Star beauties with an ugly smile
It would seem, how can a girl be considered beautiful and at the same time be the owner of an ugly smile? It happens!

Many celebrities know a lot about snow-white and even teeth, and are ready to spend a lot of money to achieve a Hollywood smile. But nature has not given everyone a beautiful grin. Let's find out who is less fortunate.
Kirsten Dunst

At the age of 12, Kirsten Dunst starred in the legendary thriller Interview with the Vampire. Unlike her colleagues, she did not have to wear vampire fangs - she had her own. To this day, this smile is the actress's calling card, her highlight. Many invited her to visit the dentist, but the actress refused.
Kate moss

Unlike other celebrities, Kate Moss is sure - a smile is not everything. Imperfect teeth and an ugly grin did not prevent her from taking the top of the fashion pedestal. Is it possible that Kate Moss was just lucky? She was at the right time and in the right place - among those who noticed her zest.
Keira Knightley

Mrs. Knightley never wanted to enlarge her bust and correct her teeth. Being British, Keira Knightley is not a fan of the unnatural Hollywood smile (by the way, the teeth of the British are considered the worst). However, the actress does not hesitate to smile broadly at public events. However, imperfect teeth do not bother her fans or directors.
Victoria Beckham

Since the British actress and fashion designer has an ugly grin, she rarely smiles, which makes it seem like she is always too serious. Despite her smile, far from ideal, Victoria Beckham was able to rise to the top of fame in the 90s, and still remains one of the most sought-after stars.
Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan once had bad teeth due to drug use and smoking - her smile was not white, but yellow. Experts worked on the girl's smile.Now she can smile with all her mouth, but her grin is still far from perfect, although in general Lindsay is a beautiful girl.