The stars who abandoned their parents
Many dream of providing their parents with a carefree old age, but there are also children who are deeply offended by their relatives.

These famous people have a difficult relationship with their parents. Why don't they want to make contacts?
Christine Asmus

Asmus was born into a large family: she has 3 sisters. The actress said that her relatives helped to temper her character, as she always had to beg for attention from her parents. She does not like to discuss the difficult topic of relationships with loved ones for her, but she nevertheless told something.
“The topic of my family is the most painful one. Nobody looked after me. On the one hand, this is good, because I grew up independent, ”Asmus shared.
Despite the fact that Christina Asmus tried to establish contact with her relatives, they themselves do not really want to maintain warm communication.
Ksenia Borodina

Xenia's parents divorced when the girl was 1 year old. The mother married an Italian and left with him. Ksyusha was raised by her grandmother. Father - Kim Amoev, never took care of his daughter and did not even try to establish contact with her.
Ksenia Borodina knows that she has half-brothers and sisters, but the TV presenter has never seen them. According to sources on the Web, Kim Amoev was an approximate of the criminal world of Hassan's grandfather, possibly even his relative.
Nastasya Samburskaya

Nastasya Samburskaya was born in Priozersk. According to the actress, she had a difficult childhood: her father beat her, and her mother never came to the defense. Nastasya had her own problems, typical for all adolescents, but the family did not pay attention to her. At the age of 16, the girl left for Moscow.
Samburskaya has not communicated with her parents since then. She said that once a year they try to contact her, but apart from disgust, this does not cause anything to her.