Nail matrix: description, structure and causes of damage

The nail has a rather complex structure, and the matrix is one of its parts. We will tell you more about the description, structure and causes of damage to this anatomical zone.
What it is?
In order to determine where the area of the nail matrix is, you need to understand how the nail works. So, it consists of several main parts and has edges.
The lower edge of the nail plate is covered with a special skin fold called the cuticle. This element is formed by several skin layers, which are represented by epithelial cells. These cellular elements are gradually replaced by new ones. This contributes to the fact that the cuticle skin is constantly renewed.
An important part of any nail plate is the root. It will not be possible to see this anatomical zone completely, since it is covered by nearby tissues. However, you can only consider a small part of it. It looks like a white stripe that resembles a crescent moon. This anatomical zone is called the lunula.
If the nail is healthy, then the color of this part is white. If the lunula changes its tone, then this indicates the presence of pathological conditions in the body. It should be noted that this part of the nail is also quite vulnerable and can be easily damaged.

An important part of the nail is the matrix. The thickness of the nail plate depends on how thick it is. That is why some people have very strong nails, while others complain about the constant lamination of the nail plates.
The initial matrix thickness is determined by many factors. For example, this parameter is influenced by heredity. If the nail matrix is thin from birth, then problems with severe fragility of the nails may subsequently appear. In this case, coping with the misfortune will be quite difficult.The use of medicated varnishes can, of course, help, but still it will not be possible to completely get rid of brittleness.

The nail matrix is a very delicate area. Its main cellular elements are special cells - onychoblasts. They gradually transform and participate in the formation of the nail plate. The appearance of nails also depends on the health of onychoblasts. If these cells function well, then nails grow well, break less often and look great.
An important substance that determines the chemical composition of the nail is keratin. Many people think that this biological component is found only in hair, however, this is not the case. Keratin is an important protein that is involved in the construction of the nail plate. The molecular structure of this component is rather complex.
This element is involved in the construction of keratin fibers. It is their individual structure that determines the strength of the nail plate. Keratin belongs to the fibrillar components that are quite resistant to various influences. Some scientists note that in terms of its strength, it is only inferior to chitin, a substance that is involved in the construction of the outer covers of many insects.

To build even one keratin molecule, you need a sufficient amount of the amino acid - cysteine. The sulfur molecules contained in it interact with each other through chemical bonds, which leads to the fact that keratin has its special properties.
People who have a thin matrix should be careful when doing a manicure. So, if this procedure is done poorly, then this can only increase fragility. Also, an inexperienced master is able to bring in a dangerous infection, which can lead to the appearance of adverse symptoms.
Each nail is well supplied with blood. If such nutrition did not occur, then the nail plate simply would not be able to grow. So, the blood vessels are in the nail bed. This anatomical area is represented by connective tissue. It provides blood supply to the growth zone responsible for the growth of the nail plate.

Outside, the nail is covered with several layers of epithelial cells. This structure provides for the protection of the nail bed and matrix from various damages. Also, this part of the nail protects it from the effects of various chemicals that can have a negative effect.
On the side of each nail are very important areas - the sinuses. They should be carefully handled during a manicure or pedicure. If improperly handled, an infection can be introduced into the sinuses, which can lead to the appearance of pus in this area. In addition, various foreign particles can enter the sinuses if the hygienic care of the hands and feet is not done well enough.

Causes of damage
The reasons for the malfunctioning of the matrix can be different. So, mechanical damage to this anatomical zone can provoke an arrest of nail growth. If at the same time there was a pronounced damage to the keratin fibers, then in this case, significant deformations of the plate may develop. This type of injury occurs in some athletes who have damaged their nails during training and classes. For example, frequent injuries to the nail matrix occur in people who are professionally involved in volleyball, artistic gymnastics, or basketball.
Damage to the nail matrix, as a rule, occurs due to a strong impact of the ball on this anatomical area. If the force of the blow is large, then this can lead to bleeding, since the nail bed with the blood vessels located in it will be injured. It is worth noting that if the integrity of the nail bed has been compromised due to traumatic injury, then blood loss can be quite significant.If you experience even slight bleeding, it is best to seek medical attention.

The nail matrix can be damaged even if the pedicure is of poor quality. If the processing of the nail plate is carried out incorrectly, then in this case, an awkward movement can cause injury. Some pedicurists, when working with the cuticle, can also damage the matrix area of the nail. This can cause the nail to grow abnormally or even become more brittle in the future.
Household injuries can also injure the nail matrix. For example, pinching a finger in a door. Also, various cuts of the fingers can lead to damage to this anatomical zone. In this case, urgent assistance is required, otherwise the development of negative consequences in the future cannot be avoided.

Disease is another cause of matrix problems. One of the most common pathologies is a fungal infection. Usually the nail plates of the toes are affected by the fungus. The fungus appears on the edge of the nail, and then gradually "grows" to the matrix. If the fungal infection develops quickly and leads to damage, then this contributes to the fact that the nail plates significantly change their appearance.

Treatment features
The treatment of the damaged nail matrix is largely determined by the cause that led to this. So, if the cause was an injury, then timely medical assistance is extremely important. If the nail is severely destroyed in this case, then the damaged nail plate must be carefully removed. This procedure is performed by a traumatologist or surgeon using special medical instruments that have been previously sterilized.
After the completely destroyed nail is removed, a bandage is applied to the site of damage. Also, funds are necessarily prescribed that will protect the site of damage from infection and help restore the nail plate. In some cases, even the appointment of antibacterial agents is required. The use of such drugs will help reduce the risk of developing purulent complications.

Matrix treatment is usually carried out for a rather long time. In order to restore this anatomical area, sometimes it will take several months. Therefore, to carry out such treatment, you should be patient.
If a fungal infection has led to damage to the matrix, then antifungal agents are required. In the chronic form, the fungus is poorly treated with special medicinal varnishes, systemic drugs are already prescribed here.

For problems with the nail matrix and other nail pathologies, see the video below.