Decorating windows with snowflakes

For a long time, paper decorations have been popular. Many people decorate windows with snowflakes on the eve of the New Year. There are many different templates for this. Let's consider the most popular options for snowflakes in more detail.

What can snowflakes be like?
Currently, there are a large number of options for paper snowflakes. We will present in detail the most popular of them.
New Year's volume products. Small squares are folded and cuts are made in them. Then the opposite strips are glued together, while skipping one. Turn the product over and glue the strips. Taking several of the same blanks, connect them to each other, thus obtaining a voluminous snowflake.

The demand for foamiran snowflakes is growing every year. Small strips are cut from a piece of material. They lay out a structure resembling a lattice from them. Connect adjacent strips, leaving the middle in the form of a cross. After completing another similar blank, they are connected, while receiving a New Year's composition.

You can make all kinds of New Year's figures out of paper. The symbols of the year in the form of bulls, bunnies, pigs, dragons, etc. are popular.

Snowflakes can be cut from paper. To do this, they are folded in a special way, and then cut out with scissors.
There are many templates that will allow you to decorate windows beautifully and in an original way, while spending a minimum amount of effort.

Snowflakes can be made with PVA glue. For this, a template is applied to the surface of the window, followed by the application of an adhesive.After hardening, the figurine can be attractively decorated, applied with rhinestones, sequins and other decor.

Figures from toothpaste look beautiful and original. To do this, take the substance and apply it to the window glass. Each option looks original and stylish. The substance is just as easily washed off as it is applied, it is enough to wipe the window with a damp cloth.

You can draw snowflakes with gouache. It is especially easy to paint with a template. Cutting it out of paper, simply apply it to the glass and then paint with gouache.

New Year's snowflakes can also be made from polystyrene foam. It is difficult to carry out the work, as in the case of inaccuracy, the product can be broken. First, we apply a pattern to the surface, followed by cutting out the contour. On top we decorate the snowflake with beads, sequins, salt and much more.

Snowflakes can be crafted using artificial snow. The substance is in a special canister. A drawing is applied to the window, after which it is decorated with New Year's artificial snowball.

There are numerous other variations of Christmas snowflakes. Using each of them, you can decorate the windows beautifully and in an original way.
How can you decorate a window?
Decorating with snowflakes for the New Year brings a festive mood to the house, makes the room beautiful and original. This design creates the right atmosphere.

Snowflakes can be painted on windows. This is done using a template. You can easily do the steps step by step with your own hands. The template is applied to the glass surface and traced along the contour. You can arrange snowflakes in 2 rows in random order.
You can create an original New Year's atmosphere with purchased stickers. You can find various options in the store network. Their use looks interesting in any case. Snowflakes can be glued to glass, making an interesting New Year's composition.

Recently, many decorate windows with voluminous compositions. There are quite a few options for this design. If you place them, you can get beautiful windows in accordance with your taste requirements. They will certainly add a New Year's style to the room.

Frosty patterns are simply applied to the glass. To do this, dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of salt in beer. Taking a sponge in hand, lightly apply the mixture to the surface of the window. More substance needs to be applied to the corners and sides. The composition will look original and stylish as soon as it dries well.
You can hang beautifully paper-cut decor on windows. It is enough just to stretch the threads and put postcards on them. New Year's symbols, cartoon characters and other similar decor look beautiful on them.

You can decorate windows beautifully and original with paper cut-out snowflakes in the form of curtains. Many curtains are also cut out of paper in the form of New Year's balls or New Year's symbols.
With a minimum amount of effort, you can get a very original New Year's composition.

Christmas balls are also suitable for window decoration. They are hung up according to taste. Small snowflakes can be placed inside the transparent balls.

New Year's wreaths are also popular. For decor, they take both purchased options and do-it-yourself options. Place them in accordance with their taste preferences.

Designers additionally offer to arrange various decorative elements on the windowsills. These can be small boxes with New Year's compositions in the form of spruce or pine branches, lavishly decorated with artificial snow.

And you can also put small houses on the windowsills, decorated with artificial snow and snowflakes. To give them charm and create a New Year's mood, you should put small candles inside. The constructions will glow, making the New Year's decor mysterious and magical.

Beautiful examples
Snowflakes always look beautiful, add New Year's mood.Among the large number of all kinds of options for New Year's window decor, the most interesting can be distinguished.
Print templates on a printer in two versions. Then the pictures are cut out, glued in pairs, attached to the glass surface. Snowflakes decorated with characters from Disney animated films look especially beautiful and original.

Lilliputian snowflakes look very cute and tender. They can be printed on a printer in large quantities at once, and then decorate the window with a garland or stick them on the glass in any order.

Snowflakes dressed in different clothes look attractive. You can decorate them in an original way with multi-colored hats, mittens and scarves.

Ordinary paper-cut snowflakes also look beautiful. To do this, fold the paper in the form of a triangle. We apply a ready-made template and cut out the snowflake along the contour.

Snowflakes in the form of ballerinas look original and magical. To create a composition, you just need to download the dancer's image and cut it along the contour. Instead of a skirt, you can use any snowflake you like.

New Year's snowflakes will allow you to decorate any room in an original and stylish way. There are many options for this decor. The windows will look unique, attracting the attention of others.