Nail care

We make baths for fast nail growth

We make baths for fast nail growth
  1. Benefit
  2. Fundamental rules
  3. Recipes

Most women dream of long and strong nail plates that can easily withstand frequent varnishing and contact with detergents. Modern cosmetology offers a lot of salon procedures aimed at accelerated nail growth. You can make baths for nails at home, if you turn to folk methods.


Almost all problems with nail plates can be solved with the help of special trays. They are able not only to strengthen nails, but also to cure some fungal diseases. The advantages of therapeutic baths lie in the simplicity and undoubted benefits of the procedures.

  • Ease of use - for the preparation of home remedies, the simplest components are used. They can usually be found easily in the refrigerator or on a kitchen cabinet shelf. Preparation of solutions does not require experience and does not take much time.
  • Effectiveness - nail baths are so effective that the first result can be seen already after 1 week of daily use.
  • Multifunctionality - the same bath can help to cope with several problems at once. For example, the salt procedure not only accelerates the growth of the plates, but also helps to strengthen them.
  • Big choice - there are many different options for preparing nail baths, aimed at eliminating specific problems. In addition, in the absence of a home, one of the components can be easily replaced with another. For example, rosemary oil can be substituted with lemon juice without affecting the result.

Home sessions can solve many nail problems thanks to the extended exposure zone.

Fundamental rules

Carrying out any cosmetic procedures requires adherence to certain rules.First of all, this applies to home sessions, as they are carried out by non-professionals. Failure to comply with safety precautions will not only not solve the problem, but may also contribute to the emergence of new ones.

The basic rule of home sessions is to observe the timing of their sessions.

It is not necessary to increase the duration of the procedure, since too long contact of the nail plates with water will inevitably lead to their delamination and weakening.

You can keep your hands in the composition for no more than half an hour.

In addition, baths are recommended to be carried out once every 7 days. An increase in sessions is possible only in rare cases, when it is necessary to grow nails as soon as possible.

But the crash course requires a subsequent break, which should be at least 10 days.

Each procedure should begin with the preparation of a new solution. Using the same composition several times in a row is impossible, since its properties decrease over time. Among other things, harmful microorganisms may appear in the solution, which will only harm the plate.

To obtain the desired result, several sessions are required. One bath is not able to accelerate the growth of nails.

Small changes can be observed only after a month of regular use, and a pronounced effect will be achieved only after a few months. It is best to use different types of baths.

Experimenting with the ingredients improves the effect and prevents the plate from getting used to the same solution. Another rule is an integrated approach. Nail baths can only help in combination with other methods aimed at accelerated growth. These can be special masks for nails, finger massage, and so on.

You cannot stop carrying out treatment sessions immediately after obtaining the desired result.

To consolidate the effect and prevent the emergence of new problems, you need to do preventive baths at least once a month.


All home methods aimed at accelerated nail growth are based on the use of water. It is she who allows the ingredients to quickly penetrate deep into the plates and form keratin, which is needed for rapid growth.

There are many recipes for the treatment of nail plates.

  • With sea salt - allows you to accelerate the growth of nails and strengthen them. To create a bath, mix 250 ml. warm water and 2.5 tablespoons of sea salt. You need to keep your fingers in such a solution for about a quarter of an hour, after which you need to wipe them dry with a towel.
  • With lemon juice - has a whitening effect. To create a solution, mix 250 ml. water, 2 tablespoons of sea salt and 50 ml. lemon juice. The exposure time should not exceed 25 minutes.
  • With table salt - helps to achieve the effect if sea salt is not at hand. Such a bath is made from 250 ml. warm water, 3 tablespoons of salt and 8 drops of iodine. You can keep the nails in the solution for no more than 15 minutes, after which they need to be lubricated with a moisturizer.
  • With vitamins - moisturizes and nourishes the nail plate, and also accelerates its growth. This recipe consists of 100 ml. warm olive oil, in which 6 drops of iodine solution and 2 capsules of "Aevita" are diluted. It is advisable to carry out the procedure no longer than 25 minutes.
  • With gelatin - relieves fingers from calluses, accelerates nail growth and softens cuticles. To make a solution, you need to mix 250 ml. milk, 50 g of gelatin and 1 teaspoon of honey. For the bath to give the desired result, the solution must be warm. The exposure time is 20 minutes.
  • With soda - prevents brittle nails and promotes their growth. To prepare the solution, you need to take 250 ml. warm water and mix in it 25 g of soda and 3 drops of iodine solution. You can keep your fingertips in the composition for no more than 20 minutes.
  • With chamomile - treats fungal diseases and improves plate growth. The solution consists of 250 ml.warm chamomile broth and 50 g of gelatin. The procedure takes 25 minutes.

Thanks to the variety of types of home baths for nail growth, every girl has a choice.

The use of several recipes allows you to find the most suitable one, as well as avoid the addiction of the nail plates to the same component.

To achieve enhanced nail growth and solve some other problems, an integrated approach is important. Therefore, resorting to therapeutic baths, one should not forget about additional measures aimed at achieving a long-term effect. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits are the best measures to strengthen the nail plates.

The best recipes for nail baths in the video below.

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