To stand, to be afraid: the image of Russian police officers inspired a Georgian designer to create an unusual collection
Who would have thought that the uniform of the Russian police, being stingy and mocking in emotions, would be so attractive to a couturier? But the fact remains - Paris saw a strange and unusual collection of clothes, which was brought to the capital of France for the Paris Fashion Week by a designer from Georgia.

Girls and boys walked the runway in clothes that immediately reminded everyone of the uniform of Russian law enforcement officers... And it could have become a scandal, but it did not. The reason is trivial - against the backdrop of mass protests taking place in Tbilisi subtle evocative squeak of fashion and a particular fashion designer went almost unnoticed.
And only fashion experts were surprised to note that there is certainly “something” in the uniform of the Russian police.
The show of the collection was called shocking and in some places absurd.
The form of Russian law enforcement officers has not changed for many decades. The last change in the “trend” in the uniform of police officers took place in 2011, when the law “On Police” was passed, and the police officers themselves became police officers.