New Year: holiday history and traditions

New Year is the most favorite holiday for many representatives of different generations. Not only children, but also adults are waiting for it. But not everyone knows about its origins, as well as the traditions associated with celebrating the beginning of the new year.

The history of the appearance of the holiday
The tradition of celebrating New Year's Eve dates back many centuries. So, even in ancient Mesopotamia, people celebrated the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature. Then people also postponed all their affairs for the next few days and had fun. Later, this custom was adopted by the inhabitants of ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. Over time, it took root in the culture.
After the emergence of modern religions, the date was slightly shifted. Instead of the winter solstice, which in many countries fell on December 20-23, people began to celebrate the beginning of the new year.

This holiday was brought to Russia by Peter I. Since then, it is customary to celebrate the beginning of the year on January 1. This tradition was adopted from the inhabitants of Europe.
In Imperial Russia, at the end of December, it was customary to organize mass celebrations. Aristocrats at this time organized New Year's balls. For this holiday, the best dresses and costumes were selected. The outfits were often complemented with masks. At the same time, the main holiday for most of the inhabitants of tsarist Russia was Christmas, which was celebrated on December 25.

After the 1917 revolution, anti-religion Bolsheviks made New Year's main winter holiday. A tradition has emerged to organize matinees for children.
The adults celebrated New Year's Eve on December 31st.Beginning in 1947, January 1 was officially made a day off for all workers.

How is it different from Christmas?
New Year and Christmas are holidays that are celebrated with a difference of only a few days. Therefore, many find it difficult to understand how the celebration of these winter celebrations is different.
Meanwhile, the difference between them is very big. Christmas is a Christian holiday associated with the memory of the birth of Jesus Christ. It was previously celebrated on December 25th. With the transition of Russia to the Gregorian calendar, the date was postponed. Now Orthodox Christians celebrate this day on January 7th.

Celebrating Christmas also has its own characteristics. Believers attend the Liturgy and receive communion on the evening before this holiday. Many of them adhere to the Christmas fast. On the other hand, in the days after Christmas, they allow themselves to relax. Christmas holidays last until the 18th. Epiphany Eve is celebrated in mid-January. After that, all the festivities and entertainment cease.

In which countries is it celebrated?
Celebrating the New Year is a tradition that is followed in many countries. In each of them, this day is celebrated in its own way.
- China... In this eastern country, the beginning of the new year is celebrated in January or February. The exact date is determined using the lunar calendar. Each year, according to Chinese tradition, one of the 12 animals is dedicated. On New Year's Eve, the Chinese decorate houses and streets with lanterns, blow up firecrackers and firecrackers, and light lights. They see off the old year in the company of their family.
At this time, even those who have long left their hometown or country return home.

- Japan... In this country, the New Year holidays begin on December 25 and last for almost a whole month. At this time, the Japanese decorate their home with ikebans, consisting of spruce, plum and bamboo branches. These compositions symbolize wealth, love and success. During this time, the Japanese also visit local temples and make various wishes for their gods. Most often, they will forgive their health, happiness and good luck.

- Thailand... Locals celebrate the New Year according to the ancient Indian calendar. At this time, they treat each other with traditional dishes and pour water from basins, hoses and even water pistols. It is believed that this helps people cleanse of previously accumulated negative energy.

- India... In this country, New Year is celebrated more often than in other countries. The traditional holiday in this country is called Gudi-padwa. It is celebrated in March. At the same time, in many other states, the New Year according to the local calendar comes later. As a rule, this happens in the second half of winter. One of the brightest holidays celebrated in India is Bengali New Year. At this time, the country celebrates the festival of colors. Locals burn the effigy of the goddess Holiki, after whom they named their holiday. In addition, they shower each other with colored paints and water them with colored water.

- Israel... The Jewish New Year begins in late September or early October. During the celebration, it is customary to eat apples with honey so that the following months will be sweet and successful.

- Italy... This country celebrates both Catholic Christmas and New Year. Before the onset of the holiday, Italians throw all unnecessary and old things out the window. It is believed that by getting rid of the trash, people will attract good luck next year.

- Greece... At the beginning of the year, the Greeks also celebrate the day of remembrance of St. Basil, who was previously called the patron saint of the poor. Berries, nuts, and also pies are served at the table. Coins are often baked in the pie. It is believed that a person who gets a piece of a pie with gold during a feast will be happy and fortunate.

In almost all countries, at the beginning of the year, students go on vacation. Adults also rest for several days during this time.
New Year's attributes
The traditional attributes of the New Year holidays are a Christmas tree, sparklers, as well as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.Each of them has its own characteristics.

Christmas tree
The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year appeared a long time ago. This tree came to Russia at the suggestion of Peter the Great. It was he who, in 1700, issued a decree at the beginning of the year to install Christmas trees in houses or decorate them with pine branches. They decorated them with Christmas trees, candles, pine cones, and various sweets.
Now in houses and apartments, artificial Christmas trees are more and more often found. They are durable and environmentally friendly. Plus, picking up these trees after the holidays is much easier.

Symbol of the year
Traditionally, every New Year is associated with one of the oriental animals. To appease each of them, people prepare special dishes or buy themed figurines. So, as a gift, many give relatives and friends chocolate figurines or candles with the image of the patron animal of the year.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are also important symbols of the New Year. The image of a gray-haired old man in a long red fur coat gained popularity in the middle of the last century. Little children were looking forward to gifts from this fabulous character with pleasure. It was believed that he travels on a troika of horses with his granddaughter Snegurochka and gives gifts to all the kids overnight.

Sparklers and fireworks
The tradition of celebrating the New Year cheerfully and noisily also appeared during the reign of Peter the Great. At this time, people on the eve of the holiday were allowed to shoot from guns and cannons. Later, they were eventually replaced by safer pyrotechnic items. Now, after the chiming clock, fireworks are being fired in all cities. This process looks very nice.

Choosing a place to celebrate
Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in the company of loved ones. Most people prefer to spend this day at home watching themed programs or their favorite movies. After the chiming clock, many of them go to visit friends or to the main square of the city, where large-scale holidays are held.
People who do not want to waste time cooking and cleaning prefer to celebrate the New Year in cafes or restaurants. But when choosing this option of celebration, it is worth ordering a place in the institution you like in advance.

Celebrating the New Year always starts with preparing for this event.
Room decoration
The place where the celebration will take place is decorated a couple of days before the event. If there is a lot of free space in the room, you can install a large Christmas tree there. Small rooms are decorated with spruce or pine branches. In recent years, Christmas wreaths have been popular. On the eve of the New Year, they are hung on the walls or placed on shelves. Garlands and candles are also important attributes of the New Year holidays.
Preparing for the holiday, you can decorate not only your apartment, but also the entrance. For this, ordinary paper garlands and lanterns are usually used.

Table decoration
A couple of hours before the New Year, the owners of the house also decorate the festive table. For this, a wide light-colored tablecloth is used. They also choose beautiful dishes for the holiday. Plates and glasses are usually decorated with original patterns. Napkins with themed patterns look beautiful on the festive table.
Fresh spruce branches, candlesticks or figures of snowmen are also used as decor. They look great on the holiday table.

Traditional dishes
The main place on the New Year's table is usually occupied by time-tested dishes.
- Olivie... This dish is now prepared with both sausage and chicken. Many housewives try to surprise their guests with the original serving of everyone's favorite salad.
- Herring under a Fur Coat. This salad is also very popular during the New Year holidays. It is hearty and delicious.
- Sandwiches... For many people, the main symbol of the New Year is sandwiches with black and red caviar. In addition to them, there are various canapes with fresh vegetables, cheese and ham on the table.
- Meat... Often the leading role on the New Year's table is taken by full-fledged meat dishes. This can be beef, duck, or chicken. The choice of meat usually depends on the gastronomic preferences of the guests. Such dishes are complemented with delicious sauces and side dishes.

Fresh fruits and sweets are also always present on the festive table. They delight both adults and children.

Many housewives are inspired by traditional Christmas and New Year dishes from around the world to decorate the table.
- England... The main New Year's delicacy for many Englishmen is sweet pudding. This dessert is made with flour, lemon peel, fresh and candied fruits, spices and nuts.

- America... In this country, turkey is usually served on the New Year's table. Each family prepares it according to their own recipe. This bird is stuffed with both vegetables and meat or sweet fruits.

- Austria... In Europe, delicious sweet pastries are also often served on the festive table. One of the main desserts in Austria and Hungary is strudel. It is served with fresh or canned berries and ice cream.

- Japan... One of the main New Year's dishes for the Japanese is a dessert called mochi. These sweet rice dough cakes are not only served at the table, but also distributed to all guests who visit friends and relatives at this time.

- Germany... Various meat dishes are popular in this country. That is why the Germans prepare delicious pork knuckle for the New Year. It is steeped in beer and served with potatoes and sauerkraut.

By complementing your festive table with original Asian and European dishes, you can thus surprise your loved ones and friends.
Nicely wrapped gifts are another important symbol of the New Year. They are usually selected in advance. There are many interesting gift ideas that both kids and adults will love.
- Sweets... Sweets, fruits and other goodies will be a great gift or addition to it.
- clothing... You can give a loved one a sweater, scarf or some kind of beautiful accessory.
- Cosmetics... On the eve of the New Year, you can find many ready-made sets of decorative and care cosmetics on sale. If the gift is intended for a loved one, the giver can choose some more original products and pack them beautifully.
- Technique... You can also give your relatives and friends a high-quality phone, tablet or camera.

Handmade gifts will also be liked by loved ones. You can surprise a person with polymer clay jewelry, knitted toys or things. Such a gift will warm a person for a long time.

What to meet?
It is customary to celebrate the New Year in bright and beautiful outfits. The choice of clothing largely depends on the theme of the holiday. For family gatherings, a favorite dress or a simple suit is suitable. For a masquerade or a themed evening, you should choose a more original bow.

Girls should also choose to celebrate the New Year beautiful hair and makeup. They can be made both in the salon and independently. A bright and thoughtful image makes you feel better during the holiday and makes the event truly special.

How to make wishes?
Another important tradition that many like is making wishes on New Year's Eve. Wishes are traditionally written on a small piece of paper, which is burned to the chimes.
The burnt leaf is thrown into a glass of champagne. The drink is drunk to the bottom. If a child makes a wish, juice or baby champagne is poured into his glass.

A large number of signs are associated with the main winter holiday.
- It is believed that you need to celebrate the New Year in a pleasant company, after all, it depends on how the next few months go. For the same reason, before the New Year, it is customary to pay off all debts, even the smallest.
- It is also not recommended to celebrate the holiday "with empty pockets". This will lead to the fact that next year the person will also have no money.
- It is forbidden on the eve of the holiday and to swear with loved ones... It is believed that such fights could ruin the relationship with them for the next few months.
In order not to spoil your New Year's mood, you should not take all these signs too seriously. If in the outgoing year you cannot solve all your problems, you should not set yourself up for negativity in advance.

New Year's life hacks
There are many simple life hacks that will help make the process of preparing for the holiday easier.
- Choice of entertainment. In order for the home holiday to be remembered by all guests, you need to select interesting games for everyone in advance. It can be both various contests and tasks, and themed table entertainment. The choice of games depends on the preferences of the assembled company.

- Games with children. Children love New Year's holidays most of all. Adults can work with them to create original crafts from scrap materials, for example: Christmas wreaths or sweet candlesticks.

- Gift wrapping. To decorate your presentations, you can use not only wrapping paper, but also corrugated or double-sided. You can decorate gifts by painting them with markers or pens, as well as pasting them with stickers.

- Storage of New Year's paraphernalia. After the end of the holidays, all toys and decor items must be put in separate boxes or boxes. Each of them is worth signing for your convenience.

Preparing for the New Year usually brings people as much pleasure as celebrating it. Therefore, it is worth preparing for the main winter holiday in advance, taking into account both old habits and traditions invented by other peoples.