It's all about the dress: how the legendary flowing dress of Marilyn Monroe divorced her from her husband
In the first days of August, the world traditionally remembers one of the most beautiful women in history - Marilyn Monroe... She passed away on August 5, 1962. She was only 36 years old. Norma Jean Baker's body was found in her own home. The official cause of death was an overdose of barbiturates.
When you hear the name Monroe, for some reason a smiling blonde arises in your memory, who is standing on the grill of the ventilation shaft. She diligently holds the hem of the dress, and the wind from below tries to lift it above her head. It was this legendary dress that played an important role in the life of the actress.

Marilyn played brilliant and not so great roles in three dozen films, but for some reason everyone remembered this image, which the actress created in the film “The Seven Year Itch”. It was he who was later called the iconic image of the entire past century.
Monroe's dress has been called one of the most famous in history. And it was in this image in the same white dress that the beauty of Marilyn was immortalized by sculptors, creating a monument that now stands in Palm Springs.

Few people know that a white dress with a treacherously flying up hem played a huge role in the life of the actress. According to the picture, in this scene Monroe played a charming blonde, a model, whom a book publisher meets when his wife and children go out of town on vacation.
The dress, as conceived by the director, was supposed to rise after the heroine heard the sound of a subway train under the sidewalk during an evening walk with a new boyfriend. And at first they really honestly tried to shoot on the street, but Monroe in a fluttering dress attracted so many onlookers who emotionally whistled and clapped at the sight of the actress's white panties that they decided to postpone the shooting for the night.
However, well after midnight, the stage gathered a lot of spectators., and therefore reshoot the episode in the pavilion of the 20th Century Fox studio.

The author of the white dress was a designer William Travilla... It is a mistake to think that the dress was white, it was actually ivory. For some time it was believed that the designer decided to save time and money and did not draw a dress for the actress, but simply bought a ready-made one, but Travilla categorically denied these speculations.
The fluttering dress scene delighted everyone - from the members of the film crew to the audience, but the actress's husband is a basketball player Joe DiMaggio was incredibly confused, he accused his wife of shamelessly exposing her body. The scandal that the basketball player gave to the beautiful wife became decisive, and after it the couple broke up.

After the tragic death of the beautiful Marilyn, the 20th Century Fox film studio organized an auction in 1971, at which many of the actress's belongings went under the hammer. Among the lots was an ivory dress. Debbie Reynolds bought it, and later the outfit ended up in the Hollywood Film Museum.
The legendary and tragic dress got to the next auction in 2011. Experts tentatively estimated it at $ 1-2 million. In reality, an unknown buyer purchased Monroe's outfit for 4.6 million dollars and paid a million more commissions on top of this amount.