Short mink coat

Of the whole variety of mink coats, many women of fashion prefer cropped models.

Firstly, short fur coats can be worn much earlier than “floor-length” models, which are appropriate only with the onset of cold weather. Secondly, the style that leaves bare feet allows you to experiment, creating completely different looks - from the classics with an evening dress to provocative outfits in the most advanced street fashion trends. Thirdly, much less mink fur is used for sewing a shortened fur coat, which has the most positive effect on the cost of this luxurious item of women's wardrobe.

The cropped cut suggests that the fur coat will barely cover the knees. Models of mini format, reaching only to the hips or waist, are becoming more and more widespread. The straight cut of such coats is called "robe" - it is just as free to wear and often involves the presence of a fur belt or a stylish leather strap.

The models of mink fur coats with a hood are also deservedly popular among modern women of fashion. In addition to the fact that the hood looks great and emphasizes the oval of the face, it also, if necessary, acts as an alternative to an independent headdress.

One of the fresh trends set by the designers is a mink coat with a tulip-cut hem and a balloon model. These two options are related by the presence of short shelves on the hem - as opposed to the classic flat bottom.

Another no less interesting trend in the cold season 2015-2016 is the hem of mink fur coats called "tulip" or models of "balloon" fur coats. These are short coats with short shelves. This style of mink coat can be preferred by young fashionistas and elegant ladies.
A wide belt or a narrow belt, which favorably emphasize the waist, is exclusively suitable for short fur coats.

The specialized type of shortened fur coats, called "autolady", also stands apart. Such coats are sewn for women who cannot imagine a day without getting behind the wheel of a car.

Lightweight and compact, they are designed for active ladies who are not used to compromise. Short sleeves, loose fit - all these are the necessary attributes of a real auto lady's fur coat.

Perhaps the most stable trend in recent years is the sheared mink. Of course, it is not the finished product that is cut, but the skins themselves, from which the fur coat is subsequently sewn. This treatment gives the fur a soft and flowing look, helping to get rid of excess volume and changing the basic fur structure. Depending on the technology, the haircut can be uniform, curly, under the root or laser.

A uniform haircut is also called uniform - the fur over the entire surface of the skin is sheared to the same height. Curly processing gives curious textures reminiscent of velvet or velor.

Trimmed mink fur is classified as plucked, and laser treatment - the most complex and high-tech method of all of the above - allows you to apply patterns similar to lace to the fur.

The variety of shades of mink fur makes the color classification rather complicated and conditional. However, the primary colors can be concretized as follows:
- White mink (North American or Finnish minks, characterized by snow-white fur, a barely noticeable cream shade is allowed);
- Violet (a very rare subspecies of blue mink, whose fluffy fur has a cold gray-blue color);
- Gold mink (artificially lightened fur of darker colors);
- Mink Iris (obtained from the skins of the Aleutian minks of the silver-steel breed);

- Mink "Chipped Ice" (fur bleached to whiteness with a beige tint);
- Brown mink (the most common shade, in Russia it was called STK - the standard dark brown);
- Cross mink (breeder-bred mink breed, whose skins are decorated with dark criss-crossing stripes);
- Mink Mahogany (the warmest variation of brown fur, obtained by crossing minks with fur of dark colors);

- Mink Walnut (the quietest of the natural colors of mink fur);
- Palomino mink (champagne-colored fur);
- Mink Pastel (brown fur with bluish underfur);
- Mink Sapphire (one of the classic colors of blue mink);

- Mink Skanglou (a special variety of walnut fur with a rich light brown shade);
- Black mink (“black diamond” and “oil color” - these unofficial names are quite eloquent);
- Mink Jaguar (a special breed of mink, famous for its unusual color of fur - white with black spots).

Decor and combination of furs
Short mink coats look very interesting if they are sewn not from one type of fur, but from several. For example, a mink coat with a sable, arctic fox or silver fox fur hood has no chance to go unnoticed. If a hood is not provided with a style, then the sleeves of a fur coat are finished with the "second" fur.

Models of fur coats with leather inserts are also quite common. They can be both longitudinal and transverse. With their help, an elegant accent is made on the waist of the owner of the fur coat - the waist, which is narrowed in the manner of a corset, is ideally combined with a leather belt, which makes it visually slimmer. In addition to purely aesthetic advantages, leather inserts are also of practical use - designers insert them in those places on the fur coat that are most often wiped off. A pleasant bonus of such a fur coat will be that the price for it will be obviously lower than for a model of the same style, sewn entirely from mink.

Selection Tips
The main advice that all fur connoisseurs start with is to protect themselves from acquiring a fake mink.Unclean sellers who work at trade bricks and markets can easily pass off a rabbit or a groundhog for mink fur. It is important to understand that a real mink shines and shimmers, the villi of its fur do not stick together.

Even if you are looking for a mink coat in a trusted store or boutique, you should pay attention to the quality of the processing of the seams, the absence of any seals or lumps. If the fur looks somewhat dull or worn, it is better to refrain from buying this particular fur coat - it is possible that not all the necessary requirements and conditions were observed during its storage and transportation.

You can check the quality of work in a very simple way: just take a bunch of fur fibers with two fingers and gently pull it up, gently swinging it. If you are dealing with properly treated and stitched fur, all the hairs will remain in place.

For a hike for a fur coat, it is best to take a loved one with you, who can look at you in a fur coat from the side and make a verdict: is this model coming or is it worth looking for another. The opinion of the consultants in the store should also be taken into account, keeping in mind that their main task is to sell the goods. It is better to play it safe and decide on an expensive purchase with a friend.

What is the price?
The price tag for a short mink coat directly depends on the country in which it was sewn, the “fame” of the manufacturer, the degree of exclusivity of the model, as well as the number of skins that were spent on the creation of the fur coat.
Russian fur factories located in Pyatigorsk and Moscow offer quality products at prices ranging from 30-40 thousand rubles. The works of Italian, Greek and Scandinavian masters will cost no less than 80 thousand. Fur coats from overseas are not inferior in quality to Russian counterparts, but the price for them starts at 70 thousand rubles, which is largely due to the cost of delivery from the United States, included in the cost of a fur coat.

For obvious reasons, masterpieces from the collections of world-famous designers and fashion houses will cost completely different money - one more zero can be safely added to the price of the simplest fur coat. However, sales of branded items often happen, where you can "grab" an elite mink coat with an impressive discount.

What to wear with?
A short mink coat looks good with both democratic jeans and dresses of all sorts of styles - from laconic sheath dresses and long evening models to short options that are comfortable for driving. Also, such fur coats are successfully combined with leather skirts and some models of designer shorts.

If a mink coat is worn over a dress, then visually it will be associated with an expensive fur coat, with graceful carelessness thrown over the shoulders.
In pursuit of an original and intriguing image, the main thing is not to forget that a fur coat is primarily winter clothing, and to select the rest of the image with an eye to the weather forecast.
A shortened fur coat will not protect your legs from the piercing wind, so you need to take care of this additionally by choosing pants or jeans that are suitable for the weather conditions.

Stylish and spectacular trousers will look best with voluminous mink coats, which, however, does not negate their relevance in combination with a classic cross-cut fur coat.

Depending on the style and color scheme of a mink fur coat, you can wear classic denim jeans or a completely informal model with conceptual rubbing and artificially aged texture. In the case of shoes, the choice of a suitable pair also directly depends on the "temperature overboard": it is hardly worth wearing sneakers or ballet flats when it is snowing or slush outside. If the weather permits, you can add both classic and sports shoes to the look.

Choosing a headdress, which is to crown the image, built on a shortened mink fur coat, it should be remembered that overkill is not the best option.You should not "finish off" the outfit with a hat made of fur of the same color and texture as the fur coat. If you want to put on a fur hat, you can choose the fur of another animal: not mink, but sable, marten or silver fox.

In general, mink coats look very harmonious in combination with felt hats and factory-knitted knitted hats. All kinds of shawls and snood scarves will also be appropriate. The main thing is not to be mistaken in the color scheme - professional stylists or inner feminine flair can help with this.

Spectacular images
Stylish sheepskin coat with a pronounced collar goes well with classic jeans that emphasize the length of the legs, and light black shoes that allow you to appreciate the well-groomed nails and bright red varnish. The fur coat does not need a belt or belt to make a neat accent on the waist, and the unusual solution with the drawstrings at the cuffs pulled out clearly echoes the trend for the same ribbons in parks.

A strict, in some ways even pastoral skirt with a cream-colored petticoat elegantly contrasts with a dark mink coat. Black patent leather shoes complement the image of a strict but attractive teacher, who seems to have accidentally forgotten her glasses case in a convenient pocket located on the left above the neckline.

A cropped cross-section fur coat, cropped trousers of a rich color with a small pattern, cropped sleeves - the image is fully sustained. Leather gloves are matched to the color of the trousers, and the original high-laced shoes, leaving most of the foot exposed, seem to challenge the weather and everyone around.