Dog hair socks

The healing properties of dog hair have been known for a long time. One of the first to feel this additional help from their four-legged friends was the northern peoples - the Chukchi, Eskimos, Nanai.

Products made of this "soft gold" not only perfectly retain heat and warm, they also have a beneficial effect on the heartbeat, blood vessels, and normalization of pressure. Dog hair socks are a proven folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of arthrosis, arthritis, colds, hypertension, gout, etc.

Medicinal properties
Dog hair has a lot of positive features:
- Contains substances that have a healing effect on the body, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Helps neutralize negative charges that accumulate on human skin.
- Possesses powerful energy.
- Improving tissue nutrition, increases muscle activity.
- Participates in the formation of immunity from various allergens.
- It is an irreplaceable assistant when working in cold, damp conditions, during winter hunting, fishing, when doing winter sports.

The prickly coarse wool has the most pronounced therapeutic effect, because by its action on the skin it stimulates the nerve endings, creating an effect reminiscent of acupuncture and micromassage, and this improves blood circulation.

Dog socks are primarily medical socks. Warming, having a beneficial effect on the entire body, they will save from joint pain and help cure colds. By absorbing and evaporating moisture, the wool remains dry, and dry heating is very beneficial for the body, therefore it is sometimes recommended to sleep in such socks all night long. There is no doubt that the benefits of such socks are colossal.

It has been scientifically proven that the coat of dogs of various breeds has its own specific medicinal properties. Collie has a strong healing biofield, Caucasian and Asian Shepherd Dogs have the greatest thermal effect. The Afghan Hound has a very durable coat with a beautiful color.

In order for this gift of our faithful four-legged friends to fully give its healing properties, spinning the starting material and knitting socks must be done exclusively by hand.

Having listed a lot of advantages and useful properties of socks, you understand that dog hair deserves respect and respect for itself. Only with proper care of it, you can count on the thing to serve for a long time and regularly for the benefit of your health.

There are few rules, and they are simple:
- If you want to wear socks with shoes and keep your feet warm throughout the day, wear cotton socks to avoid quick chafing.
- A few more tips for washing: wash only by hand, the water is extremely warm, rub and squeeze out very carefully, use a special detergent, in extreme cases - shampoo for dogs. Dry, be sure to straighten the product and put it on a towel.
- Of course, while focusing on the medicinal properties of dog hair socks, one should not forget about the external beauty. Here the craftswomen have succeeded. Original drawings and patterns will give comfort to your legs and will cheer you up from the contemplation of beauty and grace.