Variety of New Year's games at the table

New Year is a great occasion to get together with friends and have a pleasant evening. And to make the event really interesting and memorable, you need to prepare for it in advance and come up with an entertainment program.

Entertainment for companies
Celebrating the New Year with friends or at home is a great tradition. And everyone should have in stock interesting New Year's games at the table, which are suitable both for two or three people and for large companies. You can entertain guests in different ways: come up with jokes, write funny or scary predictions.
For retirees, you can think of sitting board games so that they do not get too tired, but it was still interesting for them to play with others. All this should be discussed separately.

For those who prefer to celebrate the New Year in a close family circle with the kids, you can come up with a lot of interesting things to entertain a company of different ages.
- Ball game. To implement it, you will need multi-colored markers and balloons. Each player needs to distribute all the components, and you can start playing with cheerful music. On the ball, you need to draw an image of the animal whose year is coming. Whoever gets it the most beautiful will be the winner. If there are several children, then at the end of the game it is worth giving prizes to all the children. At the end of the game with balls, you can decorate the house.

- Lotto. A great game for a small company. You can buy a set with everything you need in literally every souvenir or stationery store. And to make the game more interesting, you should definitely come up with a small prize for the winner.
Lotto will appeal not only to elderly people, but also to young people.

- Poem or dance. Another competition for companies with kids. You can please the kids by inviting them to tell them a poem or sing a song. For this it is worth presenting a sweet gift in the form of chocolate Santa Claus or Snow Maiden.

If the company is quite large, then you can hold many different interesting games that will help you spend New Year's Eve in an interesting way.
- Dialogue with songs. For this competition, all participants in the company will need to split into two teams. For example, one team will be made up of only men and the other will be made up of women. Members of the first team should ask their rivals questions with songs, and members of the second team should answer them using songs as well. For example, women can sing "I love you to tears", and men, to make it more interesting, sing "First of all, first of all, the planes, but the girls, and the girls then." The one of the teams that cannot sing the answer to the question is playing.

- "Delicious cookie". For this competition, all participants need to split into pairs. It is much more interesting if it is one man and one woman. Then each team needs to take one cookie. One of the pair should put it in his mouth, and the other on command should try to bite off as much as possible. The winner is the team that has bitten off the larger piece.

- "The cleverest". All guests who wish to take part in this game need to distribute sheets of paper and pens or pencils. After that, the host or one of the guests should come up with an interesting task and ask him to complete it. Write words in which only one of the vowels will be present, for example, "U". Words can be as follows: "beech, oak, uh-huh" and so on. After this competition, you need to leave two or three players who will have the most words. They must take part in the final round, where the winner will be determined. Players will need to write phrases in which both words must begin with the same letter, for example, "D" ("good-natured grandfather, impudent fellow, twenty-two" and so on). The winner is the one who can come up with the most groups of words in a short time.

- "Merry Singers". You also need to prepare for this game in advance. On separate sheets of paper, you need to write down various words that are associated with the New Year. For example, "chimes, tree, firecrackers, champagne, Santa Claus." All these pieces of paper must be thrown into the hat. At the table, all guests are divided into 2 teams and take turns drawing them. They need to sing a couple of phrases from any song with the word that the players got. And so on until all the notes run out.

- "The best animal." The competition is for a person to be able to parody an animal, the year of which is coming, as believably as possible. The winner will be recognized as the best parodist.
In theory, he is entitled to a prize, which is chosen by the whole company.

- Fanta. This competition is probably one of the most interesting. After all, absolutely everyone can participate in it. The essence of the game is that each participant must write on a piece of paper a task that will be completed by the player who pulled it out. And who gets what task, none of the players will know. All tasks should be easy and quickly completed, as well as interesting. For example, you can write all tasks in poetry. Here are some interesting blanks for a noisy company: “Show everyone the master class and dance to us squatting down”; “Tell us in Arabic, you will dance belly dance to everyone”; "Eat a sandwich at a run, put fish and lemon in your mouth"; "If you are not drunk yet, have a glass of vodka"; “If everyone is bored, then stomp like an elephant”; "If you are such a hero, then don't be afraid of us and sing." Thus, you can come up with and guess many interesting tasks that will make the New Year's Eve much more interesting.

- "Actor play". The meaning of this game is to stage any chosen fairy tale. First of all, you need to choose a reader for the tale. This should be a person with good diction. After that, a fairy tale is selected, it is best to take the one that is simpler. It can be Kolobok, Turnip, and Mitten. If the company is creative, you can write a fairy tale yourself. Further, on separate sheets of paper, you need to write out the words of all the characters that are in the tale. After that, the paper must be rolled up and thrown into the hat. Each person will draw out a role for themselves. The reader begins to read, and the "actors" as he reads should be included in their acting work and portray the characters. It turns out quite interesting and funny.

- "Guess the present." Gift exchange can also be turned into a game. True, here it is important not to forget to discuss that everyone in the company should bring at least a small gift for others. The game itself is as follows: one person is trying to guess what the other wants to give him. The donor can only answer "yes" and "no". You need to play until the moment when the item is guessed and solemnly presented.

Corporate games
Very often, the New Year is celebrated with its colleagues at previously prepared corporate parties. In this case, interesting contests and quizzes will help diversify the usual feast on New Year's Eve. For employees to be able to relax, it is best to choose games that are simple and comic. Some of the most interesting options are worth considering.
- "Crocodile". Such a competition can be held without even getting up from the festive table, that is, sitting. The meaning of the game is quite simple and consists of several actions. It is necessary to guess a word in the ear to the person sitting next to him, and he must necessarily depict what he heard only with the help of gestures, and not with words. The move is passed to the one who guesses the meaning of the word. The game continues until you get bored.

- "Compliments". For this competition, all guests must be divided into two teams. Each of them must be given a blank sheet of paper, on which in 3 minutes it is necessary to write as many compliments as possible. At the end of the specified time, the selected person must take both sheets and compare them with each other. Those compliments that completely coincide must be crossed out. The team with the most interesting and extraordinary compliments will win.

- "Guess your colleague." This game will also require some blank sheets of paper. On them you need to write the names of all the people present, and then roll them up into a tube and put them in some kind of container. After that, each person should go to the dishes with pieces of paper and draw out one of them. After reading the written name, he should use gestures to portray this person. All those present must guess who it is.

- "Guess the voice." The essence of the game is to memorize the voices of colleagues. The host at the corporate party must choose one person who will guess the votes. He is turned with his back to the whole company, and then all colleagues take turns saying a few phrases. At the same time, they try to change their voice. The one who guesses the most votes will be the winner.

- "Who quickly". For this competition, the company must be split into two teams. The presenter must give each of them one chocolate bar. The first person quickly unfolds it, bites off one piece and passes it to a neighbor. The winner is the one of the teams that will cope with its “tasty treat” the fastest. The awards in this competition can be sweet too.

- "Questions and answers". Each person attending a corporate party needs to be given a piece of paper and a pen. After that, you need to write an interesting question and an answer to it on it. Next, everyone should be divided into two teams. The facilitator will take turns pulling the paper and asking the question.The team that guesses the most questions will be the winner.

- "Invisible Words". This game also requires some blank sheets of paper and a pen or pencil. The presenter should write a word in the air, and everyone else should write it on paper. The winner is the person who spells the most words correctly.

- "Still from the film". 2 teams also take part in this competition. On the TV screen, the selected person should show stills from the movie. The team that guesses the most films is the winner.

- "New Year's wishes". It is necessary to prepare for this competition in advance. Each person who will be present at the New Year's holiday must write a wish, then roll it up into a tube and insert it into a balloon. After that, the balloon needs to be inflated, tied and folded in one place. Before the beginning of the New Year, everyone should take a ball, and when the chimes strike 12 o'clock, quickly burst it. A prediction for the next year will be written on the sheet. They can be both funny and serious.
Here are some examples of interesting wishes: "Fate will bring a surprise, a cool prize awaits you somewhere"; "Love will come to you and bring happiness"; “New Year is good luck and big money to boot,” and so on.

- "Joint Verse". For this competition, you will need to make several blanks. On blank sheets of paper, you need to write one phrase at a time, for example, "New Year" or "It is snowing." After that, the first person must draw out a blank, read what is written there, and then come up with a rhyme for it. Further, everything is also repeated by the person sitting next to it, and this continues until the last person at the table finishes the verse. It will be interesting to record all this on a dictaphone, and then listen to it after the party.

- "Tasting". For this game, you need to choose 2-3 people and blindfold them. Then the presenter should give them one spoonful of several dishes, and they should guess what it is. For a correctly guessed dish, the participant receives 1 point. The one of the participants who scores the most points will be considered the winner.

Contests for non-shy people
A variety of companies gather for the New Year. Accordingly, the table contests can only be for adults or for couples with children. It is worth considering a few cool contests for uninhibited people who are not shy about anything. They are suitable for a fun feast both at home and at a corporate party.
- "Sweet prize for the New Year." To conduct this competition, you must choose several pairs, which must include a boy and a girl. After that, the girl needs to lie down on a flat surface. Then it is necessary to lay out various sweets on it, for example, marshmallows, grapes or tangerine slices. The guy should collect everything only with his lips, without helping himself with his hands. All actions are best done with erotic music. The couple's success depends only on their artistry.

- "Peeled Mandarin". For this competition, you must select 2 pairs and then blindfold each of the players. After that, both couples receive one washed tangerine. Next, they will need to peel the tangerine without hands at all, divide it into separate slices and feed each other with them. The winner is the one of the couples who can deal with the tangerine faster. At the end, the winners should receive a small prize.

- "I love you". This is one of the most interesting and simple contests, so each of the participants will be able to take part in it. The meaning of the game is to declare love to your neighbor, who is sitting next to the table. As soon as the presenter says the words "I love you for", the person sitting on the very edge should continue this phrase and say why he loves his neighbor. Thus, everyone who sits at the table confesses in love. However, no phrase should be repeated.Each of the participants must name either a part of the body or the quality of a person that he likes the most. It can be kind, and loyalty, and honesty, as well as eyes, nose or smile.

Summing up, we can say that the New Year holidays are perfect for a variety of games and fun. And in order for all this to go as well as possible, it is necessary to prepare in advance for their conduct.
Only in this case each person will be able to get real pleasure from the New Year and have a good rest.

In the next video, you will find additional ideas for fun activities for the New Year.