5 makeup tips for women who wear glasses
Women wear glasses and it is stylish, fashionable and completely natural. But the presence of optical devices always focuses the attention of others on the face, and therefore make-up should be treated with special attention. Makeup artists decided to give some advice to those who wear glasses. They will help to prevent "failure" in the creation of the image.

1. Consider the frame color
If the frame of the glasses is bright or colored, shadows don't have to match it... It is better to choose neutral shades, but lipstick can be chosen bright. Of course, as far as skin tone and hair color will allow. If the frame is green, then the lipstick can be crimson, and if the frame of the eyepieces is blue, then the lipstick can be chosen with a pronounced golden tint. It is very important that the color of the frame and lipstick were in harmony with each other.

2. The foundation must be durable
Glasses on their own can ruin a hard-to-create perfect makeup. During the day, you repeatedly correct them, the frame rubs against the skin. It is reasonable to assume that it is not worth saving on the basis - the more persistent the foundation, the better.
Among other things, glasses enhance the shadows under the eyes, and therefore experts advise applying a lighter concealer to this area.

3. Blush should be applied to the apples of the cheeks
The presence of glasses focuses people's attention on the central part of the face. Therefore, the blush must be applied to the apples of the cheeks. This will accentuate the overall shape of the face. The right place is easy to determine - smile. The most protruding parts of the cheeks in a smile are those same apples. For blush, choose the part close to the ears.

4. Give your eyebrows more volume
It is better to leave them in their natural form, do not pluck them. Otherwise it will look pathetic, as in parodies of evil "teachers". Additional volume of the eyebrows will be obtained if you use a pencil and a small amount of highlighter for this.

5.Paint your eyelashes thoroughly
It is especially important to comply with this requirement for women who suffer from myopia. The presence of lenses changes the visual perception of your eyes by those around you. And only careful attention to the lash line will help to make the eyes expressive. It is necessary to give it not only to the upper, but also to the lower eyelashes.