Russian student launched a line of funny hats for harsh everyday life
Student of Novosibirsk Medical University, 22-year-old Ksenia Ushakova introduced the fashion for funny hats for doctors and nurses. Now a whole line of doctors has lined up to her, who want to wear just such hats.
Ushakova's hats are especially popular among employees of children's hospitals and clinics. Hats with owls, foxes, chickens and other funny and bright prints, according to doctors, effectively distract the attention of little patients from the upcoming painful procedures.
While the child looks with surprise at the doctor in the hat with the gnomes, the specialist manages to take blood from him or give him an injection.

The girl could not choose a hat for herself, went around all the stores, but the hospital fashion did not please her with anything special - standard hats do not set up for creativity.
Ksenia knows how to sew since childhood, and therefore she decided create a hat for yourself... Her appearance in an unusual and funny headdress raised the spirits of first classmates and university teachers, and then the doctors began to ask her to sew something similar for them.
So the girl was able to launch her line - Funky cap... And today Ksenia and her friends who agreed to help her sew not only hats, but also decorate robes, make badges in the shape of hearts and stethoscopes, brooches in the shape of a tooth for dentists, and scalpel badges for surgeons.

Such small liberties in the form of clothing do not in the least violate the charter of a hospital or clinic, experts from the Ministry of Health say. And if these pleasant little things cheer up both doctors and patients, then why not wear them.
Ksenia sews all things by hand, the production has not yet been established. Her hats are sewn according to individual measurements, each takes into account the doctor's desire for a print - some need funny animals, while others want Betman to fly on the cap or Spider-Man sit. It is noteworthy that the cost of the products is also low - about 300 rubles.
In addition to sewing, Ksenia is engaged in modeling business and studies at the pediatric faculty. Soon she will become a children's doctor.