How can you celebrate the New Year?

New Year is a holiday loved by many. He makes winter magical, revives it with joyful excitement, expectation of miracles, gifts and warm congratulations. In mid-December, many are already thinking about how to celebrate the holiday. Someone is going to be with their family, someone is planning a noisy party with friends, and someone is left alone for the New Year. In any case, you can make the evening interesting and memorable.

About traditional celebration
In Russia
In our country, the holiday is officially celebrated from December 31 to January 1. However, the long weekend that includes Christmas allows many to party all week long. During this time, people manage to visit all relatives and friends, take a walk in the festively decorated city square, and ride slides. Some go on a trip or just go out of town to nature. There are a lot of leisure options.

Nevertheless, the main holiday night is still considered a family night. Most people celebrate the New Year with their families, and they leave friendly events for the first days of January. However, situations are different.
As for Russian New Year traditions, first of all, this is a Christmas tree. For many, her decoration is still a magical mystery. It is customary to put gifts under a tree sparkling with tinsel and garlands. It is there that on January 1 they are found by children who think that Santa Claus brought toys and other surprises. The white-bearded grandfather in a red coat and the Snow Maiden are an integral part of the holiday. The actors portraying these characters are often invited home to please the little ones.

Another unspoken tradition is a rich festive table. It is believed that the more varied the dishes and snacks are, the more successful and prosperous the coming year will be. The chimes strike at 12 o'clock in the morning. People all over the country are watching this moment on TV, raising their glasses of champagne and making wishes.
It is worth remembering that some Russians celebrate the Old New Year... This is another reason to get together with loved ones, say warm words to each other, plunge into the atmosphere of magic. The holiday is associated with the Julian calendar and is celebrated from 13 to 14 January.

In other countries, New Year's celebrations differ markedly from Russian traditions. For example, in Italy it is customary on December 31 to throw out old things, as if freeing up your home and your life for something new and beautiful. Then people go outside, enjoy the fireworks and kiss.
Americans also decorate the Christmas tree and decorate their homes, just like the people of Russia. However, in the United States, New Year is not considered the main winter holiday. In this country, Catholic Christmas is held in high esteem, which is celebrated on December 25. On this day, people gather at the festive table, eat baked turkey and give gifts.

Santa Claus takes the place of Santa Claus there. The white-bearded cheerful old man is similar to our fairy-tale hero, only he dresses more comfortably (in a short fur coat and trousers), and the magic sleigh with gifts does not ride along the snow-covered streets, but flies across the sky. People do not put gifts under the Christmas tree, but in decorative socks, which they hang over the fireplace or in another prominent place.
As for New Year's Eve, it is spent with friends, in bars, clubs. An impressive parade takes place on the streets of New York. Every year, the sparkling "Ball of Time" is lowered here from a 23-meter height.
When it reaches its lowest point, it means the arrival of the new year.

In Greece, December 31 is celebrated as St. Basil's Day. On this day, a traditional pie with berries and nuts is baked. A coin is baked into the filling. The one who finds her in a piece of food is considered the lucky one who will have joyful events in his life.
There are countries in which the New Year is celebrated at a completely different time. For example, in India it is celebrated in the spring, and in Israel and Scotland in the fall. If desired, each Russian can join a different culture and celebrate the New Year twice, at different times. Or you can spend December 31 in another country, giving yourself new impressions.

How to celebrate to one?
It so happens that a person stays alone on the main winter holiday. This could be a deliberate decision or a coincidence. In any case, the evening can be spent with benefit and pleasure.
- Home spa treatments. This idea will appeal to women. Often in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do not have time for a good rest. A festive evening is a great occasion to pamper yourself. Take a bath with scented foam, turn on pleasant music and allow yourself to take a break from business and worries. You can create a New Year's mood with a glass of champagne.

- Movie night. Watching kind and funny New Year's movies is a great idea for a person of any gender and age. You can cook your favorite dish or treat yourself to sweets. You can put a table with snacks and drinks next to the sofa and plunge into the cinema atmosphere for several hours.

- Planning. Make a list of the wishes you would like to fulfill in the next year. Write them down on a piece of paper and hide them until next winter. Then you will be interested to know which of the plans came true. You can record a video message for yourself with ideas, dreams and just thoughts that will visit you.

- Practical people can go the other way and make a detailed list of goals with a plan to implement them step by step. It's great if you can touch on different aspects of life. Why not decide from January 1 to change your diet for the better, start playing sports, learn something new, improve your qualifications?

- Creation. Free evening can be devoted to a hobby.Even if you have not been fond of drawing or making any crafts before, you may be interested in trying something new. You can create on a winter theme or on a free theme. Christmas melodies and clapping of fireworks outside the window will create the right mood.

- Walk. If you are not a couch potato, you can take a stroll through the festive city. Take a thermos of hot tea or mulled wine with you. Smile and congratulate passers-by. You will be surprised how many positive emotions you get in return.
It is possible that this very evening you will find new friends or even love.

- Travel. You can go to another city or country. It's a daring decision to explore new places alone. However, this may be the special charm of the trip. You can fully concentrate on your surroundings, enjoy beautiful landscapes, visit historical sites, find harmony with nature and yourself. You can also celebrate the New Year on the train. You will remember such an unusual holiday for a long time.

- Job. If the financial issue bothers you very much, and there is simply no way to rest, start replenishing your budget. If you are a freelancer, you can fulfill the orders received. Another option is to earn extra money as a taxi driver if you have a car. On a festive night, this service is especially in demand.

- Acquaintance. If being alone tonight isn't your conscious decision, try making new friends. We have already mentioned the option of dating on the street. For more shy people, the option of chatting on the Internet is suitable. There are many communities of interest on social networks and forums where people will congratulate each other. It is possible that there will be the same loners who want to make friends, or friendly companies who will gladly accept a newcomer into their ranks.

- Charity. Helping those in need is always right. This is especially true on holidays. You can visit the orphanage and please the children with toys, sweets and other pleasant surprises. You can go to a nursing home and try to make the evening magical for seniors and lonely people. You can join the ranks of volunteers. There are many places where you can be of help (hospitals, animal shelters, etc.).

What to do with your friends?
If you plan to meet the coming year in a noisy company, you can come up with an original version of the celebration.
- In the bath. Everyone knows the film "Irony of Fate". But the idea to truly celebrate the New Year in the bath does not come to mind for everyone. Nevertheless, this unusual option can make the evening very enjoyable. It is not necessary to go to the steam room with an exclusively male team. You can rent a sauna with a swimming pool, TV, relaxation room. In such a place, you can take a steam bath, and swim, and sit at a smartly laid table to the sounds of New Year's songs by any composition. At 12 o'clock, you can solemnly raise your glasses.
The main thing is not to get carried away with alcoholic beverages, because in the bath it is inappropriate.

- Outdoors. A picnic in the woods is a great way to spend the outgoing year. Live snow-covered fir trees, clean frosty air, sparks of a fire and the aroma of kebabs will appeal to the whole company. You can take your guitar with you or turn on the radio, share with your friends your impressions of the past 12 months and plans for the near future.
Rest away from civilization is a great opportunity to get to know each other better, communicate, indulge in common memories.

- However, a picnic on the bank of a river or in a dense forest is not the only option. If you are used to comfort, you can go to the country house or rent a house at the recreation center. So you can periodically go outside to enjoy the beauty of winter and return to the house to warm up.

- In a hot country. You have probably seen on the Internet pictures of happy people relaxing on the beach in bathing suits and red caps with pompoms.Why don't you follow their example and go to a warm country to the sea? Yes, there won't be the usual Christmas tree and cold. But this will be the vivid impressions, which will then turn into unforgettable memories. You will be able to make a wish while lying under a palm tree, recharge with positive emotions and return home full of energy to change your life for the better.

- At a ski resort. In some regions of Russia, there is practically no snow in winter. For such people, a trip to the kingdom of snow-white snowdrifts will be a real fairy tale. It is not necessary to travel to Switzerland or Austria. If you wish, you can find a more budgetary, but no less impressive vacation option.

- Carnival. If you're staying in your hometown and planning to party indoors, why not throw a carnival? This can be done both in an apartment and in a restaurant or club (if you rented a room for a large company). All guests must wear carnival costumes and masks. The party can be about a specific or free topic. This will allow guests to have fun, introduce themselves to someone else for one evening. It will be curious to guess which of the friends is hiding behind each mask.

- Soulful home gatherings. Finally, there is always a traditional option - to gather at someone's home, sit at a festive table, share the latest news, watch TV, dance, exchange gifts. Various contests will help to cheer up the guests.
And after 12, you can go out into the street with bengal lights and firecrackers in a friendly company.

How to spend your holidays?
- Beach vacation. If you are celebrating New Years at sea, it makes sense to stay there for a week or two. Of course, a beach holiday in winter is possible only in a distant country (Thailand, Goa, Sri Lanka, Bali, Dominican Republic). It will cost a lot. As for the closer and cheaper options (Yalta, Alushta, Sochi, etc.), they are suitable only for those who want to have a good time on walks and excursions. Even in Turkey it is cool in winter.

- European countries. The choice of a specific place depends on financial capabilities and desires. Someone dreams of spending a romantic vacation in Paris or visiting London. And someone will be satisfied with a visit to the Czech Republic or Latvia. The latter options will cost you relatively inexpensively, but they will give you a lot of impressions.

- Karelia. Karelia offers a wonderful winter vacation with the purest snows and beautiful nature. Snowmobiling and dog sledding, exciting excursions, fishing - you will not be bored. You can stay at a hotel or at a recreation center.

- Finland. Lapland is worth a separate mention. There you will find a real winter fairy tale with deer, fluffy snow and northern lights. At the same time, the prices for tickets and hotel accommodation are quite reasonable.

- Great Ustyug. A holiday in the residence of Santa Claus is a dream for every child. This kind of vacation is especially recommended for families with children. However, adults will not be bored here either. Beautiful sights, cozy restaurants with good food, interesting excursions, skiing and cheesecakes - a good set of winter activities.

- Krasnaya Polyana. If you want more active entertainment, you can go to the ski resort. The most affordable option is Krasnaya Polyana. Judging by the reviews, it is very beautiful and neat in a European style. In addition to skiing, you will be offered other entertainment - sledding, snowmobiling, snowboarding. You can just walk along the snowy roads and breathe fresh air or go on a sightseeing tour. Women will also appreciate the spa facilities at local hotels.

- Moscow or St. Petersburg. If you live in a small town, a vacation in the capital can be a good adventure for you. Studying interesting architecture, cheerful folk festivals and fairs, educational visits to museums - everyone will find something to their liking.St. Petersburg is another great option, because this city is recognized as one of the most beautiful in our country.
You can go on a trip both independently and on a tour.

- In own city. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to go somewhere, you can stay in your hometown. What to do - decide for yourself. Here is a list of good things to do:
- reading interesting books;
- watching old favorite films and new films;
- walking with friends, ice skating and skiing;
- get-togethers with hot tea over board games;
- passing a useful online course (learning a foreign language, graphic design, marketing basics, etc.);
- cultural events (visits to theaters, exhibitions, concerts);
- winter photo session;
- general cleaning, getting rid of unnecessary things, updating the interior;
- making plans for the new year;
- shopping, etc.

And of course, do not forget to visit all relatives if they live nearby. Ask if they need help, just give them your warmth and care. Improve, communicate, enjoy life, look for and implement new ideas, and your New Year holidays will be great.
For how to spend the New Year in an unusual way, see the next video.