Call for luck: Feng Shui items everyone should have in their home
Even if you are skeptical about Chinese philosophy and its principles, we will not be superfluous to have items that attract good luck in the house.

Experts believe that to attract good luck, it is important to surround yourself with the right things in the house. And, of course, do not forget that you need to look at life with a positive!
Aromatic items
Smells have a big impact on our life and mood.... Agree, the smell of oranges evokes one mood, and the aroma of coffee another?
Smells can set the right mood and bring about change. Use whichever scented essential oils or candles you like best.
Light embodies the element of fire and radiates vital energy. If the house has few windows and dim lighting, take extra care.
Rely on round-shaped lamps. In addition, multi-level lighting is trending now.
You need to be careful with plants, because some of them are harmful to the body. However, in general, plants have a beneficial effect on the mood and energy of the space.
Place flower pots away from where you sleepsince decay processes always take place in the flower soil.
Things that are laid out in their places attract well-being and health to the house. It is not just that they say that from time to time you need to do a disassembly and get rid of those things that cause negative emotions.
In order not to lose anything, use organizers... They are comfortable and stylish.
Since ancient times, this piece of furniture has been attributed to mystical features - what we believe in matters a lot.
According to the rules of feng shui, the mirror must be placed where it will not reflect the door or window, otherwise the Qi energy (life force) will not enter the room.