Nail care

How to grow nails in a week?

How to grow nails in a week?
  1. Why do nails grow slowly?
  2. What affects the growth rate?
  3. How to grow quickly?
  4. Aftercare and strengthening

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are considered a source of pride for any girl or woman. Nowadays, natural beauty is in vogue and most of the fair sex are trying to grow their own nails, and not build them up, as before. Of course, this is not always easy, given the rhythm of life and the huge amount of daily housework that can easily harm your nails. In order for them to grow up beautiful and healthy, you need to strictly follow the rules for caring for them, as well as use various means.

Why do nails grow slowly?

Not every woman can boast of beautiful and well-groomed nails. For some, they simply do not grow, or grow too slowly. Before starting the fight against delamination, brittleness or slow growth, you need to find a reason that does not allow you to become the owner of attractive nails. Factors that affect nail growth can be both external and internal.

The first category includes:

  • the effect of household cleaning products on the nails;
  • improper care;
  • cold weather.

As for internal factors, we are talking about the following possible reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins or other nutrients;
  • weak immunity of the body.

The main thing is to identify the cause of the violation and eliminate it in time.

If you put your health in order, get rid of external factors and perform special procedures, then in 2-3 weeks you can grow strong and healthy nails.

We must not forget that the condition of the nails primarily depends on the general state of human health. If the body lacks vitamins or minerals, it will affect the hair and nails. That is why most experts say that you need to treat your nails from the inside. Most likely, the body simply does not receive the optimal amount of micronutrients, which usually occurs due to unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption or smoking.

What affects the growth rate?

It should be noted that the growth rate of nails slows down over the years. For example, girls' nails grow much faster than older women. The following factors influence the rate of nail growth.

  • Healthy lifestyle, which includes constant physical activity, proper diet, adequate amount of sleep. In addition, timely treatment of diseases can be attributed here. Any disease leads to a weakening of immunity, which negatively affects both the growth rate of nails and their strength.
  • Proper nutrition - the most important factor, since for good growth the nail plates must receive all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. That is why women who often diet have problems with brittle nails. You can avoid these problems thanks to high-protein foods, which play an important role in the process of their growth.
  • Thorough nail care. This moment is extremely important - it is thanks to the external influence that the influence of the internal components increases.

The process should start with proper nutrition, since it is the lack of vitamins that is often the main cause of problems with their fragility and slow growth. If the goal is to grow nails, then nothing will work with the presence of these problems.

Among the main vitamins that have a positive effect on the condition of the nail plates are vitamins A, E, C and B.

  • Vitamin A plays the most important role in the process of nail growth. In addition, it improves the regeneration processes in the body. You can get it from liver, vegetables, or butter. But coffee will have to be abandoned, as it flushes this vitamin out of the body.
  • Vitamins C we need it in order to stay young as long as possible. If your nails turn yellow, then the reason is definitely a lack of this substance. You can get it from citrus fruits, gooseberries and other berries.
  • Vitamin group B helps to strengthen nails, improves their growth and ensures the assimilation of incoming microelements. Such substances can be found in milk, fish, herbs, and yeast.
  • Vitamin E famous for its antioxidant properties, and also has a positive effect on blood circulation. All this ensures fast and high-quality nail growth. You can get this vitamin from butter, eggs and other animal products.

For the health of nails, not only vitamins are of great importance, but also minerals that provide the nail plate with strength and structure. Among the most important are the following.

  • Zinc. It is important for the breakdown of proteins, which accordingly has an effect on tissue growth. Milk and bananas are excellent sources of this micronutrient.
  • Calcium. An element vital in the formation of nails. The mineral is found in dairy products.
  • Iron. If the human body lacks iron, then this can cause anemia, and it already leads to fragility of bones. Buckwheat porridge and apples are ideal sources of such an important substance.

How to grow quickly?

Sooner or later, almost any lady is faced with the question of how to grow nails in a week using procedures at home. Long, well-groomed nails look beautiful, so women pay close attention to this process, resorting to various procedures or medications.

Using procedures

One of the most effective procedures are baths with various components.It is easy to grow beautiful and long nails at home if you regularly take baths for them. Among the most popular baths, the following should be highlighted.

  • A couple of drops of iodine solution and lemon juice should be added to warm water. Hands should be kept in such water for about 15 minutes. This procedure is extremely effective only if carried out daily.
  • Pour a glass of water into a suitable vessel, add salt and a little iodine there. We hold our fingers for 20 minutes, after which we wipe them with a soft towel.
  • We dilute sea salt in water and put our fingers in the vessel for 20 minutes. After such a bath, you need to apply cream to them. This procedure should be carried out within 14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for a month.

An oil bath is also considered one of the most effective procedures. Any oil can be used for this purpose. Olive is preferred by most women as it smells good and rinses off easily. The oil used should be heated over low heat and kept in it for 5 minutes.

After that, you cannot rinse your fingers. It is best to dry them with a paper towel.

Some ladies also note the amazing properties of the milk bath, in which, in addition to milk, apple juice and a little honey are added. In a heated cocktail, you need to hold your fingers for about 10-15 minutes, then apply a moisturizer to your nails.

If you want to have strong nails, then a soda bath is the perfect solution. To prepare it, you need to add 1.5 tablespoons of soda to the water, a couple of drops of iodine solution and hold your hands in all this for about ten minutes. After the bath, the nails need to be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

One of the most popular procedures is paraffin therapy, which will become a real salvation not only for hands, but also for nails. It should be noted that such a procedure will take much longer than any of the above, but the efficiency is higher.

For the implementation of paraffin therapy, the presence of paraffin of excellent quality is important. You can buy it at a pharmacy or supermarket. In most cases, the paraffin wax is sold already divided into portions, which will be the ideal solution for a one-time procedure. It should be noted that candle wax cannot be used for these purposes.

In addition, one and the same paraffin cannot be used several times, since after the first procedure it will lose all its properties.

So, for paraffin therapy, you need to take a special container and melt the paraffin in it. Use a steam bath for this. While the mixture is being prepared, you can pay attention with your own hands. We clean them with scrubs, and then moisten a paper napkin with a paraffin mixture and apply it in a small layer on nails and hands. After the first layer is completely dry, you will need to repeat the procedure again. Now we wrap the limbs with polyethylene and put on gloves, leaving all this for at least half an hour. During this time, the skin and nails will receive a huge amount of nutrients, which will have a positive effect on their condition.

Another effective way is massage, thanks to which you can significantly speed up the growth process of marigolds. A distinctive feature of this procedure is that it can significantly improve blood circulation in the body. It is thanks to this that the stratum corneum receives nutrients, which leads to the growth of the nail plate.

Before starting the massage, you need to get rid of varnish and other artificial coatings on your nails. Specialty stores today sell special brushes designed for massage the cuticle. After the massage, the nails are lubricated with a nourishing cream.

The fact is that thanks to this procedure, the skin and nails will begin to better absorb useful components, so it makes sense to apply the cream immediately after the massage.

With funds

To accelerate the growth of nails, not only various procedures are effective, but also various means. In the pharmacy, you can find a huge number of drugs that can improve the condition of nails and achieve their rapid growth. Iodine is considered one of the most effective remedies. Just apply one drop to each nail at night and you will see the effect in 5 days.

Some are afraid that the nails will remain yellow, but by the morning they already have time to regain their natural look.

Vitamins A and B, presented on an oil basis, have proved to be extremely effective. Every day they need to be rubbed into the nail using massage movements. This not only accelerates their growth, but also has a positive effect on strength.

Another useful remedy is glycerin cream, which can be prepared at home from pharmacy preparations. To do this, you can buy glycerin, salicylic acid, mix and add oil-based vitamin complexes to them. In addition, some women add some red wine to these creams.

After a week of using such a tool, you can see a significant improvement in the condition of the nails.

Aftercare and strengthening

In order for the result to take hold, you need to pay special attention to nail care and strengthening. Among the frequently encountered advice on this, one can single out the main ones.

  • Acetone is the main enemy of nails. It is found in large quantities in liquids that are designed to remove nail polish. When shopping for such products, it is best to choose options that include moisturizers.
  • Do not paint your nails more often than once a week. Otherwise, the coating of the plate is damaged, which negatively affects both the condition and the growth rate of the nail.
  • It is not necessary to trim the nail rollers as they provide protection against infection.

As for the care of your nails, you can pamper them with regular baths, herbal decoctions and various oils. In addition, on the modern market there are a huge number of cosmetic products designed specifically for nail care. However, when choosing such funds, you need to be extremely careful.

It is better to abandon options in the production process of which artificial components were used, and to give preference to natural formulations.

Thus, the growth of nails can be accelerated with the help of special baths, paraffin therapy, various procedures and pharmaceuticals. With a responsible approach, it will be possible to achieve positive results in a couple of weeks and soon become the owner of beautiful nails.

How to grow nails at home in a week, see the next video.

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