How to make wishes for the New Year correctly?

New Year is a holiday of happiness and new beginnings. Everyone is waiting for the onset of New Year's Eve, because even skeptics expect a real miracle from this holiday. This is a great time when all the innermost desires come true. In this article, we will figure out how to make a wish correctly so that it becomes a reality.

What wishes can you make?
There are too many desires, and it is often not clear how to choose the only one. The most popular wishes that are voiced at New Year's midnight are:
- travel, visit the land of dreams;
- spend more time with dear people and feel their love;
- meet a soul mate and start your own family;
- have a great rest and get a lot of new impressions;
- do a lot of good and kind in the new year;
- make a beautiful renovation;
- get a pet;
- open your own business;
- lose weight and start leading a healthy lifestyle;
- get together with friends;
- get rid of all bad habits;
- eliminate fears and complexes, start acting here and now;
- do something unusual and even extreme;
- learn how to cook deliciously and start eating right;
- change a boring job;
- buy something grand, for example, a new car;
- attend a masquerade ball;
- learn something new;
- make a childhood dream come true;
- discover creativity, start singing or star in films;
- go on a romantic trip;
- meet the dawn at sea or ocean;
- conquer a steep mountain peak;
- recover from a lingering illness;
- learn swimming;
- start speaking English;
- build a house or buy an apartment;
- to give happiness to relatives and friends;
- make yourself happy.

How to formulate?
In order for a wish to come true, it must be correctly composed. Very often people make wishes wrong. You need to think of something realistic so that you can imagine it and feel happiness. Emotions are very important in visualization.
For example, if you wished for financial well-being, then you should expect an increase in income 3-4 times, but not 100. The first option is more realistic, so it will most likely come true. There are several basic rules when making wishes on New Year's Eve.
- You need to very clearly formulate your message to the world so that the desire is perceived correctly. One of the life examples: a girl dreamed of spending another 2 weeks in the country where she came to rest. The world heard her wish. Our heroine fell ill and was in a local hospital. She was discharged just after 2 weeks. In order for the embodiment of desire to bring only happiness, you need to add the phrase "it will only bring good" at the end. Then the result will definitely make you happier.
- You can not wish bad for others... The world will fulfill the desire, but only harm the supplicant.
- It really should be a sincere desire. It is important to wish with all your heart.
- Visualization and recording can help. Write or present in detail whatever you want. Imagine how you will feel when you get what you want.
- Think about your dream in the present tense... Speak as if you already got everything you wanted. You can say, "My new car is just gorgeous."
- You can't think of money, you always need to clarify what they are for. Say in your wish that money is needed for a certain thing or for a trip, and the wish will certainly come true.
- If you wish, it is important to do so. in a great mood.
- You cannot desire what already belongs to others.
- Try not to use the negative particle "not". The request must be in the affirmative. It is better to choose the wording "I am healthy and happy" and refuse the phrase "I am not sick or sad."

Ways of guessing
Even an ardent skeptic will find it interesting and useful to discover the magic of the New Year. Just make a wish, suddenly it really comes true.
To the chimes
The chiming clock symbolizes the transition from the old time to the new, so in this magical moment you can make a cherished wish. You can write your own desire on a piece of paper or napkin. Then it is set on fire, and the ashes are poured into a glass of champagne. When the chimes begin to strike midnight, you need to empty the glass, thinking about your own desire. This has become a wonderful tradition that many people adhere to from year to year. This method is considered to be very effective. To prepare you will need:
- pen or pencil;
- a small piece of paper;
- for ignition you will need a regular lighter or matches;
- well, the champagne itself.
It is recommended to come up with a good wording in advance. Basically, the power of magic works great not only with champagne, but also with other drinks. The desire will certainly come true, even if you pour the ashes into juice, lemonade or wine. Then we quickly drink the drink until midnight - so the desire will definitely come true and will bring only joy and pleasure.
The main thing is to burn a piece of paper with desire.

Spruce branch
The spruce branch is a real magic wand that gains strength only in the New Year. You can use a branch from a tree that grows near the house, or take a branch from a decorated home Christmas tree. You need to wait until there is no one around, and then whisper your cherished desire on the branch. After that, you need to cut the branch and put it in the house.
After 3 days, you need to check how many needles fell from the branch. If an even number of needles fell, then the wish will definitely come true soon. If an odd number of needles fell out, then you need to wait a little to accomplish what you want.
Christmas balls
Before the New Year, you need to choose the most beautiful glass ball for the tree. You need to purchase the toy that you like at first sight. At home, you need to write down the dream on a piece of paper, twist it and insert it inside the ball. Then the toy is hung on the tree. Every day, you need to hold on to the ball for at least 10 minutes and think about the desire. After the celebration, you can put the toy away and keep it until your dream comes true.
Mandarin stone
Many people associate New Year with tangerines. It is believed that it is this delicious fruit that will allow the girl to find the joy of motherhood next year. To do this, the girl needs to eat a tangerine (even with seeds). If there are no seeds in the tangerine, then pregnancy will not occur next year. If there is a bone in the tangerine, then it cannot be thrown away.

Pulling out sticky notes
Most often, each of us has a whole list of cherished desires, and it is simply impossible to choose one specific one. To simplify the moment of choice, you can make the embodiment of all wishes at the same time. To do this, you need to write down on scraps of paper, mix and put under the pillow. The next morning, without getting out of bed, you need to pull out one note. What has been written will surely come true soon.
You cannot tell anyone about your desire, otherwise the dream may remain a dream.
Letter for Santa Claus
The desire for this fabulous hero can be poisoned not only by children. Such a letter can fulfill the desire of an adult. You need to write a note and tell about your old dream... The letter should be put in a beautiful envelope and the address should be written. You can send your own message to Lapland or to the address of the Russian Grandfather in Veliky Ustyug. You can also send a letter to "free flight" and throw it out the window at midnight.

Bags of good
This method is perfect for wishing you financial well-being. However, the procedure itself is quite difficult, because you have to approach strangers and give them small gifts. It is better to use this method if you live in a rural area or come to the village for the holidays. You can just go outside and give presents to friends and acquaintances. This method also works in resorts, holiday homes or sanatoriums. However, even in a megalopolis, nothing prevents the use of this wonderful tradition.
- Small bags are required first, the number of which should be equal to the last number of the coming year (if 2021 is approaching, then 21 bags will be needed).
- Small gifts need to be put in bags (it can be candy, nice trinkets or fruit).
- As soon as New Year's midnight comes, you need to go outside and give gifts to people you meet. Do not forget about sincere congratulations and wishes for financial success in the coming year.
Dream drawing
A few days before the onset of the holiday, you need to draw everything that your soul desires. It is not necessary to draw masterpieces of art, you can do with a simple sketch. It is only important to remember what the drawing symbolizes... While working, you need to think about a dream and imagine its early implementation. Then the drawings are rolled up and hung as decorations on the tree.

If the festive table is decorated with a vase of grapes, then the following ritual can be performed. To do this, you need to tear off exactly 12 grapes from the brush. The grapes must be eaten whispering their own desire. The seeds in berries cannot be swallowed, while all the fruits must be eaten before New Year's midnight. If there are no seeds, then the task will be much easier.
If you dream of creating a happy family, then red decor should be used in the design of the festive table. It is believed that this color is responsible for happiness and love.
Food, as well as other attributes of the holiday, should reflect your desire.For example, if you are dreaming of a wonderful trip, you can buy wine or champagne from the country of your dreams. If in the new year you want to buy a new car, then you can arrange the dish in the shape of a typewriter.
Breaking dishes on the eve of a holiday is a beautiful tradition that symbolizes new happiness. That's why you can follow this tradition and break something unnecessary under the chimes. For these purposes, you can go outside or break something right in front of the New Year's table.

Launch into the universe
You need to purchase Chinese lanterns on which you should write your wish. If there are many desires, then several flashlights are required. When the chimes start beating, the flashlight must be set on fire and sent into the sky.
You can also reach out to the universe directly and simply shout about your dream at midnight. This can be done when the fireworks begin to thunder. You can attach a note with a wish to the festive firecrackers that will be launched in the yard. The dream must come true when the firecracker goes off.
Gifts for strangers
Dreams on New Year's midnight are usually fulfilled by those who not only believe in magic, but also give those around them their own love. Therefore, the next tradition is to present small souvenirs to strangers: toys, sweets, chocolates or mugs. You need to wrap a gift in a bright wrapper and give it to strangers on a holiday. The universe will certainly see this and make your desire a reality.
Message in a bottle
Another very interesting way says: the desire must be written down, and the note must be put in a bottle. The bottle must be empty. It is customary to keep such a dream symbol throughout the year. Before the holiday, you need to write down your dream or several at once. You have to wait until one of the New Year's champagne bottles is empty. The message is placed in this bottle. Doing all this, you need to whisper about your desire, blow into the bottleneck and close the bottle. It should be kept away from prying eyes.
You cannot part with a bottle during the year, otherwise the desire will simply not be fulfilled.

Dream fire
A beautiful sparkler is one of the symbols of the New Year, which can also participate in the next ritual. Before the first ringing of the chimes, the light should be set on fire. During this moment, you need to make a wish and say it to yourself during the time while the Bengal candle burns.
You need to prepare your personal Bengal candle before the celebration. This is best done before New Year's Eve dinner. It is believed that the light "kindles" desire, sends it to the Universe. Until the moment you wish, you should store a burnt sparkler candle. After that, you can throw out the candle.
You can attract a large income to your house using an equally interesting method. You should take a glass and a large bill. We fold the bill into a ring and gird the stem of the glass. After that, pour sparkling champagne into a glass, drink at exactly midnight. The banknote will need to be removed from the glass and put into the wallet. The magic bill will definitely attract other money into the wallet, and there will be a lot of them in the new year.
There are other interesting rituals that are performed on New Year's Eve. They are not so common, but judging by numerous reviews, they are no less effective. The methods do not require much preparation, they do not require a lot of additional things. The main rule is to concentrate on desire and understand that nothing is impossible on the New Year.... You can make a wish with a coin in your hands, and then throw it into the fountain. You cannot return to the fountain for at least 3 days.

How are wishes made in different countries?
New Year is a unique holiday for everyone, and every country has its own unusual ways to celebrate this event. You cannot do without numerous traditions that are full of international holidays. Each country has its own way of making a wish on New Year's Eve.
- V Britain, for example, you need to open the back entrance to the house so that the old year can go away. And then, at the last chimes, the main entrance is solemnly opened so that the new year will enter the house. It is believed that such a tradition helps to fulfill a cherished desire, which will certainly soon become a reality.
- V Spain a plate with grapes is placed on the festive table. In the last minutes of the outgoing year, everyone should eat 12 berries. It is after this that the cherished dream will come true.
- In France a pie is certainly placed on the table. The secret ingredient in this pie is one bean. If a guest comes across a piece of pie with a grain, then in the new year only happiness and success awaits him.
- V Of Russia the most interesting traditions are associated with the chimes. Usually, small notes with wishes are burned and then thrown into glasses with a drink. You need to drink everything before midnight, and then your dreams will come true.
New Year is the time when you need to let a fairy tale into your life. It is at this moment that all the most cherished dreams will begin to come true, what is happening will seem like a miracle and magic.