How to celebrate the New Year in the country?

Although it is customary to celebrate the New Year in the family circle, every time I want to do it somehow in a special way. It is not necessary to sit at the table at home, you can go somewhere with your family, friends, colleagues. You can, for example, come up with ideas on how to celebrate the New Year in the country.

How to decorate your home?
If the dacha is equipped so that you can live in it both in summer and in winter, this is just a chic option to celebrate the holiday in an unusual way. Even if it is a small house, but there is a stove or at least just electricity, New Year's at the dacha can turn out to be simply unforgettable. Of course, it is worth thoroughly preparing for such an event, especially if there are guests, and among them are children.
On the eve of the holiday, there is already a lot of trouble in terms of organizing a festive table, so you should take care of decorating your home in advance. Both the interior space and the courtyard are easy to arrange with your own hands.
In the house, you can build an impromptu fireplace or decorate the stove. But you need to be very careful when using flammable materials. It is better to place garlands of lights in the house. Candles, small compositions of spruce branches and balls can become a decoration of the table.

A small Christmas tree even in the country will be a decoration of the holiday. Decorating a Christmas tree is an individual matter. The color of toys, tinsel and the number of lights are selected depending on personal preference.
There is a special charm in celebrating the New Year outside the city. This is fresh air, snow, frost, the presence of a forest nearby. Therefore, the courtyard should also resemble a fairy tale. To do this, the outside of the house can be decorated with special lights that are resistant to moisture and frost. The path to the house can also be marked with the help of light elements.
If a coniferous tree grows in the yard, it definitely needs to be decorated, this will make the New Year truly magical. And, of course, this is a chance to mold and decorate a snowman, and even fill a small slide or ice rink. It is already for someone how things are with time and opportunities. After all, even after celebrating the New Year, you can spend several unforgettable days in nature.
By the way, be sure to stock up on firewood, coal and candles in case of an unforeseen blackout.

Features of the New Year's table
It is customary to celebrate the New Year with a table rich in treats. Each year dictates its own rules, depending on which animal, according to the eastern horoscope, comes into its own. In any case, hot dishes, all kinds of salads, fruits, sweets, and various cuts will be present on the table. But the peculiarity of the New Year's table in the country is, of course, the dishes cooked in the fresh air. Most often it is a grill, on which you can cook various options for kebabs, kebabs, bake fish, vegetables, even potatoes and bread. Smoky food will make your New Year's Eve even brighter. After all, cooking on the street is a whole ritual, it unites, sets the tone for the whole holiday.
If the house has a veranda, then you can place the table there - it is more convenient to serve dishes in the heat and to admire the winter landscapes. You just need to make sure that the room is well heated.

Entertainment overview
During the celebration, you can hold a wide variety of games and contests:
- drinking;
- intellectual;
- comic;
- movable;
- musical;
- dance.
There are a lot of options. If there are children at the party, you can split into teams and complete the tasks of Santa Claus. Someone must definitely play this role.

It would be useful to arrange a competition, for example, for the best performance of a New Year's song, the funniest joke, an original costume.
The simplest and funniest food contests can be:
- who cleans the tangerine faster;
- will prepare a new original dish from what is on the table;
- build and decorate a sandwich;
- with his eyes closed, he will taste what he is being fed with.

On this night, you need to find time for dancing, and for communication, and for congratulations, and for presenting gifts. But what is especially great is that there is always the opportunity, dressed warmly, to go outside and play there. Run around the tree, come up with mobile contests, ride each other on sleds. Finally, when it strikes twelve o'clock, go outside and set off fireworks, light the sparklers.

Interesting celebration ideas
The New Year can be celebrated at the dacha in different ways. Perhaps there has always been a dream to stay alone in a romantic setting, away from the bustle of the city. Then the meeting of the holiday will take place not under noisy music and laughter, but in a quiet pleasant atmosphere, with a snowy landscape outside the window, crackling firewood in the stove, with candles on the table.
This New Year's Eve is wonderful because you don't have to make a menu of many dishes. Light snacks, champagne, fruits will be more appropriate. The main thing in this holiday format is communication and a romantic atmosphere.

If you are planning a fun party with friends, you can put on costumes and masks, having agreed in advance about the theme of the holiday. Or, conversely, let each outfit be a surprise to the rest.
If there is a bathhouse on the site, you can flood it on the eve of the New Year, then cheer up in the nearest snowdrift and be sure to drink hot tea with herbs after that, so as not to get sick, but to benefit the body.

For information on how to celebrate the New Year in the country, see the next video.