New Year's contests and games for the whole family

So that on New Year's Eve no one gets bored sitting at the table, you need to think about how you can entertain the guests. So, they can be offered to play board games, or you can come up with and draw up a competitive program for them in advance with interesting and funny games that are suitable for both adults and teenagers and children. It is about New Year's games that will be discussed in this article.

Entertainment at the table
Consider a few activities you can do without even getting out of your chair.
With cool congratulations
This is a New Year's drinking game that can be played in a family setting, with friends, or even in the office at a corporate party. This is a fairly simple entertainment that does not require much effort or unnecessary body movements. The aim of this game is to cheer you up. Most often it is held at the very beginning of the celebration.
The essence of the entertainment is quite simple: each player must, without knowing the context, name one adjective at a time. The person playing the game must, in order, enter all the named adjectives in the congratulation, and why read this congratulation to the guests. The result will be something funny and funny. The text for congratulations, in which you need to insert words, you can come up with yourself in advance, or you can take it from any sources.
Here is an example of one of them: “In one _______ country in ____ city there lived ___ boys and ___ girls. They lived ______, communicated with one ____ company. And so they gathered on ______ day in ______ place. And they began to celebrate the onset of the ________ New Year. So let _____ toasts sound, ____ glasses beat, ____ drinks spilled, ____ words sound, _____ smiles on people's faces.I want to wish you all that the New Year was ______ for everyone, tables were full of _____ snacks, houses were filled with ______ wealth. May your _____ desires come true, dreams become ____ reality. And the work will be _____. Let _____ friends surround you, loved ones give ______ joy and _______ care. I wish you to sail on the ship ______ happiness, ________ love and _____ joy. "

New Year wishes
This game is also suitable for a feast or a corporate party, but it requires advance preparation: for it you will need to inflate balls, which should be more than the number of players. For inflation, it is advisable to use helium or gas: this will be more interesting. Each of the balls needs to be tied with a long string so that each of the players can freely reach it. To the same thread, you must attach a folded piece of paper with a wish.

The presenter must come up with and prepare wishes on his own. They should be short, for example:
- "Make a million";
- “The family is waiting for replenishment”;
- "Go on a trip";
- "Wait for luck on the personal front";
- Try your luck at the lottery and stuff like that.
The presenter should show imagination and treat his task with humor so that the New Year's Eve is fun and memorable.

Fanta from the hat
Fanta is a game that has been familiar to many since childhood. You can play it both with family or friends, and at a New Year's corporate party with colleagues. The essence of this game is pretty simple. All that is required for her is a hat, as which on New Year's Eve it would be best to use the red cap of Santa Claus, and a lot of notes with tasks of varying difficulty. If you wish, you can add small prizes to this game in the form of chocolates or, for example, notebooks.
Tasks can be different, it all depends on the imagination of the person who is drawing up the competition program. Here are just some examples of tasks that can get caught in phantoms:
- "To portray a brood hen";
- "Read a New Year's poem with a Caucasian accent";
- "Draw someone's portrait without using your hands";
- "Make a bridge";
- "Sing a New Year's song";
- "To portray Santa Claus, who remembered about the New Year at the last moment" and so on.

This is another drinking game, suitable for celebrating the New Year in the event that the guests at the table have already managed to get bored and need to cheer them up in some way. It is quite simple and also does not require much effort on the part of the guests.
The essence of the game is as follows: the presenter asks the players various questions, the answer to which is required in monosyllables with any number. Questions can be different, for example: "What year were you born?", "How many bottles of wine can you drink at one time?" etc.

Toast "Who was born when?"
This entertainment cannot be called a full-fledged competition or a game. It is suitable in order to somehow cheer up people sitting at the table, to cheer them up. In addition, such entertainment provides an extra reason to drink. The essence of the entertainment is that the presenter asks the audience a question, for example, "Who was born in December?" The person who is celebrating their birthday this month should make a toast. Further, the presenter names other months, and people take turns saying New Year's greetings.

"New Year's crocodile"
This game is practically no different from the classic version. The only difference is that the New Year theme prevails here. You can also add small presents to the game in the form of, for example, chocolates.
The essence of the game is simple: one of the participants, as instructed by the presenter, must, with gestures, movements or facial expressions, depict something that is associated with the New Year, without using words. The task of the rest of the players is to guess who or what this participant is portraying. The one who guessed the hidden word receives a prize, if any, and depicts what the presenter says in the next game.

With soap bubbles
This game requires two containers of soap bubbles and three people, one of whom is the host. The essence of the entertainment is as follows: two participants sit on chairs opposite each other. The facilitator should ask these players questions, the answer to which can be either "a lot" or "a little". The participant who received the question must blow bubbles. So, if there are a lot of bubbles, then the answer is “many”. Here are some ideas for questions:
- “How much did you work during this month?”;
- “How much time do you spend on the phone?”;
- "Do you drink a lot?" other.

Game "What to do?"
This entertainment is suitable for the end or middle of the celebration, when all the guests are cheered up, become more cheerful and active. The meaning of the game is quite simple: the presenter must ask the players various funny and funny questions, and they must answer them in an interesting and original way. This game is suitable for both children and adults.
Questions for her may be as follows:
- “What to do if gifts did not appear under the tree on the morning of January 1?”;
- “What if you run out of Olivier?”;
- “What if the cat has filled up the tree?”;
- “What if all the New Year's toys are lost?”;
- "What if Santa Claus forgot about the New Year?"
In this game, you can identify the winner. It will be the one who will give the most original answer to the host's question. The winner will need to be presented with a present in the form of a chocolate bar or, for example, a key ring in the form of a symbol of the year.

"Come up with a grandmother Snegurochka"
This game is also suitable for the whole family. Players can either split into teams or play alone. This game is quite creative. Its meaning lies in the fact that you need to come up with a wife for Santa Claus, that is, the grandmother of the Snow Maiden. This game requires maximum imagination. Think how Santa Claus's wife looks like, what her name is, how they met. The one who copes with this task better and more original will receive a prize.
By the way, you can add a little variety to this game. So, if desired, players can not only tell about the invented wife of Santa Claus, but also try to depict her alleged portrait on a piece of paper.

Melt the Heart of the Snow Queen
Such entertainment will most likely be difficult to spend at a New Year's corporate party, since for this game you should prepare in advance the saucers in which there will be small ice chips. However, for a home holiday, such a game is very suitable. Participants can play alone, or they can split into teams. The goal of the game is to melt the ice. The winner is the one who copes with this task the fastest. If you wish, you can give the winners small presents.

"Unfold the gift"
For this game, you need to prepare gifts in advance and pack them. This must be done carefully so that it is not so easy to open them. It is desirable that all gifts are the same, then all participants will be in equal conditions. The essence of the game is to unpack your gift to the music faster than everyone else. The winner of the game will receive an additional present in the form of sweets or something else.

Outdoor family games
If sitting at the table is already bored, then it's time to move a little.
It is a dance game usually performed to the song of the same name, Los Del Rio. The leader should show people certain movements, and they should repeat after him. There are no winners or losers in this game, its goal is to provoke guests, make them move a little and shake themselves up.

Dance quiz
For this entertaining game, the presenter needs to prepare in advance questions that will be related to the types of dances and prepare the appropriate melodies. The person who answers the question and gives the correct answer, in addition to this, will have to show by example how to correctly perform this dance.Please note that questions must be thought up based on who you are going to conduct such a quiz with. So, for adults, you can come up with more difficult questions, for children you need to choose something easier.
Here are some questions and answers for this home game:
- "The name of a hot Spanish dance?" ("flamenco");
- "Folk Caucasian dance?" ("Lezginka");
- "What is the name of the main dance at the Brazilian carnival?" ("Samba") and so on.

"Balls in Pants"
This game is also suitable for both parents and children. To spend it on the party, you need balloons, two pairs of colorful wide pants and two participants. Players must go to the place where the balls are located and put on their pants. The goal of the game is to put as many balloons into your pants as possible without them bursting. In the process of collecting balls, players have to move and dance to a particular melody, which greatly complicates their task. The winner is the person with the most balls in his pants. The winner is usually awarded a small prize.

"Draw a little train"
You must take part in this game in pairs. A total of 6 to 8 players must participate. Their task is to depict without words (using gestures, movements or facial expressions) how a particular mode of transport moves. Most often, the presenter offers the following types of vehicles: airplane, steam locomotive, private car and taxi. Of course, you can turn on other options if you like.

"Round dance around the Christmas tree"
This is an easy child's play, but adults can also participate in it. It requires at least 4-5 people. These people should dance around the tree, but it's not that simple. Each of the participants is assigned one or another role, and the role of the tree will also have to be played by a person. This person should be in the center, and the rest of the participants playing the role, for example, the Snow Maiden, a hare or a fox, will have to walk around him and dance to one or another melody. You cannot win or lose in this game.

Original contests for children
For children, you can think of the following simple games.
"Name the gift"
This is quite an interesting and pleasant children's game, because in it you can get a gift just for participation. To carry out such a game, you will need to prepare a bag in advance, in which you need to put sweets, chocolates, figures and toys. The essence of the game is simple: a blindfolded child walks up to the bag, pulls out this or that thing and tries to guess what kind of thing it is. If the player guessed everything correctly, then this item goes to him.

"Bouncing bag"
This game will require at least two participants and two empty bags. Children in these bags must jump to the leader. The one who does it faster gets the coveted prize. It will be much more interesting to play such a game, divided into teams. However, this will require at least 6 people, who must be equally divided. In this case, the goal of the game remains unchanged: the players need to jump in the bag to the leader as quickly as possible. The competition is won by the team, the last participant of which will get to the required place faster. She also receives prizes.

"Accurate shooter"
This is a fairly simple game that requires a bucket or basket and balls made from crumpled paper. If there are many children, then they should be divided into teams. The goal of the game is to hit the bucket with a ball, thereby earning yourself or your team points. Those who gain the most points win in this competition. The winners are usually given a sweet prize.

"Dancing around the Christmas tree"
It's hard to imagine the New Year without children's dances and round dances around a decorated Christmas tree. However, these dances can be varied. The game will require music, at least several children and one presenter who will show the dance moves, while saying "cold" or "hot". If the leader says "hot", then the participants should repeat the movement after him, and if he says "cold", then they should not repeat after him. The person who accidentally repeated the movement or, on the contrary, did not do it when it was needed, becomes a new leader. You can play such a game indefinitely, until the participants get tired of it.

"Wrap a gift"
For this game, you will need to prepare in advance two gift wrappers, ribbons, bows and everything that is required for a beautiful gift wrapping. You will also need at least four players to share into teams, and a leader.
The essence of the game is quite simple: participants have to decorate a gift box, tie a ribbon on it, attach bows, and so on. However, everything is not as easy as it might seem. Two children must participate in the game, and the two hands of these children must be tied. It is forbidden to use them in the process of decorating the box. One child will have a free right hand, the other - a left. With their help, the participants must decorate the box. Of course, it won't be easy to do without coordination.
Further, there are two options for the outcome of events. The winners can be those participants who decorate the box most beautifully, or those who do it faster than others. The winners are rewarded with sweet awards or other prizes.