When and how to clean the tree after the New Year?

There are many traditions that are directly related to the celebration of the New Year. Some of them relate to the cleaning of the New Year tree, its disposal. Everyone should know what to do with the tree after the holidays.
There are a number of prescriptions governing the dismantling of spruce after the New Year. Some do it right after New Year's Eve. This decision is wrong. Winter holidays are quite long; guests come to many houses not only on New Year's Eve, but also on Christmas. Relatives and friends can visit and visit the Old New Year.
It is believed that cleaning an artificial or live Christmas tree should be done after Christmas. This is not entirely correct statement. Most Russians clean up the forest beauty after the Old New Year. Here is what folk legends say about this. Tradition has nothing to do with the Orthodox religion or any specific signs.
After the Old New Year, children go to school and adults to work. Receptions of guests in large numbers are not planned, so the spruce is taken out into the street.

Numerous beliefs surround the forest beauty. According to feng shui, the New Year does not come on January 1, but at the end of the month or the beginning of the next. Until that time, the spruce should stand. The problem is that a real tree dries quickly, needles begin to fall off it - this also leads to the falling of toys.
Many people dispose of spruce, focusing on folk signs. One of the signs that it is time to clean the tree is needles that are crumbling in large numbers. If their tips are darkened, the forest beauty has absorbed a lot of negative energy. This means that she no longer belongs in the house.
One of the signs says that the decorations falling from the spruce branches are a sign that the brownie is playing with them. This fun should be stopped, take off the toys and take out the spruce. An exfoliating trunk is another sign that the tree needs disposal. There is nothing mystical in this, if the tree is not removed, it will soon crumble.

Clean up before Epiphany or after?
Many people ask the question: what date is it better to disassemble the tree - before Epiphany or after? All holiday paraphernalia should be removed by January 19. It is not supposed to keep the Christmas tree at home longer.
On this day, ash is removed from the fireplace, if there is one in the house. Besides, it is supposed to carry out a general cleaning, to bring cleanliness. There is a belief that Baptism must be celebrated in a completely cleansed dwelling. It is best to disassemble the spruce before that date.
In the pre-revolutionary period, each holiday was tied to the Orthodox calendar. In accordance with it, all decorations in the home, and the tree is no exception, should appear in the house before the arrival of Christmas, and they were removed on the eve of Epiphany. According to Orthodoxy, on the last day before this holiday, Christmastide ends, by this time it is necessary to remove all the attributes that personify the New Year.
At the same time, it is unacceptable to simply put the spruce on the street and leave it there. Such an act will lead to the fact that wealth and luck will be thrown away along with the tree.

For this reason, superstitious people in the pre-revolutionary period did not throw out the Christmas tree, which delighted with its appearance during the New Year holidays, but dismantled and then burned it. Firewood in Russian huts in winter was never considered superfluous.
How to remove correctly?
If during the winter holidays, households and guests were pleased with an artificial spruce, there will be no difficulties with its disassembly. When cleaning, it is enough to follow simple rules.
- Put the decorations removed from the spruce in a box, the most massive down, the lightest on top.
- Roll up electrical strings carefully, do not bend the wires too much.
- Fold the branches of a tree of the same level together - this will simplify the installation of the tree after 11 months.
- Put the tinsel with serpentine in a vacuum package.

Do not forget that the tree should not stand in the house for too long, it can be safely thrown away after the Old New Year. A live Christmas tree should be taken out into the street carefully, because needles are falling from it. Cover the floor under the tree with something before removing your jewelry. Move objects away from the forest beauty, into which needles can stick. After that, you can grab the trunk and shake the tree - this will lead to the weakest needles falling off.
The next step is to remove the toys. Remove the spruce tree that has remained without balls and other decorative elements from the holder. Take a wide material and wrap it around the tree. The cloth-wrapped Christmas tree is easy to take outside.

After removing the tree, remove any debris left behind. The needles are first swept away with a broom, and then the floor is vacuumed. Instead of a vacuum cleaner, you can use a dishwashing sponge. Glue double-sided tape to it and walk around the room.
If there are carpets near the spruce tree standing in the room, they are pushed aside before taking it out. Some cut off branches by wrapping them in polyethylene to reduce the amount of fallen needles. You can wrap the tree completely, if its branches are not too spreading.
One of the tips for cleaning a Christmas tree is about removing jewelry. You need to start with small breakable toys.
It is recommended to put them in a separate container. You can even put them in an egg tray to prevent damage to them.

At the next stage, larger jewelry is removed. It is better to prepare boxes for them in advance, purchase cardboard dividers. It will not hurt to sign each of the boxes, next winter this will allow you to quickly find the necessary jewelry.
Wrap the garlands with rain on the base so that they do not get tangled. To wrap the tree before taking it out, you can use an old blanket or thick plastic wrap. Removing carpets and using a cloth to wrap wood will eliminate the need for additional cleaning. Fewer needles will fall off with spruce wrapped in cloth or polyethylene. Gloves will help protect your hands from prickly needles.
There are many ways to recycle the tree, some just leave the tree by the trash can, but it’s better to do it differently. Needles are an excellent fertilizer. After the end of the holidays, the spruce can be placed in the garden. In the fresh air, it can stand for several months.
Another option is to leave a couple of branches for the decoction or bath. People believe that such a bath helps to find peace and tranquility.

You can save not only the branches, but also a handful of needles. Place them in a cloth bag, it will protect the family throughout the year. Pine needles are an excellent material for making hand-made gizmos, such as mini pillows or bath infusions.
The last decoration removed from the spruce branches will protect the home from negative energy if placed above the entrance to the house. If a toy is dropped and broken, make a wish before disposing of it. After taking the tree out of the house in the place where it stood, place a chair and sit on it for a while. This ritual will cleanse the soul and body from the accumulated negative energy.
For long-term family happiness, magicians advise installing an artificial spruce in the house. She can become a family talisman, from year to year she will accumulate light festive energy, return it to the house in the form of prosperity and prosperity. When using an artificial tree, there is no need to deal with the issue of its disposal. It is easier to remove such a tree than a living one.
You can disassemble the New Year tree at any time, the main thing is not to leave it until spring, to prevent the needles from drying out and falling off.

For information on how to remove the Christmas tree after the New Year, see the next video.