Ideas for a corporate party for the New Year

A corporate party is a solemn event organized by the company's management for its employees. If on February 23 and March 8, a festive table is simply laid in the office, a whole entertainment program is organized for the New Year, a room is rented in a restaurant, a presenter and animators are invited in the form of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. If a small amount of money is allocated for a corporate party, then you can refuse the presenter with animators. And the role of the main representatives of the holiday will be played by the employees themselves.

Organization Tips
New Year is a family holiday that is often celebrated at home with children. But the corporate party involves a celebration only for adults. It is extremely rare for company employees to be allowed to take a child to an event. And parents in the presence of children will not be able to relax.
The organizers, realizing that only adults will attend the event, select a special show program.

If the organizational moment of a corporate party falls on the shoulders of one of the company's employees, he should get acquainted with several tips from professional organizers and presenters.
- It is required to talk with the employees of the company, to clarify their wishes and requirements for the upcoming event. Based on the data obtained, it is much easier to determine the format of the celebration, the venue and the number of people who want to take part in the performance. You can also ask colleagues for ideas of fun tasks for the holiday, which do not go beyond the bounds of decency. The organizer of the event is recommended to carry out an audit in the warehouse.Many things hidden from the team can be the perfect addition to entertaining contests.

- It is important to restore friendly relations in the team. Any workflow is bound to cause minor conflicts and misunderstandings. To go to the New Year's feast in a good mood, it is necessary to restore the communication of people between whom the "cat ran" in advance. To do this, a few weeks before the appointed date, an unusual team building is required, thanks to which colleagues will be able to reconcile, and the corporate spirit will become much stronger.

- It is very important to decide on the theme of the New Year's Eve. In this way, the guests will be able to prepare an appropriate suit. At themed parties, the image of each invitee should be different from everyday clothes. But do not forget that the company management will be present at the holiday, before which it would be wrong to appear in an open toilet. For a classic corporate party, it is better to choose a modern cocktail dress and a discreet classic suit in soothing colors. If a certain theme is chosen for the celebration, you will have to find an interesting image that matches the idea of the evening.

- It is important to properly plan your event. Each stage of the holiday must be calculated from start to finish. Any step of the presenter, any competition - even a toast - must take place at a certain time, according to the organizer's idea.

- In no case should you panic. As you know, any event, no matter how thoughtful it is, always receives a remark from the guests. But do not despair about this.
There are at least 5 ways out of any situation. If you adhere to the proposed tips, you will be able to create an excellent scenario for a New Year's corporate party.

With a leading
For a New Year's corporate party to be remembered for a long time, you need to use the services of a professional. He will also be the host, and he will be responsible for the script. However, the choice of the venue for the event is entirely on the shoulders of the head of the company. Having chosen a restaurant or a banquet hall, the presenter goes there to get acquainted with the premises and the free area for performance.
At the entrance to the ceremonial hall, you must hang a New Year's poster with poems calling for the holiday. After the employees of the company are seated in their seats, the presenter begins the show. While colleagues are serving salads and filling their glasses with champagne, the presenter gives the opening speech. His words should contain congratulations and a small explanation to the script of the holiday. In this case, it is proposed to consider the option of traveling to different countries in a comfortable train. To do this, you need to create the atmosphere of the station, for example, turn on the sound of wheels and the whistle of a steam locomotive.

The first stop, for example, might be Poland. When the train arrives at the station, national Polish music should be played. The host begins to tell the guests of the event about a particular tradition of the Polish people associated with the New Year. Next, a competition is held in accordance with the custom of the country. After the competition, the feast continues, cheerful music sounds, which smoothly turns into the sound of wheels. The host reports that the train has arrived in Kenya. The tradition of the African people is described in a similar way. A corresponding competition is being held.
The next stop could be the United States. However, you can get there by plane or by boat. Accordingly, the duration of the trip is slightly increased. During this period of time, you can turn on several incendiary dance songs or arrange a couple more contests. After finishing your trip to different countries, you need to return back to Russia.
Upon returning to their native land, it is necessary to wait for the arrival of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.It is their appearance that marks the imminent onset of the New Year and the end of the solemn part of the corporate party.

Since these characters are the heroes of children's fairy tales, they always appear with a greeting for the little ones. The host of the event smoothly steps aside, as Santa Claus takes the reins. He and his granddaughter Snegurochka greet the employees of the company, tell where he came from, how long his path was, what adventures happened to him along the way. Further, the Snow Maiden and Ded Moroz hold several interesting contests, after which they begin to present gifts to the guests.
With such a scenario, the holiday will turn out to be very funny and unusual. The main thing is to work out the competitions in detail, if necessary, change the countries for travel. You can also instruct each table to prepare a dance characterizing the country of arrival.

On their own
It is much more difficult when a small amount is allocated for the celebration of a New Year's corporate party. With budgetary opportunities, it will be impossible to invite professionally trained animators and a presenter. Therefore, the show program entirely falls on the shoulders of one of the company's employees. Today scenarios for a New Year's corporate party can be found on the Internet. And if you show your imagination and allocate several days for drawing up an event plan, you will be able to create a unique and inimitable holiday. It is much more difficult if the organizer has no talent for writing. In this case, you will have to use the help of colleagues, friends and acquaintances.
As a unique scenario, one can suggest “working on the mistakes of the outgoing year”. Since only colleagues will be present at the corporate party, you can recall some of the problems that happened at work and play them in a humorous way.
If you approach this issue correctly, you will turn a difficult working situation into a funny scene.

Generic scenarios
In addition to certain scenarios, there are universal options for holding a festive event. They are suitable for educators, teachers, representatives of the creative profession. Any universal program adheres to a certain plan, where 4 stages of action are visible:
- greetings;
- congratulations from the head;
- contests;
- dancing.

In the welcoming speech, the presenter should remind about the achievements of the organization, tell in a funny way about some of the shortcomings of the work. To thank those who came to the event with the clink of glasses. Then the head of the company takes the floor. He expresses his appreciation to his colleagues, thanks the employees for the year they spent together. Immediately after that, you can proceed to the entertainment program, for example, arrange a festive lottery. To do this, you need to prepare lottery tickets in advance. Each employee must receive their ticket at the entrance to the hall. At the same time, he must choose it himself from a closed container, then write his first and last name and put it in the drum.
The prizes of this lottery must be the most unusual. For example, a dance with the director, an extra day off, permission to be half an hour late for work. Inexpensive souvenirs will do as a consolation prize. Once the festive event is in full swing, you can move on to other contests. The improvisation of New Year's fairy tales will look interesting. For example, replaying the fairy tale "Kolobok" in a modern New Year's way.

Options for the female team
Creating a New Year's corporate party for a female team is not an easy task. Every woman has her own disposition and interests. And it is impossible to please every employee.
- It is necessary to work out the site of the event. For a close-knit team, a restaurant hall with a large area will be ideal. It will be possible to invite a qualified presenter there, who will be able to organize cool contests and an excellent show program.
- Pay attention to the organizational aspect of the event. First you need to decorate the festive room. And not with purchased decor, but with posters and handmade toys.
- The style of the women's corporate party should be carefully worked out. In this case, the fair sex has no limit to imagination. It can be a nautical style, a hippie corporate party, rock and roll, a pirate version of the holiday. And this is only a part of the possible options.
- It is necessary to monitor the organization of employees. New Year's corporate party should not become a table gathering.

Men's company program
It is not difficult to arrange a New Year's corporate party for men. Representatives of the stronger sex always remain children. Accordingly, any festive event is filled with positive for them. However, for modern men it is preferable to arrange corporate parties with an interesting quest theme. It can be a detective investigation or a treasure hunt on a pirate ship.
The most important thing is that employees, who do not even know each other, rally into a single whole and reach the victorious end of the game.

In the next video, ideas for contests for a corporate party for the New Year are waiting for you.