Overview of New Year's attributes

New Year is a holiday that gives a fabulous atmosphere and allows you to believe in miracles at least for a while. Various attributes that are associated with New Year's mood play an important role in this. If you want to diversify your holiday decor - this review will help you find interesting options.

New Year's attributes of the modern world
The most recognizable symbol is the Christmas tree. It is adorned not only in Russia, but also in many Christian countries. In the Dominican Republic and the southern states, they dress up a palm tree, since spruce does not grow there. And in China, the tangerine tree is held in high esteem - it is given as a gift. The fact is that the words "luck" and "mandarin" in one of the Chinese dialects sound very similar, so people believe that the plant will bring happiness.
Floral wreaths are used as New Year decorations in India. And in Spain you can often find poinsettia in pots. This flower looks like a star, therefore it is associated with the holiday. In addition, in Spain there will definitely be grapes on the table - it is believed that it contributes to the fulfillment of desires. Garlands are an integral part of the festive mood. They are used to decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the walls, windows, as well as the facade of the house on the street.
Flashing decor can be simple or complex design, unusual stylish bulbs.

If you want to make the holiday even brighter, you can go outside and launch fireworks. Colored placers in the sky delight even adults, not to mention children. Residents of Russia attribute not only a Christmas tree with garlands and Olivier to the attributes of the New Year, but also familiar Soviet films. Many people like to revise "Irony of Fate", "Carnival Night" and other films.If you get bored with these stories, you can turn to foreign New Year's films or discover something new and interesting during the holiday weekend.
An important point is table setting. Even a few spruce branches in a vase will add the right atmosphere. You can decorate them with a silver or gold spray for a spray effect. In addition, candles, decor on glasses, napkins with themed patterns will be appropriate. It is better to choose the color scheme of decoration taking into account your interior, so that the table does not look like a foreign object in the middle of the room. Some jewelry has become so popular that it can be safely considered international. They will help create a festive atmosphere at home and please loved ones.

Christmas wreaths
This decorative element came to us from Catholic countries. The wreath symbolizes peace and eternal life, looks beautiful, adding comfort. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a decoration stuck and became popular. And also it is easy to do it yourself, using wire for fasteners, spruce branches, cones, beads, ribbons. Or you can buy it ready-made in the store.

Various candles
Subdued lights and lights create a mysterious atmosphere filled with a spirit of magic, which is great for a holiday. Candles can be ordinary or carved, curly, with original decor - these can also be given as a gift. They can be placed on shelves, on windowsills, on a table or even on the floor. Scented candles add additional notes of your favorite scents. The main thing is not to forget about fire safety.

Gingerbread houses
This sweet dessert will delight both children and adults. You can bake the house yourself using a gingerbread base, icing and sprinkling to decorate. The stores also sell ready-made delicacies, and some pastry chefs make real masterpieces that will decorate any table.
In addition to the houses, you can bake holiday cookies by choosing funny molds in the form of deer, stars, angels and Christmas trees. It tastes even better if you add cinnamon and ginger for a traditional flavor.

Home decor
However, you should not be limited only to the Christmas tree and the New Year's table. Alternatively, you can hang cute decorations all over the place to fill your home with a joyful atmosphere. It is better to choose places where holiday attributes will not interfere with household members.

For windows
Bright garlands will give New Year's mood not only to you, but also to passers-by. You can also decorate windows with themed stickers, homemade paper cut snowflakes, or even drawings. (just choose a paint that you can easily wash off later). On the windowsills, you can place fir branches and cones, put figurines of fairy-tale characters or angels.

For stairs
Garlands, ribbons and bows, Christmas balls - all this easily gives an elegant look. You can hang traditional Christmas socks on the railing, stick up stickers or make drawings. Gifts, candles and figurines on the steps look beautiful, but make sure no one in your household trips over these items.

For chairs
Decorating the backs and legs of chairs is a nice touch that will add coziness to the interior. You can tie ribbons and bows made of satin or organza. There are various chair covers available to help transform furniture. And also on the backs you can fix small wreaths, cones or small balls.

For information on how to make a New Year's gingerbread house with your own hands, see the next video.