Ideas for New Year's Eve parties

New Year is the most beloved holiday in our country, everyone is looking forward to it. It is a holiday with the most well-known traditions and symbols, with its own indescribable atmosphere of a fairy tale. But let's be honest with ourselves: any, even the most beautiful and vibrant traditions, due to repeated repetition, gradually begin to lose their charm.
It is not for nothing that children love the New Year much more strongly than adults - not only do they have no organizational concerns, but also this whole fairy tale is a novelty for them every time. For adults, the traditional tangerines with Olivier and champagne under the Christmas tree get a little boring, I want to deviate at least a little from the canons, since there is a reason. If you have imagination, you can significantly diversify your own New Year, but even if you can't think of anything on your own, you're in luck - you've already found this article.

Ideas for the whole family
New Years celebrations are strongly associated with their with familywhere hosts and guests can be of completely different age categories. Many parents prefer for the New Year take the children somewhere to the central square, where Santa Claus and Snegurochka will inevitably organize an entertainment program for them, while the adults themselves can be distracted for a while. However, then this is no longer a family party, and not a party - it is better to spend the whole night at home, using your imagination.
A chic pastime that has been gaining popularity lately is themed party in the format of filming. A plan like this is great for artistic families and their guests.The task of adults is to choose a certain family film that would be kind, liked by all the participants, did not have clearly negative characters and, in terms of the number, age, gender of the heroes, coincided with the composition of the people at the party.
Then it's a matter of technique - to distribute the responsibilities for decorating so that the theme of the room's decoration more or less corresponds to the surroundings of the tape, to find or sew costumes (if needed), to review the film for everyone to remember the plot. At the party itself, in addition to the participants in the shooting, there may be someone else in the role of director and operator, if only the "actors" will not replace each other in this role.
All that remains is to arm yourself with a video camera and shoot what is happening so that you get a movie, and then edit it, add the title and credits in the video editor.

Children will definitely be delighted with such an undertaking - they generally like to show themselves, especially if they have a good role and with a beautiful costume. Adults, if they have at least a share of artistry, will also appreciate the opportunity to throw away worries and play in public, especially since this is unusual. The main thing in the process is not to find fault with the "actors" for a bad game, because all the shooting is organized for entertainment, and not for the sake of claiming an Oscar. It is important that the memory of such a holiday will remain not only in memories, but also in the form of a film, the collective viewing of which can in itself become a great idea for a party many years later.
The meaning of the above shooting is a bit like carnival party... It differs in that the participants do not need to know the text and do not have to play well, but here the requirements for the quality of the costumes are much higher. The carnival should also be made thematic, so that the participants do not look like a completely illogical bunch of characters torn from different contexts. Even if you do not shoot what is happening on video, numerous vivid photos can remain as a keepsake.

Children's parties
In a sense, organizing a home party for children is even easier than for adults, because babies are not yet so demanding on organization. Sometimes you can do without a separate topic altogether. - the kids will be glad that the adults have allowed her to get together in a big company under the Christmas tree and at the set table. If it is important for adults to look as beautiful as possible at the holiday, then kids may not think about it at all and clearly give preference to the convenience of clothing. They will not sit decorously at the table, but will certainly take breaks for active games.
Even typical childish sloppiness multiplies the risk of staining a beautiful suit, so it's better not to invent anything, but to organize pajama party - let everyone dress the way they want. True, it is worth informing about this in advance, otherwise someone will be upset that they listened to their parents and put on an inappropriate and uncomfortable suit and tie.
In no case, do not forget that children love sweets, and they associate the New Year with a lot of sweets and chocolate.

Capturing the moment when children become adults can be difficult, but for teenagers, the New Year's party, of course, should not be organized according to the "children's" canons. For girls an interesting solution may be the banal involvement of future participants in the development and organization of the holiday. Adults simply offer the girls to decide for themselves how they see their gatherings, and to do everything in their power for this on their own, while the elders will help with funding and allocating premises. Feelings of adulthood and independence may be enough for girls, and even the one who acts as a hostess will feel special pride.

For adolescent boys the competitive spirit is very important. It would be great if the parents offered the guys to hold some kind of championship between themselves, and no matter what the competition will be in - if only all the participants wanted to compete.To increase interest in what is happening, be it table hockey or Counter-Strike, it is worth introducing a system of prizes - at least for the winner, and ideally for the entire prize-winning three. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the prizes wisely - they should not be too alluring, otherwise the holiday may end in a fight or a feeling of resentment among the losers.

Party for adults
One can only wonder at how boring and banal New Year's parties are usually held for adults, because these are the very people who have every opportunity to organize something interesting. There are already so many ideas that you need to submit a whole list of them.
- Retro style. On the one hand, this has already happened once, on the other, it has been partially forgotten, which means that it is time to extract oblivion from the chests. There will certainly be typical New Year's attributes such as champagne, tangerines and Olivier, and this is the "trick" - it is necessary to strictly observe the traditions, abandoning too new trends such as overseas wines, pineapples, pizza and sushi. Clothes should be beautiful, but simple, hairstyles - the same as it was fashionable in the USSR. Watching "Home Alone" is strictly prohibited - only "Irony of Fate".

- "Hipsters"... Beating the mega-popular subculture of the 60s and 70s is a great idea for cheerful retirees who still found those times, and younger people who just love that aesthetics. The dress code is required - everyone should be dressed loudly, brightly, catchy, and bell-bottoms are the real "nail" of the program. Men with their hairstyles should resemble Elvis Presley and generally look like they have just been snatched from some rock party, ladies should also work hard to make an indelible impression on the opposite sex. At the same time, the table will be quite poor - with port wine and canned food, it imitates food popular among real "dudes".

- Gangsters... This is also retro, but completely different - non-Soviet. Gangster themes are popular in our country as well, thanks to the numerous Hollywood films about crime - from there you can glean how everything should look. Men, as it should be in the 20s and 30s of the last century, are dressed in suits in black and white tones and hats, sport patent leather shoes and expensive cigars, drink only expensive alcohol.
We remember that at that time in America there was a dry law, it was impossible to deal with alcoholic beverages, so for the atmosphere it is worthwhile to immediately come up with alternative names for each type of alcohol, such as "juice" and "milk". Ladies, too, should look wealthy, with the chic of those times - always with feathers or fur, in shoes with medium heels, strictly in a dress and mesh stockings, no trousers and even more so jeans. Calling each other is worth characteristic nicknames like "Billy Baby" and "Cindy Pretty".
The company will entertain itself with gambling games from cards to roulettes, a general atmosphere a la casino is welcome.

- 90th. “Our answer to Chamberlain” is also a crime, but domestic. It is important to find a delicate balance between ostentatious chic (gold chains, huge mobile phones) and the lack of wealth of those times (badly frayed jeans, the absence of an overly thin style in clothes). Red caviar and expensive fish on the table are obligatory, it is best to drink vodka, but there should be quite a few different imported elements both in design and on the table. A playlist of hits that we all still remember by heart will help maintain the atmosphere.

- Tropics. This New Year is consistently associated with cold weather and snow, and there are hotter regions. Among our fellow citizens there are many who want to exchange the harsh Russian winter for a sultry summer, so why not imagine that you are not in Russia? Of course, sweaters will not have the feeling of the tropics, so everyone should dress as lightly and with tropical colorfulness, and if the level of relations of all those present allows, you should generally give preference to beachwear or costumes like those at the carnival in Rio.
For the sake of the comfort of those present and the surroundings, it is worth making sure that the temperature in the room will be high enough, and there is a technical possibility to ensure such conditions. Music should be chosen in accordance with a narrow theme - it can be Mexican, Brazilian, Hawaiian, and so on. The menu must contain a large amount of fresh fruits, pineapples and oranges will wonderfully complement the atmosphere of joy from eternal summer.

Useful Tips
A theme party for New Years or any other occasion will never be successful if try to surprise her. Any event has organizers, but the specific theme implies that absolutely all invitees are specially prepared for the event. If someone did not know about the upcoming scenario or was simply too lazy to prepare, it will be embarrassing for the one who fell out of the "game" and for everyone else because one of the company members is not with them.

Since the theme is chosen for the holiday, you need to make sure that all potential guests agree and approve of the destination. If during the "shooting" someone starts to shade too much in front of the camera or some guests react coldly to the creation of their own carnival costumes, the mood will be spoiled for everyone.
When planning a theme party, don't expect everything to work out by itself. Even if your guests are passionately interested in the future holiday and show zeal themselves, do not forget to control everything, because any project should have a leader who sees the whole picture. Do not rely on others - do what you can.
Never place emphasis either on the table, or only on the costumes, or only on the program.

See the next video for New Year's party ideas.