Principles All Lucky People Follow
If you have thoughts that everything in life is going awry, maybe it's time to change something? Good things in life begin to happen only when you are ready for it, and luck follows those who do not lose heart.
Let's find out what principles successful people follow in order to learn from them to attract success.

New opportunities
Psychologist Richard Wiseman conducted an interesting experiment. He gathered a group of people - some considered themselves lucky, while others were unlucky. The psychologist handed them newspapers and asked them to count the photographs on the pages. For the unlucky ones, this task turned out to be difficult - they searched for photographs for several minutes, and the lucky ones found them in a matter of seconds.
The bottom line is that the newspaper had a hint: "There are 43 photos!" And the lucky people willingly used it, while the unlucky either did not see it or did not want to believe in it. People who have achieved success in life are not at all the favorites of the Universe, they just use every opportunity to realize their goals.
Luck in failure
Each of us experiences setbacks in our lives, but famous speakers do not advise us to perceive them that way. Any failure is a new opportunity. Got fired? This means you will have time to find yourself, and who knows, maybe you will find a better paid job? Look for the pros in everything and don't berate yourself for failing.
New and interesting
Psychologists have long noticed that when we study something unfamiliar, new neural networks begin to form in our brain. This leads to the fact that we begin to think more broadly. Take up learning French or master the board game Go - in addition to getting positive emotions, you will also see new possibilities!
I do the opposite.