"Do not recognize!": Fans hardly recognized the rejuvenated Laima Vaikule
Laima Vaikule is one of the brightest Russian pop stars, and another of those women whose age is difficult to guess. It seems that with age, the singer only looks prettier.
It's hard to believe, but Laima Vaikula is 66 years old. The woman does not look at her age at all and looks very dignified at the same time.

Great labors to slow down the natural passage of time
Of course, Laima Vaikule does not let everything go by itself - she works hard to look so good. She completely gave up meat (became a vegetarian) and periodically practices complete starvation.
In an interview, the singer admitted that restricting her diet helped her to improve her health after cancer.
Along with her health, the singer does not forget about her appearance. This year, she flashed in a new image, as if by chance, recording a video greeting to fans for the New Year holidays. Fans immediately reacted to her appeal, and, of course, noted her youthful appearance.