Contests and games for children for the New Year

Any matinee for the New Year will not do without interesting contests and team games.

Outdoor New Year games
In this article, we will tell you about the most popular, funny and interesting games for children that you can play both outdoors, outdoors, and indoors.
Snow herons
The guys need to stand around the Christmas tree and go in a round dance to a beautiful melody. In this case, children should stretch their necks, stand on their toes, imitating herons. When the music stops playing, babies should freeze on one leg. The winner is the child who is able to stand motionless for the longest time.

We are artists
All comers are invited to draw out cards on which a comic task is written. The situations described need to be depicted in motion:
- how Santa Claus carries a Christmas tree;
- how the Snow Maiden performs an incendiary dance near the Christmas tree;
- like a fox looking for mice under the snow;
- how a person skates;
- how a little child would sing a song for Santa Claus;
- how a sparrow behaves when it is very cold;
- how a cat makes its way through the snowdrifts;
- like a person skiing.
The guys must show on themselves what is written on their cards. One child shows, and the rest need to guess.

Magic staff
Fantasy characters must hold the magic staff horizontally. The players need to go under the staff and not touch it. Each time the bar goes down more and more, and the task of the guys becomes more difficult.
Toddlers can hold onto other participants and go like a train. Gradually, the bar drops lower and lower, and it is more and more difficult for the team to pass the obstacle.
The winner will be the one who can pass the lowest.

Snow blizzard
For the game you will need:
- felt boots;
- mitten;
- broom;
- plastic bucket.
The guys should stand in a circle. One of the participants holds a mitten, broom or bucket. The circle should be wide, since the fairy-tale characters have to run in front of the children.
Santa Claus tells the kids that a blizzard has begun. Such a strong wind rose that the object of the fairytale character (bucket, felt boot, broom or glove) was simply carried away by the storm. To the music, the guys should pass the object to each other, and the fairytale hero should try to catch up with him. When the character "catches up" the thing, he must give the task to the child with the object.
If the kid does not want to complete the task, then he is eliminated.

Blizzard (variant of "Buran")
To carry out this game, you will need some kind of New Year's symbol - a mitten, a pine cone, a Christmas tree toy (made of plastic) or a snowball.
The guys should get up in a round dance and start passing the thing to each other. As soon as the song stops, the toy cannot be given back. The person on whom the melody "stopped" either drops out of the game or performs a simple task.
Melting ice floes
Several chairs need to be arranged in a circle. There should be one fewer chairs than players. The structure will be an ice floe.
To the music, the kids should circle around the "ice floe". As soon as the melody stops, everyone sits down. If someone does not have enough chair, then he is out. Gradually, the "ice floe" begins to melt and the number of participants becomes less and less.
The winner is the owner of the last chair.
Also chairs can be placed opposite each other. As soon as the music stops, the players must run across to the opposite bank. There will be less and less seats each time. Whoever gets the last place is the winner.

Hide in the house
The guys should get up in pairs and join hands (these will be kind of houses). The rest of the participants will run around the "houses" to cheerful music. As soon as the melody dies down, the players should hide in "cover". If someone does not get a "house", he must leave the game.

Dress warmly
For the competition you will need:
- 2 warm sets (hat, gloves, mittens, felt boots and jacket);
- 2 stools or 2 chairs.
The chairs are placed side by side. You need to put one set of clothes on them. The players stand next to the chairs and begin to move to the music. As soon as the melody stops, the guys should put on all their clothes as quickly as possible. The winner is the child who dresses the fastest.
To complicate the task, you can turn the jacket and hat inside out.
Collect the snowballs
For the competition you will need:
- lumps of cotton wool representing snowballs;
- capacious basket.
Place baskets at the end of the room. Pour snowballs in the center of the room. Participants must start collecting snowballs on command. The winner is the one who can collect as many snow "shells" as possible.
You can complicate the game by asking the participants to close their eyes.

Cheerful snowdrifts
The fairy-tale character informs the participants that a lot of snowdrifts have appeared in the forest from the blizzard. Children should show what kind of snowdrifts Santa Claus is talking about: if we are talking about big ones, the guys need to raise their hands up, when talking about small ones, the participants put their hands down.
Santa Claus must repeat after children, trying to confuse them.
Charging the Snowman
The snowman informs the guys that he is going to do exercises and asks them to keep company. Children and the fairytale character begin to do simple exercises: raising arms, squats, and so on. Participants should listen very carefully to what the Snowman will tell them, which will confuse the children.

Forbidden movement
Before the start of the competition, the Snow Maiden declares a certain movement forbidden. Guys should not do this exercise while playing.Together with the Snow Maiden, the children begin to perform actions, trying not to use the forbidden. This competition is especially suitable for young schoolchildren, as children who are too young can become confused.
Dynamic music sounds, to which the guys begin to move and repeat the movements after the Snow Maiden.
As soon as the heroine of the matinee makes a forbidden action, the children should stop and shout: “You can't! Forbidden!" - and then give up.
For example, the Snowman or Snow Maiden do several actions, name the numbers of the exercises and ask the children to remember the numbering:
- "One" - raise your hands;
- "Two" - hands must be lowered;
- "Three" - bend your arms.
You can use another option:
- "One" - squat;
- "Two" - we get up.
The acting fairy-tale character must name the number of the action and repeat it together with the children. At some point, the Snow Maiden (or Snowman) calls the wrong number and shows a completely different action. The game will be very interesting because of the confusion that has arisen.

Sweet tooth
Quite an interesting board game. To complete this task, you will need sweets, which must be scattered on the table. As soon as the music starts, children should start picking up as many candies as possible. Whoever can collect more sweets before the end of the melody is the winner.
Children can put sweets in their hands, put sweet props in their pockets, by the collar. It will be even more fun if you ask the guys to collect balloons from the floor.

Don't laugh at night in winter
To conduct the competition, you will need plates that depict different animals. The signs should be distributed to children. When the presenter says "day", then the kids should imitate animals and move. As soon as "night" sounds, the guys freeze in different poses. Santa Claus can comment on the poses of the participants, trying to make the children laugh. If the child laughs, he goes out.

Prize for five
This competition program will require a chair and a small incentive prize in the form of a ball, candy or tangerine. Several children can participate in the game. Participants must grab the prize as soon as possible as soon as the word "five" is heard. Santa Claus can count in this way: one, three, four, two, five! The winner receives a small prize.
Collective games-contests
In team games, boys can play against little ladies.
Staff for Santa Claus
To play you will need:
- tinsel;
- two sticks.
The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a tinsel ribbon and a stick. To the music, the guys should start wrapping the stick with tinsel. The one who completes the task faster and more beautifully won.

Collect cold pieces of ice
You will need:
- two sets of puzzles;
- gloves.
Participants must put on gloves and begin to assemble the mosaic. The team that can do it faster will win.
You can also ask the children to wear gloves for one or two hands.

Snow fight
To play you need:
- chairs;
- balloons (about a dozen per team).
In the center, you need to place a row of chairs, which will be considered the boundary of the fortress. At the signal, the participants must throw balls at each other across the border of the "fortress".
Whose side has the least number of balls, that team is declared the winner.

Magic wands
To play you need:
- two sticks;
- air balloons;
- two small pools or bags.
With the help of "magic wands", the guys have to drive the balls into pools or bags. Then the sticks are transferred to other team members. The winner is the one who manages to drive more balls.
Dexterous squirrels
To start the game, you need a few cones and four baskets.
Team members must gather in a line. At the beginning of each chain there is a basket of cones, and at the end of the row there is an empty container. The guys should pass each other one bump while the music is playing.
The winner is the one with the fastest filling of the tank.

Funny snowflakes
It is necessary to take two chairs and several toys (according to the number of participants). The guys must run to the end of the room, grab the toy from the chair and run back. The winner is the one who manages to do it the fastest.
You can complicate the tasks by asking the children to jump.
Shoot down the magic icicles
This is a variation of the game of regular bowling. For the game you will need balls, as well as "icicles". "Icicles" are placed on the ground, and the guys must knock them down with balls.

Decorating the Christmas tree
You will need:
- two small Christmas trees;
- a set of plastic toys;
- two chairs.
Kids should decorate the Christmas tree at speed. However, the toys and the tree are in different corners of the room, so the kids will have to run back and forth.

Centipede caterpillar
You will need balloons to play the game. The guys stand in two rows. Balls must be clamped between the participants, which must not be touched with hands. Players need to carry the balls and not drop them to the finish line. The winner is the team that completes the task the fastest.
You can complicate the competition:
- participants must not only run to the finish line, but also wait until the previous player comes back;
- when completing the task, the guys will have to take the shoulders of the next participant.

Fairy broom
You will need 2 mops or brooms.
According to the scenario, Baba Yaga kidnapped the Snow Maiden, and the guys must rescue the captive. To do this, children need to learn how to fly with brooms. Two kids sit on a broom and "fly" to the finish line, after which they return to the beginning. This must be done as quickly as possible.
The game becomes more complicated like this:
- the competition can be turned into a magic relay race;
- the guys will have to go around various obstacles.
Catch the snowball
You will need a few cotton balls and reservoirs for them (baskets or bags will work well).
One of the participants of both teams holds the tank, and the rest of the guys throw snow "shells". Whoever succeeds in throwing snowballs into the opponent's basket won the victory.

Winter fishing
For the game you will need:
- two fishing rods (with magnets at the end);
- magnetic pictures;
- hoop or large pelvis;
- buckets and baskets.
You need to put magnetic pictures in a basin or inside a hoop. Participants must "fish" with a fishing rod with a magnetic hook.
The more pictures players draw, the faster they will win.
Dance fun contests
Dance games are very perky and are always popular with children.
Friendly choir
The guys and the fairytale hero must sing one of the New Year's songs together. At the signal, the presenter stops singing, and then continues. If one of the guys gets lost, he is out of the game.
In a new way
Anyone can sing any song. It is important to do this in an interesting way: you can change the motive or perform the composition with the voice of some animal.

Snow dancing
The guys are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other. Kids should synchronously repeat the dance movement. Whoever does the best is the winner.
New Year's round dance with tasks
There are no winners in the game. Kids should gather a round dance around the Christmas tree. When the melody stops, the guys perform easy tasks.

Santa's Magic Snow Gauntlet
The presenter wanders between the guys who are dancing at the same time. As soon as the fairytale hero touches the child, the participant must freeze.
Drawing options
Numerous creative drawing games are very often used at children's parties. However, for such contests it is necessary to prepare props. Adult participation is also encouraged. This option is best suited for a small family celebration.

Draw Santa Claus
To play you will need:
- several pieces of paper;
- markers, felt-tip pens or pencils;
- pieces of fabric.
Players should be blindfolded. Then the children pick up paper and pencils - they have to draw Santa Claus. Whoever gets the best drawing is the winner.
There are several variations of this game:
- right-handers can do the task with their left hand (left-handers do it with their right hand);
- you can paint funny cartoons;
- you do not need to close your eyes, and a marker or felt-tip pen should be tied to a long stick.

Guess by the piece
For this home game, you will need several images of fairy-tale characters, as well as a sheet with a slot. Fairy tale characters are drawn on large sheets of paper. For portraits, you need to put a sheet with a slot. The sheet must be moved along the main picture, and the guys must guess who is depicted on it.
Chain of pictures
For a drawing game, you will need clean paper, as well as felt-tip pens. The guys line up. The facilitator shows the participants a simple image for the children to redraw. Participants place paper on the back of the previous child and draw. The second kid must draw the same image for another playmate, and so on in a chain. At the end of the game, the drawings are compared.

I will draw your portrait
This competition will require drawing supplies and blank paper. Participants must portray any of their teammates. When all the drawings are ready, the guys guess who is drawn in the pictures.
I will draw what I hear
You should stock up on drawing supplies and white paper. The first participant draws something simple and demonstrates his creativity to another child. This is how children tell each other what is shown in the pictures and draw what they hear. At the end, you can summarize the game and compare the first and last drawings.

Mind games
Mind games not only develop the imagination of toddlers, but are also very fun.
Alphabet spruce
The kids will have to find all the words in which you can find "spruce". For example, these are words like "bed", "blizzard", "April" and others. Participants are not allowed to repeat themselves. Those who could not find the right word in time are eliminated. The last child to say a word wins automatically.

Santa Claus and ...
All children want to see fairytale heroes on this wonderful holiday. It will be very interesting for kids to participate in the competition, in which they need to be smart. Everyone knows that the Snow Maiden is everyone's beloved Grandfather's granddaughter. However, our hero must also have a spouse. The guys are invited to come up with a name for the wife of Santa Claus and think how she might look. The author of the most interesting description becomes the winner and should receive a small prize.
Children's entertainment for different ages
Children's contests can be designed for completely different audiences - for older and younger children. In most of these events, there must be a presenter.

For preschoolers
Consider the most interesting and unusual games for children aged 3, 4, 5, 6 years old.
- Friends of Santa Claus.
The presenter asks the children to remember who is Grandfather Frost's best friend. In this case, the adult begins to name the prospective comrades. The children must guess whether the named subject can be a friend for everyone's beloved fairytale hero. The most active child is awarded a small prize.
There are other options:
- snowman, scarecrow, witch;
- tree, willow, birch;
- Sleeping Beauty, Snow Maiden, Cinderella.
- Best gift.
For each baby, you need to prepare a gift box. It should contain the necessary accessories for work: ribbons, sparkling rain, felt-tip pens, glue, scissors, paper and other things. Then the children must make beautiful gifts from ordinary boxes. At the end of the game, the participants' creativity is compared and small prizes are given to them.
You can think of many nominations: the most unusual gift, the most beautiful present, and so on.

7-8 years old
New Year's games for children who study in lower grades are becoming even more difficult.
- Word in word. The game is suitable even for teenagers 13-14 years old. Two children take turns speaking words with one "key". These can be variants formed from the word "snow": Snow Maiden, snowmobile, snowfall, snowmen.The child who knows the most of the same root words wins. Dictionary keys are constantly changing, while they should relate to the New Year theme.
- Homemade watches. This game can be played with children 10-12 years old. The guys are divided into teams. The host says that the bad Baba Yaga stole something from him and still does not return it. Children must help him and create the lost object on their own. Participants use improvised things. The most ingenious team wins, which has more inventive approach to solving the problem than the other.