Ideas for New Year's contests and games for a corporate party

The New Year's holiday is good not only for delicious food and drinks. First of all, it is an opportunity for a company of people to have fun and interesting time, to get to know each other better. If people have recently been working together, having a party together is a great way to network and build a team. Ideas for New Year's contests and games for a corporate party will help you have fun.

New Year's contests for a corporate party should be very diverse: moderately intellectual, cheerful, lively, funny, agile. It should be fun and interesting for everyone to take part in them.
The peculiarity is to involve absolutely everyone in this exciting process. Not everyone can be a versatile person who is equally successful in different areas of life. But everyone must have their own talents.
One sings well, the other dances stunningly, the third tells gorgeous poetry. Someone has well-developed logical thinking, and someone can show off a sense of humor so that everyone will die laughing. The idea of the contests is to make everyone feel comfortable completing tasks and to do it with passion. The main thing is that everyone can find their niche, then the party will definitely turn out bright and unforgettable, and it will be pleasant and fun to remember it.

Interesting ideas
During the holiday, a wide variety of games should be used: cool, intellectual, mobile. Therefore, it is better to think over the scenario in advance and prepare several games, for example, "Where is the logic?", Following the example of a well-known program.

Comic quizzes with answers also need to be prepared in advance. It so happens that corporate parties are organized not only for employees, sometimes children are present who have fun separately.Then separate competitions will be invented for adults, and funny, funny, short competitions can be held for children. On New Year's Eve, everyone will like a fairy tale of the corresponding theme.

Important! For a holiday with colleagues to be unforgettable, games must be varied, so that both the brain and the body work. Then you will definitely not be bored.
To begin with, people sit down at the table and only then are involved in active actions. To make your time at the table more interesting throughout the holiday, you can hold a few simple games.
- Usually, during the feast, people say toasts. Why not turn this tradition into a game? Everyone says a toast alphabetically in a circle. One guest starts at "A", another at "B", and so on. This competition continues throughout the holiday, because you have to leave the table and you will definitely not be able to pass the entire alphabet during the party. At the end, the one who made the most original or funniest toast can be awarded a prize, for example, in the form of sweets or a bottle of champagne.

- Another competition may turn out to be fun - The Lost Letter. Everyone agrees which letter should never be pronounced. The moderator asks any questions in turn to all participants, and the one who answers must quickly come up with an answer from words where this letter is not. Whoever hesitates to answer, drops out and changes places with the leader. The answers are sometimes very funny.

- One of the favorite contests of many - "Associations". The man thinks out a word and announces the first beech. Further, all participants in a circle ask questions, and without naming the word they mean, but only using the description of its characteristics. If the presenter cannot guess what word is being described to him, he opens the second letter.

- You can have fun at the table using your artistic ability. To do this, everyone takes a sheet of paper and draws one of his colleagues. Further, the sheets are passed in a circle, each writes on the back side, whose portrait, in his opinion, was in his hands. When everyone reaches their own verdict, the number of votes is counted. The artist whose portrait received the most correct answers wins.

- The next competition does not require any particular effort from anyone. The presenter takes any container, each participant puts in it a few coins or a bill (this is optional). Then the leader asks everyone what amount was collected in the piggy bank. The one who is closest to the answer wins. He takes the contents of the piggy bank.

- Familiar game to many "I never…" can also be fun drinking entertainment. Each participant makes a confession. For example, "I have never skied." Colleagues who do not belong to this category of people take a sip of some drink. Then another participant enters. Confessions can be very funny as well as personal. It's interesting anyway.

New Year is the holiday that does not mean just a gathering. You need to move, this makes the party more varied and intense.
- This competition is suitable for a large company. Everyone line up in a circle or a ruler and hand over a bag of gifts to Santa Claus, which he absent-mindedly forgot to take himself. All this happens to the music, which periodically stops. The one on whom the melody ended must complete the task of Santa Claus. It can be anything: dance, joke, compose a verse. At the end of the game, Santa Claus gives out gifts to everyone.

- You will have to show your skill in this competition. Two impromptu easels with snowmen are placed anywhere in the hall. Two participants are given long balloons or carrots (these are future noses), after which they put on tight blindfolds. Further, each of them must quickly proceed to the sheet and place the nose in the right place. Whoever did it quickly and hit the target (or close to it) won.
- The fun snowman-themed competition can be continued. Several participants will be given three balloons, tape and markers. Of these, you need to as quickly as possible make a snowman, in this case, not a single ball should burst. The one who managed the fastest won.

No holiday is complete without songs and music. Participants of the feast sometimes also want to show their creativity. There are several types of such contests.
- The bag is placed pieces of paper with New Year's words: tree, garland, Santa Claus, tangerines, gifts. Each participant takes out a piece of paper and quickly composes a little song about this attribute. Anyone who hesitates is eliminated from the song contest. You can hold this competition in another way. Not to compose your own versions, but to remember lines from famous songs.

- This is a very fun competition. Several participants receive lyrics (each - his own) and singing in turn, but using only vowels. The winner is the one whose song is guessed faster.
- You can just show your vocal abilities. And if the cafe has karaoke, you can arrange a song marathon. At the same time, it will be interesting if the song will be chosen not by the vocalist, but by drawing out lottery tickets.

These are the most dynamic contests that are always noisy and fun. All those present are divided into teams and perform simple manipulations or participate in relay races.

- The easiest option is transfer the tangerine to a spoon and do not drop it. All are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. The team that finishes the challenge faster and drops fewer tangerines wins.
- Very catchy contests are obtained when you have to guess something. For example, there is such an option. Each team in turn nominates its own player. He is blindfolded. And then they show the team a sign with the name of a star - an actor, an athlete, a singer, a politician. The player must guess who it is about. At the same time, he has the right to ask clarifying questions to team members. However, they can only answer "yes" or "no". A minute is given for each star. So, the team that guesses the most personalities wins.

- Each team receives a bag with colored paper clips. When the command "Start" is given, you need to start linking them together. All this is done with cheerful music. When the presenter says: "Stop!"

Competitions for women's and men's teams
Most often, mass entertainment is designed for both sexes. And the program is most often developed in such a way that it would be interesting to all the participants of the corporate party. For some groups, role-playing games may be appropriate, where they will show the funniest scenes from the life of the group. It is advisable to do this with jokes that are known to everyone, so that you can laugh heartily.

As for representatives of certain professions, the New Year is a common holiday, therefore it is better not to hold any separate competitions for educators or teachers. Although with a strong desire for both categories, it is possible to hold intellectual contests, where, for example, knowledge of mathematics or literature is needed. These should be the best contests with a New Year theme that everyone, without exception, will like.

If there is a need to hold contests for purely male and female teams, several simple but fun contests can be held.
- A team of women sculpts a male sculpture out of balloons and scotch tape, and a team of men - a female one. In this case, the balls must be of different shapes and sizes. They can be inflated in advance or directly during the competition.

- An interesting option can be obtained by dividing the team into two teams - male and female, and arranging an interesting quiz. The male team is asked female questions, and the female team is asked male questions.Women can show off their knowledge of football or hockey, and men can share their thoughts on fashion or new cosmetics.

- In addition, themed contests can be held in both male and female teams. Men can train in strength, dexterity, erudition and a sense of humor, since every man must have a mind, have a sense of humor, but strength and dexterity will also not be superfluous for anyone. Women can take part in a competition to create some unusual culinary masterpiece from the products offered to her. The main thing is that it should be fast and not too tiring.

- If there are both men and women in the team, then the game "Clothespins" is always fun, when the couple temporarily takes off each other's clothespins while blindfolded, which other participants had previously attached there.

- Another fun competition with a winter theme. Different parts of the body are written on the pieces of paper (for example, the head, ear, left leg, little finger of the right hand, knee, and so on). Two participants pull out pieces of paper. You need to touch those parts that are indicated in the pieces of paper. Then the next participant completes the composition. And this continues until everything collapses, because not everyone can resist when, for example, the knee needs to be put to the ear or the heel to the shoulder. But it can be really fun in the end.
We have considered only some of the options for New Year's games, contests, quizzes. There are many competitions. You can always come up with something of your own and make the party unforgettable.

And here are a few more ideas - pick up the funniest ones!