The story of the appearance of the New Year

Without a doubt, New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. Many of us are waiting for the cherished winter night, which is a kind of start to a new and improved life. However, not everyone knows the history of the origin of the holiday on a global and national scale. Today in our article we will talk about where this holiday came from and what traditions are customary to observe in the New Year.

The origin of the holiday
Every modern person knows that New Year is celebrated on January 1. However, this was not always the case. In different historical eras, the celebration fell on March, September or other months. In addition, not everyone knows where the New Year holiday came from and where it came from: who invented it, from which country it came to Russia, why it began to be celebrated in winter, how this tradition was generally born on our planet, who participated in its creation, etc. .d.
If you delve into historical documents and data, then you can note the fact that the first to celebrate the New Year were the inhabitants of Mesopotamia. This event took place approximately 3,000 BC.
It was from this country that the holiday spread and went all over the world.

At that time, the celebration of the New Year was perceived as a kind of awakening of the living nature surrounding people, which was associated with the appearance of the first flowers, the blooming of leaves, etc. ). The rebirth of nature is also associated with the fact that modern New Years are often celebrated for extended periods.

If we talk about the celebration of the New Year on the territory of Ancient Rome, then first of all it should be noted that the holiday was dedicated to the god Janus (it is from his name that the name of the winter month "January" is taken). At the same time, on January 1, the New Year began to be celebrated only from 153 BC. In this regard, the most important historical character is Gaius Julius Caesar, who introduced a new calendar and set the final date for the celebration. Over time, the holiday began to be celebrated in Ancient Russia (even before Peter I).

History of appearance in Russia
In Russia, at first, the New Year was celebrated on March 1. Over time, the date of the celebration was postponed to September 1 (which was due to political reasons and the collection of rent). It was only in the 18th century that the New Year on the territory of modern Russia began to be celebrated (as it should be) on January 1. Thus, the founder of New Year's traditions in the Russian Federation is Peter I. It is thanks to his efforts that the New Year appeared in our country as we know it today.
On the basis of the decree of the brilliant ruler, such traditions as decorating houses for the holiday, installing conifers as integral symbols of the New Year, launching fireworks, sweet gifts, etc., emerged.

Images and traditions of the New Year
To this day, on the territory of our country and around the world, various New Year traditions are honored and observed. Let's take a look at some of them.
- It is important to note that New Year is considered a family holiday. That is why a large number of people strive to hold this celebration in the circle of their relatives and friends. In this regard, the proverb is relevant that as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it.
- The New Year tree is the main heroine of the holiday in many countries of the world... In addition to the Christmas tree, you can use any other coniferous tree (for example, pine is one of the most common options). This tradition originated from ancient times - then people believed that evergreen trees are symbols of life. If you live in your own house with a plot, then it is not necessary to install a spruce at home - you can decorate a tree growing on the street. In general, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with various balls, tinsel, garlands, as well as sweets and other sweets.
- Decorations are an integral part of the celebration.... Moreover, home decorating traditions can differ from family to family. So, many people decorate their home with bright tinsel, others hang bright edible surprises, still others paint windows, etc. At the same time, on the modern market you can find a large number of a wide variety of New Year's accessories for every taste. If you wish, you can create suitable decorations yourself with your own hands (which is also a special New Year's tradition in some families).
- On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus comes to all children living on the globe. Despite the fact that his name may change depending on the country of residence of the baby (for example, in the United States of America, a good old man is called Santa Claus), he performs the same function on all continents - it brings gifts and surprises to those children who behaved well and obeyed parents throughout the past year. In addition, in the CIS countries there is a tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus, in which you can indicate your wishes about gifts.
- Giving gifts is another pleasant tradition for the New Year. However, unlike other holidays, gifts for the New Year are not handed over personally, but are placed under the tree. After the chimes have struck, the whole family usually goes to open their presents.

In addition to the traditions described above, the existing signs should also be mentioned. They exist not only in our country, but all over the world.
- For example, Vietnamese believe that the home god on the New Year's holiday flies to heaven on the back of a fish (usually a carp).In this regard, before the onset of the holiday, it is customary to buy a live carp and release it into a nearby reservoir so that God can use the fish as his personal transport.
- Those who live on the island of Cyprus, observe a tradition unusual for the inhabitants of Russia. So, exactly at midnight, they put out the lights in the house. Thus, they lure good luck into their home for the whole next year.
- In italy On New Year's Eve, it is customary to throw out old and unnecessary things from the windows of their houses. It is important that in the process of such "cleaning" it is imperative to be dressed in red attire.
- If you decide to celebrate the New Year in China, then never use knives, scissors or any other sharp object. It is believed that they can "cut off" your well-being for the next year.
- In France On January 1, it is customary to give a wheel to the closest and dearest, as it is a symbol of a Happy New Year.

Regardless of the country of residence, each hostess pays special attention to the preparation of the New Year's table. At the same time, there are a variety of traditional holiday dishes.
- In England pudding is always prepared for the festive table. Basically, it is a sweet dish (dessert) that is prepared using foods such as flour, candied fruits, apples, nuts, etc.
- In the United States of America the festive table is often decorated with stuffed turkey. Moreover, each housewife must have an author's recipe for cooking poultry.
- New Year's Eve in Austria and Hungary is not complete without a classic strudel. Moreover, the dessert is served not by itself, but with ice cream. Traditionally, the whole composition is decorated with nuts and berries.
- In Japan prepare unusual cakes called "mochi". At the same time, they are not only put on the table, but also handed out as presents to their neighbors and friends.
- In Germany pork knuckle is always prepared for the holiday. Traditionally, it is brewed in beer and served with additional side dishes (for example, sauerkraut or boiled potatoes).

To create a festive mood, many of us watch movies or cartoons, and also listen to music. For example, among the popular New Year's films that have already become classics, one can single out:
- "Alone at home";
- "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!";
- "Fir-trees";
- "Carnival Night";
- The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Popular among cartoons are such pictures as "Winter in Prostokvashino", "Last year's snow was falling" and "The Nutcracker". In addition, many associate the coming of the New Year with songs such as Jingle bells, Happy New Year, "If there was no winter," "A Christmas tree was born in the forest," etc.

Thus, we were able to make sure that New Year is an international holiday. Despite the fact that each country or even each family has its own traditions, each of us is looking forward to New Year's Eve to spend time with those closest to us at the New Year's table, enjoy delicious traditional food, open gifts and watch colorful fireworks.
In addition, the tradition of setting goals for the next year is widespread so that future life only becomes better and happier.
The story of the appearance of the New Year in the video below.