Nail masks: what are they and how to use them?

Not every woman has naturally healthy and beautiful nails, but even if this is so, then over time, under the influence of various factors, their condition may worsen. Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers a ton of options to keep your hands in top condition. Today, various masks for nails are very popular, which are a safe alternative to chemicals.

What it is?
Beauty and well-groomed nails are not only fashionable manicure, but also their natural strength, shine, smoothness and health. It is for this reason that many women are interested in the regular use of nail masks. They are necessary in order to get rid of the consequences of housework and the use of aggressive means on hands that have affected their appearance. By taking regular care of your nails, you can ensure their beauty and health.

For nails to look attractive without a manicure, they need a keratin recharge., as well as saturation with calcium, zinc, selenium, chromium. The nail plate is a set of keratinized cells of the epidermis, which absorb nutrients. That is why nourishing masks with a range of healing and moisturizing substances are used for slow-growing, exfoliating, brittle nails.
The best option for keeping your nail plates healthy is to take some time to use the mask. In addition to natural cosmetics, there are many recipes for preparing a strengthening and restorative substance from conventional ingredients.
What can you do at home?
Every woman can prepare masks for nail plates without leaving home, and this does not require special knowledge and financial costs.

For growth
If you want fast nail growth, you can prepare a simple but quite effective mask. This effect is stimulated by the pepper mixture. Making a pepper mask involves mixing it with water. You need a small amount of pepper, about a teaspoon. The addition of water must be carried out dropwise, while constantly stirring. The result of the work will be pepper gruel, to which you need to add hand cream.

After the homogeneous mass is ready, it is applied to the nail plates for ten minutes. As time passes, the mask is washed off, and hands are smeared with cream and dressed in thin gloves. The best time to use this remedy is at night.

It is worth applying the pepper mixture once every seven days for a month and a half. This time is enough to make the nail plates strong and to stimulate their growth. A good effect is observed if, after a mask with pepper, a nutritious one is applied. The benefits of a pepper mask are due to the presence of elements that promote a rapid metabolism. The use of the mixture not only makes nails fast-growing, but also strong and attractive in appearance.

Honey is a substance containing a large amount of minerals and vitamins, it can improve the general condition, while maintaining beauty and youth. For hands, use honey-based masks.
- With almond oil. This tool helps to soften the skin of the hands and nourish the nail plates. To make the mask ready, you need to mix fifteen grams of honey, twenty-five grams of almond oil (you can replace it with olive oil), one egg yolk, two drops of lemon juice. After thoroughly mixing the components, the mask must be applied to the brushes, wearing cotton gloves on top.
- Glycerin. To prepare a nutrient, you must combine a teaspoon of glycerin, the same amount of honey, two tablespoons of water, and a teaspoon of oatmeal. After application, the mask is kept for twenty-five minutes.

From delamination
Combining business with pleasure is a gelatin mask, its effect will not be long in coming. After a course of procedures, the nails become shiny, beautiful, strong and well-groomed. Gelatin is the substance that contains a lot of elements necessary for a normal nail condition. To prepare a mixture from delamination, you must use only a natural product that does not contain dyes.

The use of gelatin implies its dilution in warm water, followed by swelling. After that, the substance is thoroughly mixed until all lumps are eliminated. Hands must be immersed in the prepared bath for twenty minutes. After the passage of time, hands should be wet with a napkin and anointed with moisturizer. These trays will be more effective if lemon, orange juice, honey and yogurt are added to them.

More than one woman prefers wax based nail masks. As you know, they have a regenerating effect, and also help to strengthen the nail for a long period. The use of wax-based masks twice a week for one and a half months gives an excellent and long-lasting effect. To prepare a useful substance, you will need to melt the wax using a water bath. You will need to dip your nails into liquid, but not hot wax, and then immediately dip into cold water. Gloves are put on over the frozen mask, and the product is kept overnight. In the morning, after removing the gloves, the wax should be carefully removed.

Nail masks are a great way to keep your nail plates in top condition. A wide range of products in this area is offered by manufacturers who have proven themselves well.

RescueRXx is an economical salon form of a new therapeutic product from CND. This tool provides a quick process of restoration and nutrition of the nail plates. The development of this substance was carried out for nails that are characterized by weakness, extreme dryness, trauma and damage.
RescueRXx is a fairly effective mask thanks to its keratin and jojoba oil. Together, these components provide the strength of the structure, which protects nails from the harmful effects of environmental factors, as well as protects against brittleness. Regular use of the mask contributes to the return of elasticity, the disappearance of white spots, and an improvement in the appearance of nails. The effect of using the product is visible within seven days from the start of application; using it for a month will bring the nail plates back to normal.

Mask for nails from "FITOkosmetik" is a good remedy against delamination. The product is made according to a special formula, it is based on iodine. This composition contributes to the effective restoration of the nail plates. The presence of calcium in the composition of the mask strengthens nails, fills cracks. The presence of medicinal herbs, shea butter and almonds regenerates nails, as well as nourishes and moisturizes them. After a course of application of the mask from "FITOkosmetics" nails become healthy, strong and strong.

Application methods
The use of nail masks is also necessary for both hair and body. The nails need special care. In the absence of due attention, the nail plates crumble and exfoliate, become covered with spots, irregularities. In order for your nails to be strong and healthy, you need to choose the right masks for them. As you know, there are a lot of options for this tool; if you alternate them, then the result will not be long in coming.

If there are no funds, then the mask does not have to be purchased in the store, you can make it yourselfwhile not harming your own budget. Homemade masks are fresh, natural and of good quality. Use of a beneficial nail polish should only be done on thoroughly washed hands. Before the procedure, it is worth examining the hands for damage, since some substances from the mask can have a negative effect on wounds and cracks. It is also worth making sure that you are not allergic to this or that component of your home cosmetic product.

After the masks, it is imperative to smear your hands with nourishing creams: they are able to moisturize the skin and maintain the effect obtained. The best time of day for this procedure is in the evening, before bedtime. Spreading at night promotes good absorption of substances and rest of the hands.
Nail masks are multifunctional means: they have a healing, restorative and cosmetic effect. Their effectiveness has been proven by many users. Reviews indicate that the best remedies are those that have a natural basis. The absence of chemical additives and the vitamin composition of the masks, judging by the responses, give a positive effect after several applications:
- nails acquire a healthy and natural color;
- specks of white color are eliminated;
- lamination, cracking and fragility disappears;
- nail plates grow better;
- wounds and burrs do not appear near the marigolds.

Reading the reviews of women who take care of themselves, we can conclude that it is very important to observe the regularity of applying masks to the nails. For the beauty and health of your marigolds, you no longer need to visit expensive salons, you can just make a minimum of effort and use a mask.
For information on how to make masks for nails at home, see the next video.