Nail care

How to grow nails fast?

How to grow nails fast?
  1. Features of the structure of the nail
  2. Factors affecting growth
  3. How to grow quickly?
  4. Products
  5. Drugs
  6. Massage
  7. Masks
  8. Basic rules for care

Beautiful, strong, well-groomed nails are a dream that women can easily realize. And for this you do not have to spend money on salon care. It is enough to follow simple recommendations, and very soon, instead of the short edge of the nail plate, it will be possible to get an aesthetic base of the correct shape - strong and not requiring additional build-up.

How to grow nails quickly without spending too much time or effort on it? Is it possible to strengthen the nail plates, prevent their fragility, and maintain the achieved result? In fact, you can become the owner of beautiful natural nails even in a week. Of course, if you put some effort into this.

Features of the structure of the nail

The nail is the natural protection of the fingers from damage and pathogenic microflora. It is a complex formation of hardened keratin. Its visible part is a plate (like hair), it does not have pain receptors and blood vessels, which allows its surface to be mechanically processed without pain and blood.

The nail grows on average by 1 mm within a week. At the same time, it makes no sense to nourish and moisturize the visible part of the plate, since its structure has already been formed and is unchanged. When growing, the main effect is directed to the root, where important biological processes take place.

In the nail plate there are up to 150 layers of keratinous keratin membrane, supplemented by lipid layers for connecting tissues. About 15% is water, 5% is sulfur, which ensures the strength of the nail, in smaller volumes (about 2% of the total mass) other minerals are present in the composition:

  • zinc;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese.

The root part of the nail is hidden under the skin fold, and is protected by it from external influences. Its scientific name is matrix, and in its structure this element is similar to the hair follicle. It is he who accumulates useful substances and forms the cellular structure of the nail. Accordingly, any means for external use can only visually improve the condition of the nails. But they are completely useless in the long run - they need a systematic approach and intensive matrix nutrition.

Factors affecting growth

Before you start growing your nails, it is worth considering a number of important factors that can affect the course of this process:

  • Standard nail growth rate, according to scientific research, is no more than 2 mm per week. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, a paucity of diet, the presence of hereditary diseases can reduce this indicator.
  • Season and climatic conditions. In the summer, the human body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which stimulates cell growth and has a beneficial effect on the formation of keratin.
  • Pregnancy period. The change in hormonal levels significantly accelerates the growth of hair and nails. During this period, the intake of drugs containing calcium, zinc, Omega-3 acids helps to avoid plate fragility.
  • Salon procedures. One of the most effective means for stimulating nail growth is paraffin therapy. Thanks to the stimulating effect of hot applications in the area of ​​their application, the blood circulation process is accelerated, the tissues are saturated with oxygen.
  • Lack of fat in the body. If the diet does not include foods with fatty acids, then nails will remain brittle and dry even with proper care.
  • Weak natural defense. You can make your own nail plates stronger and stronger by regularly applying clear, colorless varnish or a nourishing oil-based coating that does not require rinsing.

All these factors should be considered before starting to grow nails.

How to grow quickly?

How to grow long and strong nails at home in a short time? To begin with, you need to take into account that it will definitely not work to set a record within 2-3 days. Visible results can be achieved in at least 7-10 days, and it is even more realistic to get them in a month of careful care. Accurate adherence to the rules for caring for them helps to accelerate the growth of nails on the hands.

All homework during the formation of the natural nail plate will have to be done in durable gloves with fingers of sufficient length. For a while, it is worth abandoning the edged manicure, replacing it with a more delicate version with a cuticle displacement with a wooden stick. If the free time to achieve the goal is about a week, it is worth starting to do gelatinous hand baths and massage every day.

If you have 14 days left, you can use special growth activators or stimulating paraffin therapy, hot wraps. They will help you achieve the desired result much faster. If the nail plate is fragile, faded, discolored, covered with grooves and stripes, vitamin prophylaxis should be started. For a while, it is worth giving up bright manicure, traumatic influences. The care procedures alternate. Salt baths are supplemented with iodine compresses, massage with vitamins, lemon masks. This will make it much easier to achieve the desired length.

If there is a month in stock, then just such a period is needed to save even the most sensitive and capricious nails from damage, mechanical delamination, and brittleness. The following reasons can be the reason for intensive recovery and nutrition:

  • a clear slowdown in the growth rate - less than 4 mm per month;
  • the appearance of spots, stripes, grooves, dents or bumps on the surface;
  • color change;
  • lack of healthy shine;
  • stratification of the structure into separate layers.

Any of these symptoms is a reason to switch to salon or home treatments. Intensive mineralization, exposure to fruit acids and sea salt will restore the balance of nutrients in the matrix.

The list of available home remedies for activating nail plate growth is quite varied.

Among the most popular options are:

  • Iodine-salt baths. If the reason for the slow growth of nails is a mineral deficiency, special care will help to fill it. Trays are prepared on the basis of 100 ml of warm water, 4 drops of iodine and 5 grams of sea salt. Hands are immersed in the finished solution so that the mixture completely covers the nail plate. It is necessary to continue the procedure from 20 to 40 minutes. The series of procedures is continued until the iodine begins to stain the nails. This will mean replenishing the micronutrient deficiency in the body.
  • Lemon juice. If your nails are too brittle and break at the tips, this procedure will help fix the problem. The fingertips are dipped into the freshly cut half of the sour fruit. Exposure to acids will help whiten the skin and will have a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the nail. The procedure should be continued for about 20 minutes. Upon completion, the nails are rinsed, the hands are lubricated with a nourishing cream.
  • Herbal baths. To carry out them, you need to prepare a decoction of burdock root, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort (1 tsp per liter of water). The finished composition must be cooled and used as a basis for intensive strengthening of the nail plate. The procedure is carried out regularly: every day for 20-30 minutes. If you have a month left, you can step by step achieve excellent results when growing long natural nails. And the first step will be the introduction of vitamins and minerals into the diet, which help to improve the condition of the nail plate. You should get rid of the bad habit of biting your nails. The nibbled tip of the nail does not decorate the manicure, leading to cracking and damage to the keratin layer.

Another important point is the correct choice of form. For the growing period, it is better to file the nails along natural contours. When choosing manicure accessories, you should give preference to a glass or polymer file with a fine-grained structure. It injures tissue less and is not inferior to a metal file in its characteristics.

Intense nutrition is another important secret to effective nail growth. Glycerin-based products help to preserve moisture and protect the nail plates from drying out. Lactic acid provides gentle care, works as a gentle peeling, and at the same time does not damage surfaces as deeply as acids do.

Vegetable oils - shea tree, grape seed, coconut - have the ability to replenish fat reserves, prevent the fragility and fragility of the nail plate. Regular and proper care will give results. In just a month, it will be possible to form nails of the desired length, accelerating their growth.

How to grow nails in the treatment of fungus? If the problem has been identified and diagnosed by a doctor, it is necessary to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that damage keratin fibers. If this is not done, new cells produced by the root of the nail will become infected. The plates will deform as they grow. After the completion of antifungal therapy, fortification and mineralization of tissues are mandatory. Only then can you start growing the length.

A neat pedicure also requires a certain nail design. If its surface is injured by tight shoes, the edge has grown into the skin, the ends exfoliate, then there is no need to talk about well-groomed feet. To grow a plate of the desired shape and length, you should regularly carry out procedures aimed at solving this problem. Warm herbal baths, paraffin procedures are useful, allowing you to quickly add shine to the surface of the nail.Oil-based applications that intensively nourish the matrix are also helpful.


There is a whole list of foods that have beneficial properties for growing long nails. Since delamination and thickening of the edges of the plate is often associated with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, they must be included in the menu. For healthy nails you need:

  • Gelatin. It is of animal origin and is not recommended for people with high blood clotting rates. For everyone else, it is a valuable source of collagen, a protein responsible for tissue elasticity. Jellies, jellies, mousses, jellied dishes, strong meat and fish broths allow you to fully replenish the supply of this valuable substance in the tissues.
  • Biotin or vitamin H. It is considered the most important for nail growth. It is found in eggs, milk, cheese, fish, meat and offal, that is, in protein products.
  • Sulfur. The first sign of its lack is deformation of the nail plate. Cabbage, green salad, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge can fill the deficiency of this useful substance.
  • A combination of iron and fluoride. Together, these substances are absorbed much better. It is worth using seafood, fish and meat, potatoes, berries. Apples, grapefruits, potatoes additionally supply the body with vitamin C. A sign of iron deficiency is a change in the color of the nail, the appearance of irregularities on the surface of the plate.
  • Selenium - an irreplaceable mineral found in few foods. The lack of a substance manifests itself in the form of porosity, tarnishing of the nail plate.

This mineral is contained in black currant, algae, bran. Selenium is present in eggs, olives, and organ meats.

  • Vitamin PP or niacin is found in sufficient quantities in unrefined rice, meat and fish products, yeast, seeds and mushrooms.
  • Vitamins of group B have a beneficial effect on the health of women in general, promote tissue regeneration, and stimulate growth processes at the cellular level. You can find them in cereals, nuts, seeds, mushrooms and yeast.
  • Vitamins A, E - fat-soluble valuable substances. It is their lack that manifests itself in the increased dryness of the plate, its stratification. But the dose of useful components should be carefully measured. When supplied with food - egg yolk, meat, fish, liver, cheese - they are absorbed in sufficient quantities. But taking the pharmacy form of vitamin A should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since an overdose of it can negatively affect the functioning of the liver.
  • Calcium and Vitamin D3, facilitating its absorption - this combination allows you to strengthen even the most fragile, brittle, weakened nails. You can get substances from fatty fish, dairy products, cheese.
  • Iodine - a substance, with a deficiency of which there is an increased fragility of the nails. You can get it in an easily digestible form from food products. There is a lot of it in seaweed, shellfish and shrimp, spinach, champignons.
  • Zinc. Its lack is manifested by the appearance of white spots on the surface of the nail plate. Zinc deficiency can contribute to the development of fungal infections, damage to the nail plate. You can find the substance in fresh greens, legumes and cereals.


A professional activator is a good solution to grow nails in 5-7 days. This keratin-boosting agent helps double the effect of conventional home treatments. The stimulant allows you not to waste time preparing homemade baths and masks.

Among the most popular options is the Clavio lotion sold through pharmacy chains. The liquid contains chitosan, panthenol, aloe leaf juice, biotin, ginseng. The ready-made composition is easy to apply, does not contain hazardous volatile and alcoholic substances. Another popular growth stimulator is Smart Enamel.The product is focused on a monthly course of use, contains silk and cashmere proteins, which provide effective restoration and alignment of the nail plate.

For intensive cell regeneration and enhancing the growth of keratin fibers, hyaluronic and nicotinic acid can be used. In 500 mg of such a base add 50 ml of mineral water, and 20 grams of almond or shea butter. Acid baths and masks are contraindicated for mechanical damage to the nail.


Massaging is one of the most effective ways to stimulate nail growth. With its help, it is possible to provide an intensive blood flow to tissues, accelerate regeneration. It is imperative that the exposure is regular and planned. Olive, almond or mineral oil is used as a lubricant. You need to start daily massage procedures by massaging the cuticle area, kneading your fingertips.

The increased blood circulation accelerates the delivery of nutrients to the matrix, contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of the nails. Frequent massage helps your nails grow back to the desired length much faster.


Among the homemade masks for nails that can actively stimulate their growth, it is worth noting the composition based on red pepper. This hot vegetable contains substances that increase blood circulation. When used correctly, it works as a growth promoter and produces more impressive results.

Preparing the mask is quite simple. A nourishing cream is mixed in a volume of about 5 ml, 5 g of red pepper powder, 3 teaspoons of water. The composition in a non-metallic container is heated in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Then the product is applied to the nails and left to act for 15 minutes. If a strong burning sensation appears, you must stop the procedure. It is important to observe precautions: before removing the composition from the skin, contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth should be avoided.

Oil masks and applications are also very helpful. 5 drops of iodine and glycerin are added to heated vegetable oil - it is better to take burdock, olive, sesame. The prepared mixture is impregnated with a napkin and applied to the fingertips. The duration of exposure should be at least 20 minutes.

Excellent effect on nails and a mask made from a mixture of honey and finely grated garlic. With its help, you can successfully cope with severe dryness and delamination of the plate, stimulate blood circulation in the tissues.

Warm Collagen Rich Gelatin Masks - the most valuable source of useful and nutritious substances. To prepare them, dry material in granules must be added to heated water, mixed thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous state. You need to immerse your nails in such a mixture for 20 minutes. It is recommended to conduct sessions weekly.

Basic rules for care

The main recommendation is regular manicure treatment. Too deep cutting of the protective cuticle, biting the skin around it, using the file in different directions is harmful to the health of the nail plate. Changing the shape too often also makes it difficult to grow nails of sufficient length.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that keratin is a porous substance that easily absorbs various chemicals. That is why contact of nails with dishwashing detergents and detergents, which dry out and degrease the surface, should be avoided. Protective rubber gloves should be worn when working around the house.

Regular application of shellac, building, bright varnishes, lack of a protective base also negatively affects the health of nails. After removing the decorative coating, restoration procedures should be carried out using oils, creams, masks.

Violation of hygiene requirements is also a common cause of poor nail growth. The bacterial microflora negatively affects the condition of the plate.An individual set of manicure instruments must be treated with modern disinfectants before each use.

Cold protection is another factor that helps stimulate nail growth. With the help of warm gloves, you can save the matrix from slowing down blood circulation, metabolic disorders.

Beautiful, well-groomed natural nails look much more aesthetically pleasing than bulky extended nails. To achieve good results in the formation of their length, you need to adjust the diet, choose the right care products and activators. In this case, achieving the desired goal is easy and simple.

For information on how to quickly grow long nails at home, see the next video.

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Cool site.


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