How to decorate a tree with a garland outside?

Bright lights of garlands always enhance the festive atmosphere. By turning on your imagination and using cheerful lights as a decor, you can give a fantastic look to the facades of houses and the surrounding trees. How to independently decorate a tree in the yard with street LED garlands will be discussed in this article.

The presence of LED lamps helps to instantly transform the territory and decorate any place. Garlands on trees will make them stand out favorably, giving them an unusual and even fabulous look.

When you start decorating a tree with street LED garlands, you need to get ready to work.
- Preparation begins with a careful inspection of the territory. This will allow you to decide on the choice of the most interesting tree. Such an inspection will help you find the best place for your party.
- On examination, special areas are selected that need illumination. For greater clarity, a diagram of the decoration of the site is depicted.
- The choice of colors of the lights is made. So, used garlands can be monochromatic: white, golden, blue or pink. The use of multi-colored bulbs will enhance the festive decoration of the tree.
- Having decided on the color, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the required garland. To do this, measure the circumference of the tree trunk and branches, which will be wrapped in garlands. Then the optimal distance between the turns of the LED cord is determined.

The length is calculated using a simple formula in which the height of the tree trunk is divided by the estimated distance between the turns of the garland.
There are different types of garlands. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the models with a special mark about permission to use them on the street. For such lighting decorations, more durable materials are used that are resistant to moisture and low temperatures.

There are different options for street garlands.
- Luminous threads. These models are the simplest and most affordable, they are perfect for decorating tree trunks and branches.
- Duralight. This string is a sturdy, flexible, transparent tube that houses LED bulbs. Thanks to such a shell, the bulbs are not damaged on the branches during hanging and operation.
- Spider. This product consists of a power supply unit and several LED filaments. This design is very easy to use, especially in open areas.
- Fringe. Applying this illumination creates the illusion of hanging icicles.
- Net. This option can be called one of the most convenient designs used to decorate trees and bushes. With its help, plants are given additional volume.

In addition, garlands are very convenient, which have special connectors that allow you to adjust and select the required length of the product.
Decorating process
The dark gloomy territory near the house, with bare trees will not add a festive mood. You can change this by decorating the trees near the house with a bright garland with your own hands. Such lighting will add comfort and coziness. The territory will immediately change, sparkle with new colors.

When decorating trees on your own, the use of LED models is recommended. Such products are much more economical and safer. They can be joined together, easily changed designs, hung in a variety of ways, combined with other types of jewelry. You can simply hang it between the trees by wrapping the branches, or throw the LED mesh over the crowns.

In order to properly decorate a tree on the street with a garland, the following actions are sequentially performed:
- First you need to purchase a garland of the required length. Having connected it to a power source near a tree, you need to make sure that the garland is working properly. After that, the decoration is wound into a skein for convenience.
- Start to wind the skein from the bottom. For the uniformity of the winding turns, it is advisable to apply chalk markings on the barrel in advance. The first loop can be done at any height. You will need a garden ladder to mount the upper turns. The main condition for this is the convenient location of the mode switch.
- The garland is neatly and tightly wound around the tree trunk. In this position, it will keep quite securely. You can also use duct tape to fix it. When choosing adhesive tape, remember that due to the growth of the tree, the LED decoration will need to be removed and re-hung once or twice a year.
- Having wound the LED decoration on the trunk, they proceed to decorate the branches. The branches are not decorated for the entire length, but 1-1.5 m. For convenience, adapters are placed on the main thread, to which the threads from the branches are connected.
- The twists on the branches can be made rare, this technique will allow the lighting to be made more uniform. To increase the amount of illumination, the interval between the turns is increased. If it is necessary to increase the intensity of illumination, the loops of the cord are placed closer to one another.
- Having reached the end of one branch, the garland is thrown onto the adjacent branch, and they begin to wind from top to bottom, and then from the center to the end of the next.

After the installation is completed, the ends of the street lights are securely fixed to the tree using fastening materials.
If the territory is being decorated for the first time, then the used extension cord for electrical power must have a large margin of length.
It is not always possible to make the decoration attractive the first time, so it is often necessary to move the garland, finding the best option.

When decorating trees with garlands, it is not recommended:
- place them on young trees;
- reinstall them in the presence of foliage on trees, in order to avoid damage to plants;
- leave them without rewinding for a long time, given the rapid growth of plants.
It is also worth remembering that all work must be carried out with strict adherence to safety precautions.

Beautiful examples
Nowadays, it has become possible to carry out any decor of trees and facades of houses with the help of street garlands.
- The widest range of LED jewelry will make any fantasy come true.

- Using garlands hanging down can help create a romantic date corner.

- Along such a beautiful shining alley, you want to walk into the distance, without stopping.

- The fabulous variety of lights will conquer from the first minute.

- The area filled with bright lights immediately attracts attention. I would like to look into this unusual world and be in a fairy tale.

- A walk through the evening city will bring a lot of unforgettable impressions.