copied the image of Woody Allen. It should have looked funny and ironic, but for some reason the ladies really liked it. It was after this picture that they began to sew trousers with arrows and suits for women, which are very similar to men.