Lovely plump women: lingerie brand staged a body-positive session and encouraged plump ladies to boost their self-esteem
World famous British brand of lingerie for women Ivory Rose has created a new collection. The most ordinary women were invited to show it in all its glory, many of whom are embarrassed and shy of their forms.
But the essence of the campaign is precisely to to show not model "mosles", but the most real female body, of which there are much more in the world than model parameters.

Women of different ages, with different types of figures were selected for the photo session. Nobody even looked at the weight, the presence of cellulite. The main condition was the absence of retouching in the photo. They did not embellish anything.
The brand also does not position its items as "masking" body flaws. They don't mask anything. Everything is as it is.
It turned out that lacy lingerie sets from Ivory Rose not only fit perfectly on any figure, making their owner attractive, but also effective. increase the self-esteem of ladies.
Participants of the action confirmed that they left the photographer in high spirits, confident in their feminine charm, although they came to the shooting, drooping and squeezed.

Many women noted that the most important thing with a problem figure is to overcome stereotypes and try to accept and love your body as it is.
The founders of the lingerie brand also took part in the filming - 27-year-old Frankie Mason and 28-year-old Amy Lo. Both women are curvy and the girls decided to manufacture lingerie for women like themselves when they accidentally saw the results of a YouGov social survey.
They showed that about 58% of very young girls (17-19 years old) are ashamed of their body and feel uncomfortable in it.

This so amazed Amy and Frankie that they decided to do everything in their power to women and girls stopped striving for the standards of beauty imposed by someone who did not understand and realized that it was they who were beautiful, moreover, here and now.
Earlier, a similar action was carried out by the Russian lingerie brand My Dear Petra, which also demonstrated some panties and bras using models of non-standard model appearance.
The designers did not use filters and retouching in the processing of photographs, showing the female figures as they really are.