Nutritionist named ways to whiten teeth at home
You probably know that some foods whiten the skin. But there are also those that can whiten teeth, but an important rule is the regularity of the procedures.

Some people use a product for only a week, and then they wonder: "Why has nothing changed?"
It is important to maintain regularity and get rid of habits that prevent you from achieving your goal. In our case, this is smoking and excessive consumption of coffee.
Teeth whitening foods and vegetables
Nutritionist Anna Belousova told what products can whiten teeth. For example, carrots and celery whiten enamel by mechanically removing plaque, in addition, these vegetables make the gums stronger, which improves the condition of the entire oral cavity.
She also named pineapple and papaya. According to the nutritionist, people who often consume these fruits have whiter teeth than others. They also kill bacteria. At the same time, Belousova advised not to neglect modern teeth whitening services - they give a more pronounced and quick effect.