Psychologists were able to determine the character of a woman by the shape of her legs
Psychologists were able to identify the relationship between the shape of a woman's legs and her character. They believe that this external characteristic can also inform how a woman will behave in building a romantic relationship, and therefore their recommendations are more intended for men.

Women's legs were proposed to be conditionally divided into 4 types. You can determine the type when the woman is standing upright.
1. Legs close tightly between the ankles and the middle of the calves - a woman does not claim either leadership or righteousness. This is a gentle, compliant, vulnerable nature, with which men will be easy and not burdensome. In some places, such a lady can be infantilebut in general this option is most preferable to create a marriage.

2. Legs "wheel" - This is a form in which the contact of the legs occurs only at the ankles. These women are incredibly active, proactive and open-minded. They are bold, funny, always open to new and unknown.
They often take on leadership, and therefore their needs to dominate may not be too comfortable for men. Experts advised the owners of such legs learn to control your leadership habits, and to the men who are next to them, they recommended that they pay attention to the fact that they will not be so interesting and exciting with anyone else.

3. The third type was called the legs, which are tightly adjacent throughout the entire area with the exception of the shins. These are light, affectionate, gentle women who perfectly combine an agreeable disposition with a large supply of energy.
If necessary, they can be silent and smile mysteriously, if necessary, they will take the reins in their gentle hands and decide everything as it should. Such women make excellent marriages on conditions of equality. It does not occur to them to drag the blanket over themselves, but they cannot be called weak either.

4. The fourth type is the most common.With him, the legs of the owner of the fair sex do not touch in any place along the entire length. These are women who do not like to be proactive, but in general they are quite natural in a relationship.
Their great advantage is the ability to be genuinely interested in the affairs and spheres of activity of their partner; they are able to support his undertakings and ideas. These are the girls and women that give men confidence.

Psychologists have been worried about the connection between female forms and characters for more than a decade. Earlier, Oxford experts found a connection between the length of a lady's index finger and her tendency to cheat. They concluded that the owner of long index fingers has more estrogen in the body, and, therefore, is more prone to adultery.