Vera Brezhneva shared an unusual way of rejuvenation and beauty
Vera Brezhneva, 37 amazes fans with its youth and freshness. And it seems that the years do not change her at all, and there are no extra pounds, and a slender figure is always fit, light, and there is no hint of wrinkles. Despite the age that is considered "elderly" in the modeling business,
Vera was invited to participate in Paris Fashion Week, which took place at the end of winter. Her appearance on the podium was greeted with delight by both spectators and critics.

Vera retains the unofficial status of a Russian sex symbol and does not intend to share this leadership with anyone. The question is quite natural, at what cost Brezhneva manages to maintain such a form. And the singer herself decided to share her secrets with the fans.

It turned out that Brezhnev does not make "beauty injections", does not visit the plastic surgeon's office, she generally opposes such manipulations. Instead, Vera found an unusual way to rejuvenate.
On her neck, fans noticed an iodine mesh several times. And when she was asked directly what all this means, Brezhneva explained that these are teips.

This Asian invention was originally only used in professional sports.... With special plasters, the athletes fixed the desired muscles, again in the right position. This made it possible to achieve more efficient and faster strengthening and pumping.
Now teips have migrated to cosmetology and are used by beauties for the same, but only with the aim of preventing mimic wrinkles. Modern cosmetic tapes are impregnated hyaluronic acid and peptides.

Brezhnev started from the neck - it is this part of the body in women that is one of the first to age, inevitably dragging along both the oval of the face and the facial muscles. Vera does not hesitate to appear in public in teips, she does not consider it necessary to hide them under clothes.In the desire to preserve youth and beauty, the singer believes, there is nothing shameful.