Review of contests for adults for the New Year

In order for the meeting of the New Year to be interesting and exciting, it is necessary to prepare properly for this event. If you do not have the opportunity to organize a costume masquerade ball, you can opt for interesting contests. A well-written script for an adult company will help you to have fun with the largest holiday in the world.

How to Prepare?
There are many contests and games that will diversify your usual meal. Some of the entertainment can be used for a corporate party and even a family celebration. Competitions for adults for the New Year are presented in a wide variety. Some are designed for a large number of people, while others are suitable for a small group of friends or a couple in love.
For a festive evening to be successful, you need to prepare for it properly.
First, write a script. Decide which games you will use for your entertainment program. Remember to set aside time to sample the festive table and make a few toasts. In between meals, you can be distracted by dancing. In order for the contests to support and not destroy the festive atmosphere, they must be carefully included in the evening program.

An important condition for a game evening is props. You need to prepare the necessary tools after you have completely compiled a list of competitions.In most cases, themed attributes are necessary, and they also help to tune in and get the most out of the entertainment.
Do not forget to prepare symbolic prizes for participants and winners. These can be sweets, Christmas tree decorations, small soft toys, and other souvenirs. It is recommended to purchase gifts with a margin.

You may also need additional materials: cards with tips, a script, answers to competition questions, and so on. It is best to print them out on a computer. This will make them tidier and the text easier to read.
To make the contests more fun, prepare background music. With its help, the gameplay will be more exciting and dynamic.

Original table games
Cool and interesting tasks for a feast are the best way to make a real holiday out of ordinary gatherings. This option is suitable for both a large team and a small group of friends or relatives.

"Remembering the alphabet"
This is a simple drinking game that will help you tune in to a bright celebration. To begin with, the first participant in the event gets up from the table and says a New Year's toast. The latter must start with the first three letters of the alphabet. After the baton is picked up by the next participant sitting next door. The most interesting thing will begin when the participants reach the letter "E" or "Y".

"What's in the box?"
The first step is to prepare certain attributes that will act as artifacts. We hide them in another room. The competition begins from the moment the hosts put one of the artifacts into an empty box.
The remaining guests must guess what is hidden there. To do this, you can ask the presenter various questions: what color is the object, size, and others. To complicate matters, a rule is established that only "Yes" or "No" can be answered to questions. The one who points out receives a mysterious artifact as a gift.

"Mandarin tree"
Board game with fresh fruit. Each party to the holiday must be presented with a tangerine. As soon as the presenter gives the command, everyone begins to peel the citrus fruit and lay out a Christmas tree from the slices. Whoever copes first will win.

"Santa Claus and ..."
A comic competition will cheer up the guests of the celebration and make them turn on their imagination. Everyone knows that the granddaughter of the fabulous grandfather is the Snow Maiden, but there is no story about who is the wife of this fabulous character. It is up to the guests to come up with it. Whoever writes the most interesting and unusual description becomes the winner and takes the prize.

Melt the Heart of the Snow Queen
If you want to include this competition in the New Year's program, you need to prepare a special props - ice in molds. It is distributed to the participants by placing it on small saucers. The host gives the command, and everyone begins to melt the frozen water with the heat of their body. You can use any method: hold it in your hands, breathe, and other options. The winner is the one who is the first to cope with the task. Instead of water, you can freeze juice, wine, and other drinks.

"What's in my mouth?"
In this case, it is necessary to prepare products that were not used in the preparation of holiday dishes. It is better if these are non-standard options, for example, exotic fruits.
The game is played as follows: one participant is blindfolded, the second player treats him to prepared foods. The person who tastes food should not touch it. The winner is the taster who guessed the most products.

"Alphabet fir"
In this case, the game is tied around one of the symbols of the New Year. This is a coniferous tree. Guests must take turns to name the words that contain the word "spruce". For example: Monday, blizzard and other options. You can't repeat and pause more. The player with the last word wins.

This is a simple competition for which you need to prepare special postcards. Print them on a printer.Each guest composes his own original greeting by entering words instead of omissions. The winner of the prize is the one who gets the funniest version.

This competition will awaken pleasant and fond memories of the guests. To begin with, each invitee should write on a piece of paper the name of an object that is associated with his childhood. You need to make a list of several things. All the notes are collected, and then put in a box or bag. The presenter takes out one note at a time and describes the subject indicated there in words. The rest must guess.

"Funny riddles"
With the help of funny riddles, you can quickly defuse the atmosphere and bring the participants of the festive event closer together. The facilitator asks non-standard riddles, the task of the rest is to give the correct answers. Here's one example: "Why complex riddles are dangerous - Because people can break their heads about them."

"New Year's drink"
Using this competition, you can play up alcoholic drinks in an original way. Fun entertainment for a large company. Prepare large glasses or mugs for the game, as well as several options for drinks. Participants must be divided into groups of 2 people. One player is blindfolded, while the other mixes a large number of drinks in a glass.
The task of the participant with closed eyes is to guess what components it consists of.
If your company does not consume alcohol, you can use juices or soda. You can also mix alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

"New Year's sandwich"
This competition is the same as above. The difference is that food is used instead of drinks. The game takes place as follows: one person makes a sandwich from various products, and the second tastes it and must determine as many ingredients as possible.

"Song in the Hat"
Music contests are perfect for celebrating the New Year. In this case, you will need to demonstrate your vocal abilities. Required props: a hat and a set of pieces of paper on which words related to the holiday are written.
Turn on background music. Guests need to take turns taking out notes and coming up with a song using the specified words.

Fun mobile contests
For a party, you can pick up a number of moving contests. On the night of New Year's Eve, light and funny fun will help you plunge into the festive atmosphere. Such entertainment activities are suitable for people of different ages.

"Beauty will save the world"
This competition is great for relaxed companies where I know each other. To carry it out, you need to prepare bright props: wigs, raincoats, clown noses, caps and other things. You can also decorate yourself with balls or serpentine. Calculate the approximate number of props, roughly 3-4 items for each person (the more, the better). A colored card is attached to each item.
After the presenter asks everyone to choose a color. This can be done by drawing lots. After that, all the participants of the holiday dress up in the things that they got. The winner is the one who embodies the most colorful and daring image.

The game known to everyone will help to diversify the New Year's Eve. All guests are divided into two teams. From each group (in turn) one person comes out to play. The presenter gives the outgoing participants a card with a word. The player must describe it without using words (using gestures and facial expressions). A certain amount of time is given to guess. The team that guessed the most words wins.
To make this entertainment themed, you can use words related to the holiday. You can also dress up guests in costumes.

"Making Santa Claus"
Great entertainment to liberate guests. The participants of the holiday can be divided into two teams. Each group is given a set of handy tools with which they will dress up their Santa Claus.The person who will be reincarnated as a fairy-tale character can be chosen by lot. The resulting images are judged for boldness, creativity and originality.

Another popular and widespread game to play at a holiday party. The adult version combines the famous fun and the bottle game. Each player writes wishes on several pieces of paper. Everything is put in a box or bag.
After that, the participants sit in a circle, and place a bottle in the center. The first player rotates it, and the one on whom it stops must fulfill any of the wishes indicated on the paper. The first player can be selected by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors or by drawing lots.
If close friends are invited to the party, the game can be complicated with tricky tasks, for example: dancing an erotic dance or answering a tricky question. When compiling forfeits, remember that you may come across an assignment written by you.

This is a very funny game with a minimum number of participants - 6 people. They are divided into two teams with different numbers of players. One of the members of each team is placed in the center of the room, the rest are blindfolded. Guests who cannot see are given 10 ribbons.
One of the blindfolded participants should decorate with a bow the one who is standing in the center of the room. The second blind player unties the found ribbons. The prizes are taken by the team that will quickly cope with the set goals (the fastest to tie and remove all the bows).

We design the game program
When drawing up a game program for the evening, consider important recommendations.
- If you are looking for entertainment for a small company, refuse contests for which you will need to share between two teams... When choosing such entertainment, remember that you need the same number of people in each group and also a leader.
- The competition program for two may include an erotic version of each entertainment. You can play forfeits and indicate intimate tasks on pieces of paper, for example: take off any item of clothing, dance a striptease or perform another erotic reception. You can also play any other game, and the loser will remove one item after each set.
- If you're hosting a party outside, opt for outdoor activities. They will help not only to get closer to each other, but also to keep warm during the cold season.
- Quizzes and board games are better for home... These are universal options for both a large company and several people.
- Prepare the required amount of props in advance, so as not to waste time on this after the arrival of guests.

Review of contests for the New Year in the video.