How to make your workspace more comfortable: useful things for those who work at home or in the office
If every day you have to sit at a table and work at a computer for a long time, it will not hurt to buy things that will give you comfort. Many have already appreciated their benefits - these things are available to you too!

Things that bring comfort at the desk
Box for wires and cables

Wires and cables are a common cause of irritation. They are always confused and just get in the way. But the problem can be solved - get a special box in which wires and cables will be stored.
Wall organizer

If you are constantly short on space on your desk, use a wall organizer. You can attach a glass with pens and pencils, photographs and other little things to it. Also, hang pictures of what you want (or a map of desires) on the organizer - so, mentally imagining the fulfillment of your desires, your mood will remain good.
Foot hammock

This hammock is attached to the table and provides comfort for the legs. Perfect for those who spend a lot of time at the table. He is able to relax your legs and give them the desired rest.
Mug heater

Do you prefer to refresh yourself with hot coffee or tea from time to time, but the drink cools down quickly? Purchase a USB heater. With it, your drink will always stay hot. Choose trusted manufacturers, good stands, for example, are available from Xiaomi.
Neck massager

From sitting at the table for a long time, pains appear in the back and neck. How can this be fixed? Of course, use a massager! You are provided with pleasant sensations and relaxation. With it, you will definitely forget about the pain.