Beige mink coats

The mink coat is the undisputed leader of the winter season. Women are happy to try on insulated skin not only to warm up in a blizzard and cold, but also to “walk” their elegant accessory. Today, designers from all over the world know how delicious and sophisticated to present this type of outerwear to make it work. The brightest and most popular representative of the "fur coat" squad this season are beige mink coats.

Models and styles
As a rule, classic and retro styles are always at the peak of their popularity. In order not to finally get lost in the models of this favorite women's winter clothing, you need to understand its classification.

So, all beige mink products can be subdivided according to the following parameters:
By lenght. On this basis, mink coats are divided into: classic long; medium length - up to the knee; short - length from the waistline to mid-thigh.

"Cross" is perfect for any type of figure, but it is more expensive than its "brothers", since sewing such a fur coat is more expensive than usual. Beige mink coats are perfect for those with slender figures and dark hair.

The most relevant today are fur coats stylized as outerwear of past centuries, and, accordingly, the decoration of such models has certain nuances.
Speaking of beige mink coats, the following features of the elements of their decoration can be distinguished:
Lace... It is difficult to imagine outfits of the 18-19 centuries without lace accompaniment. Resurrecting this forgotten tradition, modern sharks of the modeling business boldly use this decoration element on the collars and in the decoration of the bottom of the product.
Combination... The combination of mink with any other types of fur, as well as with fabrics similar and contrasting in texture: leather, suede, silver fox, raccoon, astrakhan fur. At the same time, a combination of approximate shades is considered good form.

This year, contrasting decoration goes down in history. On the stage there are natural colors and shades of both the fur of the beige mink coat and the details of its trimmings.
The collar of a light winter skin can accentuate its elegance. For example, a stand-up collar adds elegance, prestige and efficiency to the image. An angora or cashmere hat is most suitable for a beige mink with such an element.

Stylish looks
Beige, as we used to think, is not just a light pastel tone. This is a huge variety of shades and moods, especially when it comes to choosing a beige mink coat.

Pastel mink is practically a classic of the genre. This image looks very stylish, complemented by a wide "snake" belt. And long, up to the elbow, black gloves ending under the sleeve ¾ do not evoke a sense of contrast, but, on the contrary, emphasize the sophistication of a woman's nature. The original combined cut of the fur coat gives it elegance and confidence.