The second life of old things: the popularity of the exchange of things is growing in Russia
Long gone in the past returns to Russia the practice of sharing old things... Swap meetings are being held with increasing frequency, supported by an increasing number of people who advocate conscious consumption. The bottom line is that every thing has the right to a second life, and your old skirt may be the ultimate dream for someone. People exchange things that they no longer need.
Most often, swap are united by topic, for example, today they exchange only sportswear and shoes, and tomorrow - evening dresses and shoes. Meetings where children’s things are exchanged are very popular - babies grow up quickly, and purchased items of clothing and shoes quickly cease to be needed.

Sale and additional payment are not provided, in fact, there is no money in this transaction at all. It's just that one person offers an unnecessary thing, and the other takes it if he thinks that it can be useful to him.
Conscious consumption implies a reduction in the amount of new clothes and shoes bought, as statistics show how much the fashion industry affects the state of nature. Consumption is on the rise, and over the past 15 years, people have bought 60% more clothing. This leads to an increase in the amount of non-degradable textile waste.
Environmental experts are confident that the critical situation will become very soon - by 2025.
Members of the swap communities are confident that by exchanging things, they are contributing to the preservation of the planet's climate.

To start participating in swap, you need honest approach... Things should be good, solid, high quality. Trying to disguise and hide the flaws is not worth it, if this is caught, the participant will be excluded from the project.
The pages of all swaps are presented on social networks, and if you wish, you can find one that is carried out in your region.There are only online swaps or projects in which participants meet in reality, communicate and find not only unique things at no cost, but also new friends and like-minded people.