Fant ideas for the New Year

New Year is a holiday that should never be celebrated alone. On the contrary, it is worth gathering a company so that the event is fun and soulful. However, just sitting and eating together is not the brightest celebration, because you want unrestrained fun and light extreme sports, and not every company has natural-born animators. The solution to the problem can be a game of forfeits - then even the most boring person will be forced to show himself from a completely unexpected side and sincerely amuse the guests.

Carrying out options
Fanta for the New Year, like the New Year's celebration itself, strongly depends on who exactly the company that plays in them will consist of. Think about who you will spend the holiday with, and think about how to make all the tasks doable for any participant, while being fun and not humiliating anyone. Actually you don't have to bother at all, just buying a play set in one of the stores, but it's much more interesting to make forfeits yourself - then, knowing all the future participants well and having some imagination, you can come up with really interesting tasks.

Perhaps the reader has never played forfeits at all and has a bad idea of such a game, so helping him with ideas is our immediate task. In general, companies that will play forfeits can be divided into several classes.
- Family or multiple families. First of all, these are the closest people, to endure humiliation in front of whom you least want - accordingly, the tasks here must be very loyal.In addition, it is in such groups that the age difference between participants can be radical: grandchildren can celebrate with grandparents. It is clear that an old man with arthritis will not be able to jump into a dance, and a child, in the case of paired assignments, will not be able to lift an adult partner. Puzzle your head over the gentle tasks available to everyone.

- A friendly group of adults. In this case, the tasks will be just the opposite - in the circle of physically healthy, not yet old people, even forfeits for strength and dexterity may well be appropriate. In addition, adults understand that slight humiliation during the game cannot be offensive if everyone had an equal chance to face it.

Perhaps this is the case when tasks for forfeits can be chosen as freely as possible, sometimes even going a little too far, if you know that your friends will not be offended.
- Children's company. Another case when tasks for forfeits must be chosen very carefully. Children are often characterized by inexplicable cruelty - they can bully their comrade for weeks for what, in their opinion, humiliated himself by performing this or that fant, although he simply followed the rules of the game that everyone agreed with.

Therefore, ideally, tasks should be chosen so that the situation as a whole is rather funny than the participant who got into it.
- Colleagues. You can often hear the point of view according to which a certain corporate ethics should be adhered to at a New Year's event with colleagues. In fact, most likely not - since you even spend the festivities together, you should at least for a while forget who is the boss and who is the subordinate. Moreover, at work you see each other in the most boring performances - it's time to find out who is what in non-working hours.

Consequently, the task of the forfeit compiler is precisely to discard all the officialdom and show the participants in an unusual way.
What can you think of?
Without prior experience, coming up with questions and desires with actions that are both easy, fun, and interesting will not be easy. That is why we have collected the best examples for a party for every taste, and you, starting from them, can add something of your own.

For the whole family
The subtlety of family forfeits lies in the fact that children are participants with the least opportunities, so adults in competitions will have to behave like children. It will be most interesting if the tasks are paired and the same, but the pair is chosen randomly according to the principle “a child with one of his parents”. For example, kids will definitely be delighted to change roles with their parents, and the audience will be happy with such a spectacle.

The adult pretends to be a little capricious child who needs to be reassured, put on an apron and spoon-fed. Playing at home, it is better to compete in teams where children are brothers or sisters, and their parents are husband and wife, then the desire to win against both teams will be equal.

At the same time, the participants will remember that the other team is also their close relatives, and the losing child can be very upset, therefore they will not celebrate the victory too explicitly.
Among other tasks, you can come up with the following sentences spelled out on phantoms:
- dance a simple dance, putting on the right shoe on the left foot, and vice versa;
- crawl under the table and pretend to be a dog;
- it is essential not to laugh for a minute when everyone around them jokes with all their might, trying to make the participant laugh;
- eating fruit or drinking milk from a plate without using hands.

As an option, forfeits with predictions are also suitable - but, of course, you need to choose those that are equally suitable for everyone present and will definitely be perceived as something good.
For adult friends
If there are no children in the company, then the feast for the hosts and guests can take on "non-childish" forms - for example, suggest the use of alcohol as a task or a vulgar subtext. Among friends of different genders, the presence of such zest will be perceived as the factor due to which the event is still interesting. Ideas for assignments can be as follows:
- collect a cocktail from those drinks that are on the table and drink it yourself or, as another interesting fantasy, announce at the last moment that another person sitting at the table, randomly chosen by lot, is drinking it;
- to wish those present a Happy New Year, imitating the President's New Year's address;
- perform a simple dance with sparklers to cheer up the New Year;
- dial a random number and wish the person who answered the phone a Happy New Year;
- depict as plausibly as possible that animal of the eastern horoscope, which is "responsible" for the coming year;
- there are fruits from a plate with their hands tied - already sliced if you feel sorry for the participants, or whole if it should be funny to everyone else;
- get a candy from a jar that is pre-filled with something soiled - for example, sour cream or flour;
- for a clearly prescribed time, do not forget to change the laughter of each of those present every time someone laughs;
- tickle one of the guests to such an extent that they laugh during the allotted time for the task - usually no more than one minute;
- depict a boiling kettle;
- open a window and loudly imitate in it the sounds made by various animals - for example, horses or sheep;
- make a toast and drain your glass in one gulp, while standing in a swallow position;
- to dance a belly dance, regardless of the gender of the participant who stretched out the phantom, along the way flirting a little with others;
- in one gulp, drink a portion of the strongest of alcoholic beverages, while having a snack with any spicy or sour food and, most importantly, without wrinkling at all;
- raise a toast with the most believable Caucasian accent;
- demonstrate a light striptease - out of observance of the rules of decency, this phantom in the company usually only goes to men, and if a girl nevertheless pulled it out, she has the right to give it to her companion or any other male participant;
- draw a Christmas tree with a pen tied to a long stick, which the participant holds by the far end;
- paired fant - one of those present is blindfolded and forced to feed the other participant in this form;
- ride everyone for a short period of time.

For kids
Children's forfeits strongly depend on the age of the company participants. In this collection of ideas, we'll focus on activities that are always appropriate for toddlers. If you are organizing a party for teenagers, it would be wiser to take part of the assignments from this section, and another part from forfeits for an adult company. So, children's forfeits can take the following form:
- sing a song of New Year's theme, imitating, if possible, the animal whose year begins;
- blindfolded, determine which fruits are smelled;
- without making any sounds, show the animal, which is the symbol of the coming year;
- exchange a piece of costume with one of the neighbors;
- congratulate those present on behalf of the animal, whose year begins;
- eat candy without touching it with your hands;
- draw a symbol of the New Year, holding a pencil or felt-tip pen in your mouth and not helping yourself with your hands;
- unfold the candy with your hands in mittens;
- write down a sincere New Year's greetings with the wrong hand that this participant usually writes;
- in the style of a robot, with a characteristic electronic voice and with sharp movements to congratulate everyone on the holiday.

For colleagues
A corporate party is perceived by many employees as a rather boring holiday, but, as you know, the boringness of each celebration is determined by the boring guests. The problem is solved by the method of coming up with vivid tasks that will allow every office employee to suddenly turn out to be an extraordinary and cheerful person. Here are the tasks that can appear on the cards:
- blindfold yourself and in this form try to portray the boss on paper;
- at their own discretion, choose one of the colleagues and, without using words or any sounds, show him to the rest of those present so that they can recognize him;
- admit adoration to your boss in as many languages as possible;
- hug the maximum possible number of employees at a time - as many as you can hug;
- offer the manager a common photo with himself in such a way that it is definitely not trivial and will be remembered for a long time;
- combine the products on the table so that you get a completely new dish, and eat it;
- dress up the guest sitting to the left or right of the participant who pulled out this phantom by analogy with a New Year tree, but at the same time it is allowed to use only what is already in the room, and the decor cannot be removed from the tree itself;
- come up with a funny rhyme to the name of the boss (with his consent, of course);
- tell jokes, fictional or real life stories for so long until at least one of those present laughs;
- greet several (indicate the exact number depending on the size of the company) colleagues in the form of a bow, but in all cases do it differently so that the elements of the greeting are not repeated;
- come up with some of the most stupid and implausible reasons why you were late or did not show up for work at all;
- drink one or more of the following toasts not from a glass or glass, but from a saucer;
- fill your mouth with any food and, in this form, try to sing a festive song for those around you;
- hug and kiss the boss, regardless of whether the boss has the opposite sex;
- make a declaration of love to a colleague sitting opposite - again, regardless of whether it is appropriate for gender and age;
- to paint a guest on the right or on the left, also without a discount on whether it is a man or a woman;
- one of the participants is given a cucumber or a banana, which must be squeezed between the legs - the participant who pulled out the phantom must eat it without pulling it out;
- ask all the women present to kiss themselves on the cheek, gathering as many as possible, the remaining lipstick must not be washed off until the end of the festival;
- in a limited, predetermined time, to have time to first inflate the balloon, and then burst it, without helping oneself with either hands or feet;
- loudly voice the negative qualities of each of those present and at the same time not make enemies for yourself;
- tell the guests the tale "Turnip" (or any other), replacing the original participants with colleagues;
- to beg from each of those present at least one of his things and try to build a suit out of all this for yourself;
- if there are helium balloons at the holiday - inhale helium in a funny childish voice, logically and with evidence to convince colleagues that Santa Claus exists;
- if the event takes place in a cafe, stay at the end to help the waiters take away the dishes.

Some of the proposed tasks for forfeits are somewhat frank in nature, and they will not be appropriate in all situations. Choosing an assignment for a company of colleagues, you must understand that someone present is not well-mannered, may be offended by the conditions of the competition and generally refuse to participate.

Your task is not to provoke a scandal, but to amuse those present, therefore, offer risky tasks only to those companies in which you know everyone well.
The most fun
New Year is a fun holiday, so funny and comic tasks will be especially appropriate.Let the guests not be afraid to look amusing and touching - this way they cheer up everyone around you! The organizer should be armed with ideas for forfeits like the following:
- perform a song for those present, holding several matches between your teeth and not losing them - as a result, the song can be anything, and it will be cool, even if it was not in the original;
- depict a Christmas deer without a single sound so that those present will recognize it;
- build a New Year tree from what you can find on the table - for greater fun, little time is given to complete the task;
- read "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" with a recitative;
- at your discretion, select several people present and make an original and funny, and most importantly, a spontaneous selfie with each of them;
- make a toast, copying the “signature Estonian” accent;
- scream as a symbol of the coming year with a national epithet - the way a Russian, German or Chinese animal would do.

Outdoor Challenge Ideas
After a long meal, it is vital to get out into the fresh air and exercise a little. Even on the street, you can not part with the jokes - moreover, there are even more opportunities for forfeits. Here are just some incendiary tasks:
- pretend to be a beggar, beg for food or money from strangers;
- contact several strangers with a proposal to drink together in honor of the New Year;
- make several circles around the tree, convincingly depicting the symbol of the coming year according to the Chinese calendar;
- build a snowman with your own hands in a limited time;
- in a crowded place, for example, under a Christmas tree, sing a New Year's song at the top of their lungs;
- persuade unfamiliar passers-by to get together and dance around the spruce, gather as many participants as possible;
- get to know a member of the opposite sex and exchange contacts;
- dance with the first passer-by who is of the opposite sex;
- recruit a small choir from strangers and sing a groovy holiday song with them;
- get out into the street with weird makeup or a stupid suit;
- pestering strangers with riddles;
- find a random stranger of the opposite sex who will agree to join the company, allegedly playing the "Bottle";
- ask someone from the passers-by about a joint descent from the slide on a sled or any other similar device;
- in front of a popular public Christmas tree, suddenly come out in front of a crowd of casual spectators and, copying the manner of the President's New Year greetings, address “dear Russians”.

Musical forfeits
Hearing that the competition involves a creative component, many potential participants will begin to deny, arguing that they can neither sing nor dance. The organizer will have to explain to those present that the purpose of the competition is not to win it and not to win prizes, but to liberate and have fun. As they say, the main thing is not victory, but participation.

New Year's Eve is a magical time when everyone will succeed - you just need to relax and try.
The advantage of such forfeits is that the same tasks can be issued repeatedly or to different participants at the same time, and the options, for example, are as follows:
- independently choose a partner from among those present, invite him to dance, dance either something of your choice, or something that is clearly indicated in the phantom (for example, a waltz);
- to dance a group dance - the most popular traditionally is the Dance of the Little Swans;
- if the company is in a public place where Santa Claus and Snegurochka are present, persuade one of these characters to dance with the participant who received the corresponding fant;
- if the celebration takes place in a company with colleagues, the participant who pulled out a phantom should invite the chief to dance;
- go out in front of the audience and sing a few ditties in the most fervent version;
- sing a song about a Christmas tree, imitating a wolf howl, but so that the words and motive remain legible;
- in a predetermined limited time, have time to remember several (at least three) New Year's songs and quickly hum them to those present so that they can recognize what kind of songs they are;
- sing a duet with the boss, suggesting a song to your liking.

For information on how to play forfeits, see the next video.