Unbuttoned shorts and protruding tongue: Polina Gagarina surprised fans with her look
Polina Gagarina devotes a lot of time to self-care. All her outfits are flawless. But the stars get tired too. The singer allowed herself to relax, so much so that the fans did not immediately recognize her in the photo!

A very strange video from Yalta
Lately, the Internet has often discussed the thinness of Polina Gagarina - once she was curvy, and now, according to fans, is almost "transparent".
Now the singer is on tour in Yalta, from where she posted a very strange video on Instagram ... It is unlikely that anyone could recognize Gagarina while walking by.
The singer sits with unbuttoned shorts, bangs fell on her face, and she hums something. She signed the video: “A new hit is coming soon. We memorize new words. "

As soon as Gagarina posted a strange video, comments from subscribers immediately rained down: "Polina, you have never stooped to this before!" "Some horror", "The face has changed", "Always look like a lady, and here it is!"
Perhaps the artist is simply overworked. She's a living person and doesn't always have to look like a lady and smile.